Anime is the best medium and here's why

Live action would be limited by actors, It prevents certain expressions or body posturing that could be needed for a scene to work
Also you cant get iconic looks typically as your bound by the actors and if your doing cgi, It might aswell just be done in a animated format anyway

Video games have some problems as they work more as game which means they are not cohesive to tell a story and are often limiting in that regard like take kakarot where 17 and 18 are plot wise supposed to utterly destroy gohan but they cant as the game needs you to win from a gameplay perspective.
There's also other issues with games such as them suffering from accessibility issues where they become hard to obtain both due to price and the things required just to use one contrast that with anime where it's fairly easy to get ahold of.

Radio and text based formats like books
both of these formats suffer from the lack of visual expression which means it's impossible to give a setting or character real definable looks beyond maybe a cover or statement in the book itself which helps but needing to desdesribe details while necessary because of the format clogs up time which could be better spent if it was within a visual medium such as animated works like anime

Comic and manga have the same problems as books wherein the lack of visuals really do prevent the medium from getting far especially when most titles in this format are action based something that requires pretty precise idea on how things are moving about and that can be very hard to do with still images also this is something that live action and animated media have over everything else that being sound design like you cant pump up a hype moment with music fitting that tone nor can you have somber music to fit a sad tone
A series that has got to involve massive action like Dragon Ball is more fun to watch than simply read personally for instance.
I disagree, You could never do the trunks special in manga form as a example due to the sound track and animation that made it stick as much as it did, Imagine trunks over gohan's dead body but instead of him slowly breaking down and losing himself to anger rather he just has no reaction
You cannot express emotions in a image as much as you can in a sequence like you couldt get the same lighting or somber music that made the scene as good was



Zoro Worshipper
I disagree, You could never do the trunks special in manga form as a example due to the sound track and animation that made it stick as much as it did, Imagine trunks over gohan's dead body but instead of him slowly breaking down and losing himself to anger rather he just has no reaction
You cannot express emotions in a image as much as you can in a sequence like you couldt get the same lighting or somber music that made the scene as good was


Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Genre fiction? 🤔
Lord of the Rings type of books. He is basically being a book gatekeeper deciding how much "proper" the person is judging by what they read. And he presumes i only read genre fiction when in reality my top 2 out f 3 books are all from Italian renesainsance
I can agree to a degree. Anime gives you visuals far better than a manga and it also has sounds to make the watcher more immersed yet the problem for me is that anime as a medium is often used as a "2nd level" medium like in One piece, Naruto etc. Etc.

Oda makes OP by making his weekly manga then TOEI or I don't know who translates it into an anime but that is way worse compared to the original manga because:
1) Only the manga is canon, the anime can add some superficial stuff but only irrelevant and still not canon.
2) You can read an OP chapter in 5 minutes while an anime has to last at least 20 minutes so you get redundant and boring stuff to fill that gap (secondary character reactions). Sometimes you even get filler episodes, see Naruto.
3) The anime as a 2nd lvl medium sometimes fail at bringing the original atmosphere from the original medium (the manga). To make an example I love HxH, I love the early anime too but with the 2013 version some characters for me seemed way more childish compared to the manga.

Anyway those are the only big faults I can see. If they are original creations we can have masterpieces like Gurren Lagann, Evangelion, Full metal alchemist and so on.

Also about the books it is true you only have words yet you can use your imagination to fill the gaps (it is for sure a good exercise). Anyway in the end the best works of fiction are still books, people tried to take bestsellers on tv, cinema etc. But they were either way below the original. Probably another good points of books is that they leave you the time to think about what you are reading and are not chained to follow the flow of the action (if you don't want to pause/unpause but that is weird).
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Lord of the Rings type of books. He is basically being a book gatekeeper deciding how much "proper" the person is judging by what they read. And he presumes i only read genre fiction when in reality my top 2 out f 3 books are all from Italian renesainsance
Divina commedia? Decamerone?
1) Only the manga is canon, the anime can add some superficial stuff but only irrelevant and still not canon.

You came into a thread about anime being the best medium and you honestly think somebody with a clear interest in anime would see canon as correct when the target of you manga fans would be my exact position

I dont get like how devaluing and speaking ill of something that alot more people like really brings people into manga, Your marketing tactic needs work like shiting on the more popular medium just makes you come off as salty that the naruto manga has less reactions and comments on manga sites then a more minor anime like date a live has within it's anime chat like there's a reason why things like kiss anime are targeted versus manga panda. It's just that anime brings more money and attention then anyone manga can and you can stay salty about anime being successful as your campaign while it has changed the majority's opinions however it has not changed their buying practices so us anime fans have won over you manga fans where it matters financially.

2) You can read an OP chapter in 5 minutes while an anime has to last at least 20 minutes so you get redundant and boring stuff to fill that gap (secondary character reactions). Sometimes you even get filler episodes, see Naruto.
Filler is just anything not in the manga. I dont really care if something would not be in a manga as im not interested in manga and could care less what story lines take place inside of it.
Also naruto has included these same omg evil bad fillers in it's manga as has dbz with naruto adding raiga to the manga who was originally an anime only character and dragon ball adding south kai who was originally just anime only aswell.

Canon has never been a objective thing or an actual argument but rather the ploy of anime haters who are salty that their medium does not get as much attention or money as manga does. You think it's just circumstance that the same people who de cry filler are the same ones who also say they hate anime and love manga no rather that's your group's true colors and you dont have to hide that as you dont have somebody holding you to a flame say for me

The anime as a 2nd lvl medium sometimes fail at bringing the original atmosphere from the original medium (
Typically it's just the same scenes with just better visuals and sound design to boot. Anime is just a objectively better medium then manga but your free to your own tastes however you cant really debunk the argument of it being better as you yourself kinda conceded to within the first paragraph.
Anime also often has better plot as it explore ideas beyond what the manga presented like take naruto shippuden where we get additional backstory on say kakashi and his days serving as a anbu black ops member though you sometimes get stupid stuff like the ostrich ninja but that's the minority of anime content really with manga fans just over exaggerating the degree of slap stick in the anime to show how bad naruto as a anime would be ignoring that part 1 naruto in manga had way stupider and goofier slap stick humor with naruto darting in kiba's face and using sexy jutsu on men causing them to comedically bleed from their noses but of course slap stick humor is only fine when the manga does but when the anime does it then it's evil and really tabuu but guess you can afford to be biased when your the majority view point

or me seemed way more childish compared to the manga.

You just like manga and hate anime like you no evidence to suggest it's more childish and infact the evidence suggests otherwise with the manga looking like a two yr old made it versus the anime looking professional but do keep making assertions without proper reason goes to show how manga fans cant argue but rather can only feel

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Anyway those are the only big faults I can see. If they are original creations we can have masterpieces like Gurren Lagann, Evangelion, Full metal alchemist and so on.

If you watched eva then do tell what is rei, I doubt you know as you manga fans only like manga as if that was not obvious.
I only like anime and could never get into manga not just because it's a inferior product but i have a hatred for the fanbase surrounding it plus doing as manga fans want does not interest when not one of them would ever give anime a chance. It's a very my side versus you guys thing so yea never reading manga so you can majorly thank yourselves for that
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There's no objective best medium. There are experiences you can get from books, video games, live ation shows or movies, etc... that you can't get from anime.
There's no objective best medium. There are experiences you can get from books, video games, live ation shows or movies, etc... that you can't get from anime.
I disagree as you can look what medium offers more and what has better potential. I pretty well explained this in the op