An Analysis: Could Riboku have overthrown the Zhao Monarchy?

Should Riboku have revolted or done what he did?

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Ever since the Zhao conquest has started many fans on this forum, reddit, discord servers, and various other forums have questioned or rather complained/bashed on Riboku not overthrowing or even trying to overthrow the Zhao Monarchy. And now recently with the speech he has given some brought this up again as a form of trolling him while others being serious about it being a negative of his character. SO, I figured why not just put this to rest and just take a depthful look at Riboku and the chances he had at overthrowing the Zhao Monarchy. Please bear with me this is going to be quite the long thread since I will be trying to lay out the field of not only Riboku's personal situation but the general political landscape of China. Then of course I will give my opinion on this whole idea.

Ryofui & Overthrowing of the Qin Monarchy:

I think it is only fair to take a look at the 1 specific revolt that was being done in the main storyline in front of our eyes with immense detail, before we go into Riboku's hypothetical revolt against the Zhao monarchy. So let's dive into what it took Ryofui to come close to overthrowing the Qin Monarchy.

1: Gather fuck ton of money as a merchant, money that arguably is more than even the Qin King himself. Money that could then be used to even buy off powerful politicians of other states like Kakukai from Zhao to manipulate various events.

2: Be close friends with the soon to be king and sell off your lover for your personal gains as a sacrifice.

3: Be lucky that your friend "dies" and the next successors are bunch of kids with relatively no power at all backing them up.

4. Have 2 of the top 5 military generals/talents of the entire state under you. Then also have the most influential politician & diplomat under you.

5. Be thankful that the King from 2 generations ago, King Sho, gathered fuck ton of Talent in Qin. That even after the Qin 6 are gone you still have 3 GGs (Duke/Choutou/Mougou) then having 3 Qin 6 level generals Tou + Ousen + Kanki, who are capable of defending the nation while being outside of the political conflict.

With Ryofui having all of these factors going for him, preparing to become a King since he was a mere teen. Dedicating everything he could and manipulating everything he could for decades to become the King of Qin... he still failed. It took a single betrayal from SHK for him to fail, had that betrayal not happened he probably would've been the King. But that's how delicate a revolt is and that is despite having those numerous things going for him.... So compared to this let's look at our dear Riboku shall we.

Riboku & Overthrowing the Zhao Monarchy:

Riboku unlike Ryofui didn't start off as somebody with grand ambition. Riboku in the same age that Ryofui was already planning up his future success to be the King... was on the battlefield seeking revenge for his fallen family members and getting fucked up in wars.

23 years ago: He meets Houken and changes himself as a soldier, instead of being a reckless warrior jumping into battle he becomes a strategist.

- spends unknown amount of time in Ganmon building up his reputation.

12 years ago: After Renpa leaves Zhao, leaving Zhao with no Great Heaven. Riboku steps up as a Zhao 3 after Renpa's departure and succeeds in killing the Xiongnu and right after takes down a Qin 6 in Ouki. Two back to back huge victories for Zhao that weakened both of Zhao's biggest enemies, the Xiongnu and the Qin.

11 years ago: Forms an alliance with Qin, and takes territory from Yan while solidfying Zhao defenses as the only Great3 caliber general. While at the sametime takes on the duties of a prime minister.

10 years ago: Sees through SHK's plan to conquer China with Sanyou, then proceeds to neg-diff Gekishin and Yan, taking more territory. Then goes out to each state to form the coalition.

9 years ago: Orchestrates the Coalition army invasion. Fails and loses all his powers.

7 years ago: Riboku returns to Kantan and starts building up the Zhao military again, with Chu & Qin standing out as the two superpowers of China.

5 years ago: The Keisha campaign happens, he then meets with Ei Sei and starts building fortifications for Zhao.

4 years ago: Qin invades, he loses and goes into retreat at Seika after being hunted by the new Zhao king.

2 years ago: Riboku returns again after making buddies buddies and recruiting Seika + bolstering up the Ganmon armies.

1 year ago: Kills Kanki and starts bolstering up the Zhao military again.

Present: We are in another Qin vs Zhao war.

Comparing Riboku to Ryofui's timeline for more clear understanding the difference:

Riboku in his teens and up to when he meets Houken was fighting battles recklessly for revenge - Ryofui was making money and political connections.

Riboku then was defending people of Ganmon from the Xiongnu - Ryofui was making money and recruiting military and political personnel under him.

