Everything has it's pussification (Like EVEN If I was a creator, writer, a president, a video game designer...etc if I heard from people I created something weak, I'll admit it or tell me when I have done so), even the most selling manga, just like when you compare Spider-Man trilogy of Tobey Maguire to Spider-Man trilogy to Tom Holland, or comparing video games of then vs now (Just like Mortal Kombat 2011 vs Mortal Kombat X, a game which you beat the final boss Shao Kahn using the god of thunder vs beating the final boss Shinnok using a silly daughter of a classic character who takes selfies and chewing gums instead of using Scorpion whom decapitated his rival whom is also Shinnok's Right hand man in Quan-Chi or EVEN his other rival turned friend/ally Sub-Zero), or comparing Albert Wesker's RE5 game to Resident Evil: Afterlife, or Dr Doom in the Fantasic 4 movies to the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2006, or world leaders of now vs then, athletes then vs now, music then vs now...etc, or when you compare almost anything of now vs then...etc, One Piece is kinda getting weak/soft! here are a few examples of the characters:
Gold Roger Old Design vs Gold Roger New Design
Mr. Prince Sanji vs Simp Sanji:
Beats up Fullbody, gives food to poor people, was the MVP and did genius moves in the Arabasta arc to save his friends
(In that video he did simp a bit for Nami but not too much, he used it as a motivation and was just romantic but not too much oversimping)
Badass Smoker vs Jobber Smoker:
Confronts Dragon & tells the Gorosei and World Government to eat shit!!!!
Gets beaten up by Vergo & Doffy
Edit: Forgot to mention he was beaten by Law and got his body switched with Tashigi
Big Mom Introduction vs How we saw her:
Cannibal Big Mom vs Dumb Big Mom
Kaido Introdcution vs How we saw him
How we thought he'd look like (And the OST that'd be played in his introduction):
How we got him (His design is still fine, same as OST during the introduction as it's same OST as Shiki introduction in Strong World Film but the icing on the cake was how we saw him throughout the series):
Luffy Gear 4/Nightmare Luffy = Serious Luffy vs Luffy Gear 5 = Goofy Luffy
Pre-TS Crocodile & Mihawk vs being underlings to a clown/gag character
Crocodile Pre-TS, when he said he isn't the type to follow anyone
But now, both are following Buggy!!!!
Designing LGBT characters
This is no disrespect to Oda or I'm not trying to offend anyone, tbh this is my opinion, Oda is a fantastic writer tho But tbh, he's a writer like all writers, people call him goda or any bs like this, he's just a man with 2 hands and 2 legs, and also, he said a lot of takes in OP that weren't quite right (see this thread below) nothing stays the same, but also he should end OP or try to find something to end it, otherwise, his series could get weaker or before doing any asspulls that can make the watchers/readers of his manga/anime get annoyed.
Gold Roger Old Design vs Gold Roger New Design
Mr. Prince Sanji vs Simp Sanji:
Beats up Fullbody, gives food to poor people, was the MVP and did genius moves in the Arabasta arc to save his friends

Badass Smoker vs Jobber Smoker:
Confronts Dragon & tells the Gorosei and World Government to eat shit!!!!
Gets beaten up by Vergo & Doffy
Edit: Forgot to mention he was beaten by Law and got his body switched with Tashigi
Big Mom Introduction vs How we saw her:
Cannibal Big Mom vs Dumb Big Mom

Kaido Introdcution vs How we saw him

How we thought he'd look like (And the OST that'd be played in his introduction):

How we got him (His design is still fine, same as OST during the introduction as it's same OST as Shiki introduction in Strong World Film but the icing on the cake was how we saw him throughout the series):
Luffy Gear 4/Nightmare Luffy = Serious Luffy vs Luffy Gear 5 = Goofy Luffy

Pre-TS Crocodile & Mihawk vs being underlings to a clown/gag character
Crocodile Pre-TS, when he said he isn't the type to follow anyone
But now, both are following Buggy!!!!
Designing LGBT characters

This is no disrespect to Oda or I'm not trying to offend anyone, tbh this is my opinion, Oda is a fantastic writer tho But tbh, he's a writer like all writers, people call him goda or any bs like this, he's just a man with 2 hands and 2 legs, and also, he said a lot of takes in OP that weren't quite right (see this thread below) nothing stays the same, but also he should end OP or try to find something to end it, otherwise, his series could get weaker or before doing any asspulls that can make the watchers/readers of his manga/anime get annoyed.
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