Break Week Am I the only one who thinks Vegapunk is not related to Sanji??

I think making theories, prediction, and discussion about two things that have at least one connection is normal, no need to insult them.

Anyway, I think what people meant by "related" is connected in story (MADS stuff, possible Sanji upgrade), whereas OP meant / thinks "related" as in family connection.
Seems people are getting related with confused with connected with.

Vegapunk undoubtedly has a connection to Sanji through Judge and MADS.

There’s nothing to say that he’s related to Sanji i.e. his grandfather yet. And the lack of reaction to Girlpunk to me supports that she’s not meant to look like Sora.
I hope he is, I want to see a new RS.

Dude, Judge worked with Vegapunk in MADS. Just this makes Sanji connected, through Germa 66, to Vegapunk. You can't deny that.
I still remember when everyone but judge's son was going to deal with Queen because knowing judge and being part of Mads didn't mean anything and they talked so much about Jud...I mean King the wildfire.
Btw loved the n°4's arc in PH with Caes... I mean Vergo. :myman:
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