Riboku then just 11 years ago achieves the position of prime minister - Ryofui is a chancellor at this time and arguably the richest man in China.

Riboku's best underlings being Keisha & Bananji - Ryofui's best underlings being SHK, Moubu, Saitaku & Rishi. 2 Qin6 level talents, top politician, top diplomat in china.

Riboku bore the responsibilities of top general+ PM + CoM - Ryofui was simply the PM equivalent in responsbilities.

Comparing state of Qin & state of Zhao Military:

Qin military wise:
- Tou, Shouheikun, Moubu, Mougou, Choutou, Duke Hyou, Ousen, Kanki, Yotanwa
- Rising stars of Ouhon, Mouten, Rokoumi, Shin, Kyoukai, etc.
- Fuck ton of strong subordinate generals

Zhao military wise:
- Riboku, Kouchou, Chou Haku
- Rising stars of Futei and Kaine
- Bananji, Keisha, SSJ, CGR, Gyou'un, and some other mid generals

That is a MASSIVE difference in military prowess. We'll get to why this is important down below.

When could Riboku have revolted?

The answer is... never, unless was a gonna be a dumbfuck.

In order for Ryofui to come close to overthrowing the monarchy, he became the richest man in China. He held arguably the most political sway we've seen from a non-king character. He had connections in other nations where he was able to manipulate political scenes. He was able to do all of this because he doesn't have to worry about fighting wars, his underlings do that for him. He had underlings that took care of various state responsibilities. HAVING ALL OF THAT....... he failed because of 1 simple betrayal.

Riboku on the other hand:
-> He doesn't have the money, THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR
-> He doesn't have the powerful underlings
-> He doesn't have the political sway until only 11 years ago, and even then it's nowhere close to Ryofui's
-> He loses part of that political power after the coalition failure
-> He then has to spend time building up the Zhao military since Renpa left Zhao and from the coalition failure


- But let's even entertain this idea that he could've revolted when Renpa left, because he couldn't before that due to the Xiongnu. Instead of taking out Ouki and then building the Zhao military up, taking Yan territory then killing Gekishin and taking more Yan territory... he decides to revolt against the Monarchy. Do you know what's gonna happen? Qin will be coming rolling right in and fucking Zhao in the ass with Ouki more than likely being head of it or Moubu with Duke Hyou. OR Gekishin and Ordo waiting to take some territory... or Chu wanting to expand more... or Wei tryna get more territory with RENPA at the helm now or even better got damn Ouken wanting to reconquer more territory that Qi used to have.

- Alright no problem, let's fast forward to post-coalition. He doesn't have the political influence anymore from the failure of the army. On top of that Qin was having a military resurgence thanks to the big W at the coalition, with becoming a superpower along with the already powerhouse Chu. Then of course you have Qi, who was about to be targeted by the Coalition, they would've spared no time targeting a civil war ravaged Zhao.

- However, let's even skip this and come closer to when he's contacting Shibashou. He should've teamed up with Shibashou and just taken down Kantan.... Well.... Ousen & Kanki would be there on the borders happily ready to invade the moment Riboku & Shibashou start the civil war, ready to take vast number of Zhao territory, and possibly just even attack them with a pincer.

So really at no point in time would it ever make sense for Riboku to start a rebellion against the Zhao Monarchy when he's got enemies all over the borders ready to take Zhao territory... and the sole reason they haven't been able to do so after Renpa left is because of Riboku. Even when Riboku went into exile, the threat of Riboku's return still kept countries in check and cautious. Hell it was also Riboku's plan that kept Ousen and co checked up for a year after his exile to Seika.

BUT let's assume he does succeed:

He becomes the King. But after becoming the King he can't be the top general anymore. Those two things don't correlate at all. Since the duties of a King that Ei Sei takes care of can't be done while also doing the shit Shouheikun + Ousen do. So you're really gonna end up hindering Riboku's capabilities and burn the dude out.


He puts Prince Ka on the throne, but he now has to babysit the young king to make sure no other political bs happens in order to manipulate the young king. And all the political drama that's going to be coming with it. Especially if this happens while Ryofui is alive, you can bet that mf Ryofui is gonna be doing his top tier manipulation lmao.


In conclusion, Riboku does not have the actually faculties available to him to carry out a successful revolution, but he also simply is not in a situation where he can carry out a revolution while still being able to maintain or protect his nation. A person who was politically more powerful and had way more resources AND had WAY more time to prepare than him failed in his revolution while also having the privilege of multiple Qin 6 level generals protecting the borders. Expecting a successful one from Riboku is essentially asking him to be a god, like bruh has to go from dealing with the Xiongnu to now carrying out a revolution against his nation out of nowhere.

And for people who question why doesn't he abandon his country and go to a different one instead of serving under people like Toujou... like Renpa did. Well cause he's patriotic. That's it. It's been continously stressed at the start of the unification and even during it, people care about the nation they're from even if they don't care about the Kings. People care about the history of Zhao, they care about the culture their ancestors developed, they care about their separate identity. And Riboku cares about those people. It's that simple.

So it comes down to essentially: Do I want to protect and build upon the nation we have? or Do I want to try reconstructing it with 90% chance we'd lose fuck ton of territory and maybe even the capital itself?

And Riboku simply chose the former, which I personally wholeheartedly respect him for doing. And him still continuing to do so after what the monarchy has done to him just makes him even more respectable.

Please share your opinions and thoughts!
In manga he definitely could have done it. Maybe not installing himself as king, but making the king a puppet and being the power behind the throne like Ryofui was in the beginning? Absolutely. He had Kochou and his armies ready to go and kill whoever in order to save him.

What military power did Kakukai and the other retard politicians have to oppose him? That fodder general of the east, at most? Lol. Riboku deposing the king and naming himself as the next king would have caused internal problems that Zhao can't afford with Qin invading, but putting the good prince on the throne with Riboku moving the strings behind was definitely possible. That they just meekly accepted a clearly forged last will is simply stupid.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

I think Riboku have what it takes to overthrown the Zhao government.

He pretty much are the "king" of the North, supported by many. Plus other Zhao generals respected him (Kochou, Shibashou, Kisui, etc.)

Riboku's politic skill might not be the best of the best but it's sufficient enough to cause a political revolt with all the resources he has. Prince Ka is there if Riboku wants him to be the next king and the military vassals he has is enough to take over Zhao's Royal Army.

But obviously, that's not in Riboku's character. Doing so would affect Riboku's reputation badly but it would positively prevents nations like Qin from invading Zhao if Riboku succeeded in political succession.
In manga he definitely could have done it. Maybe not installing himself as king, but making the king a puppet and being the power behind the throne like Ryofui was in the beginning? Absolutely. He had Kochou and his armies ready to go and kill whoever in order to save him.

What military power did Kakukai and the other retard politicians have to oppose him? That fodder general of the east, at most? Lol. Riboku deposing the king and naming himself as the next king would have caused internal problems that Zhao can't afford with Qin invading, but putting the good prince on the throne with Riboku moving the strings behind was definitely possible. That they just meekly accepted a clearly forged last will is simply stupid.
The armies of Kantan that turned on his ass the moment they were given the order.
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I think Riboku have what it takes to overthrown the Zhao government.

He pretty much are the "king" of the North, supported by many. Plus other Zhao generals respected him (Kochou, Shibashou, Kisui, etc.)

Riboku's politic skill might not be the best of the best but it's sufficient enough to cause a political revolt with all the resources he has. Prince Ka is there if Riboku wants him to be the next king and the military vassals he has is enough to take over Zhao's Royal Army.

But obviously, that's not in Riboku's character. Doing so would affect Riboku's reputation badly but it would positively prevents nations like Qin from invading Zhao if Riboku succeeded in political succession.
When should he have revolted?
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Right after the battle of Bayou where Riboku got rose to the rank of Prime Minister. And all of his subjects were still alive by then.
He had just become the Prime Minister. For context, Ryofui spent years as a Chancellor and still didn't outright just kill Ei Sei & Seikyou by using Moubu & SHK. Do you think majority of the country is going to turn against the monarchy to side with a guy who just got the PM position....thanks to the King himself?

Warchief Sanji D Goat

He had just become the Prime Minister. Do you think majority of the country is going to turn against the monarchy to side with a guy who just got the PM position....thanks to the King himself?
Zhao citizens likes Riboku more than the actual king himself. So I think it'll be fine.

If not then right before Coalition War will do.
Zhao citizens likes Riboku more than the actual king himself. So I think it'll be fine.

If not then right before Coalition War will do.
- Riboku was an unknown to the point Renpa himself had no such awareness of Zhao having a top notch general like him. As he had spent majority of time in the isolated regions of the north... why exactly would the citizens of Kantan and other non-north regions like him? And majority of the normal people don't even know about their Kings like that, and there isn't anything mentioned about Toujou creating bad policies for the state of Zhao either. So there also isn't some flames of revolution or disdain towards Toujou brewing among the citizens.

You're also then leaving out influential families of Zhao (remember Ei Sei spent fuck ton of time trying to gather influential families of Kanyou under him), majority of them would be with the King. The army for a vast majority would be controlled by them as well.

- Right before the Coalition war, hmmm. So right after Qin captures Sanyou to start the conquest of China? Basically Riboku would start a civil war, that would give Shouheikun the chance to invade Zhao and take fuck ton of Zhao territory. He then also won't be beating Gekishin since the plan to beat Gekishin was for the coalition army.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

- Riboku was an unknown to the point Renpa himself had no such awareness of Zhao having a top notch general like him. As he had spent majority of time in the isolated regions of the north... why exactly would the citizens of Kantan and other non-north regions like him? And majority of the normal people don't even know about their Kings like that, and there isn't anything mentioned about Toujou creating bad policies for the state of Zhao either. So there also isn't some flames of revolution or disdain towards Toujou brewing among the citizens.
Fair points. I guess Riboku needs more time to be popular with the non-North area. It's not that Toujou didn't create bad policies, just that he doesn't care about the people lol. He lets them do whatever the hell they want.
You're also then leaving out influential families of Zhao (remember Ei Sei spent fuck ton of time trying to gather influential families of Kanyou under him), majority of them would be with the King. The army for a vast majority would be controlled by them as well.
I don't remember this part. Mind if I get a reminder?
- Right before the Coalition war, hmmm. So right after Qin captures Sanyou to start the conquest of China? Basically Riboku would start a civil war, that would give Shouheikun the chance to invade Zhao and take fuck ton of Zhao territory. He then also won't be beating Gekishin since the plan to beat Gekishin was for the coalition army.
Okay, maybe I should clarify better.

After defeating Gekishin should be the best timing for a rebellion.

Qin is still recovering from the battle of Sanyou and I doubt Shouheikun would mobilize another huge army just to take some lands of Zhao. At least not with Wei on their ass.
Speaking strictly in the context of the Kingdom manga, yes. Ri Boku could easily win a civil war against the royal establishment and replace it with another of his choosing.

Trouble is, the surroundings states wouldn't just sit on the sidelines. They would take advantage of a civil war by invading and annexing as much territory as they could as fast as they could.

Qin would invade from the west, Yan from the north and Wei from the south. Han and Qi might feel froggy under the right circumstances.

Even if Ri Boku launched a successful coup overnight, he would not be able to hold together such a fragile kingdom. It would be the end of the nation and all he has fought for as a "true patriot" of Zhao.
Fair points. I guess Riboku needs more time to be popular with the non-North area. It's not that Toujou didn't create bad policies, just that he doesn't care about the people lol. He lets them do whatever the hell they want.

I don't remember this part. Mind if I get a reminder?

Okay, maybe I should clarify better.

After defeating Gekishin should be the best timing for a rebellion.

Qin is still recovering from the battle of Sanyou and I doubt Shouheikun would mobilize another huge army just to take some lands of Zhao. At least not with Wei on their ass.
Ngl to you bruh, but if Riboku attempts a rebellion while Ryofui is in full power and is the big man in Qin, he'll have the time of his life manipulating the Zhao political scene.

Not even Ryofui, Shoubunkun and co had people infiltrated in the Zhao court too.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Ngl to you bruh, but if Riboku attempts a rebellion while Ryofui is in full power and is the big man in Qin, he'll have the time of his life manipulating the Zhao political scene.

Yeah Ryofui will be Riboku's biggest pain in the ass to deal with lol.

And Ryofui's politic skills are definitely way above of that Riboku's proven after Bayou arc where Riboku couldn't diminish Ryofui's deal of getting a Zhao city through Riboku without the permission of the king.
The armies of Kantan that turned on his ass the moment they were given the order.
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When should he have revolted?
Riboku was able to mobilize the armies of the capital when the pedo king died. At that moment, before sending them out of the city he tells them "bring me Kakukai and cronies heads" and everything would have been settled. Or just use Bananji's army which was waiting outside the capital after you send the capital armies out.

Then you have prince Ka on the throne and Riboku with free reign to do his thing and nobody can dispute them since all the important military guys are in love with Riboku, anyone who tries to pull any funny shit gets crushed.

Warchief Sanji D Goat
