Speculations Any chance Zoro met Kuina in the Underworld?

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I've been focused on Zoro meeting Ryuma and Oden, but... what about Kuina? Isn't that the person Zoro has the most regrets towards? What if Zoro met Kuina after he met "Death", and went to the Underworld?
I've been focused on Zoro meeting Ryuma and Oden, but... what about Kuina? Isn't that the person Zoro has the most regrets towards? What if Zoro met Kuina after he met "Death", and went to the Underworld?
He said he went to hell, kuina doesn't seem like a bad person so I don't think she'll be there
This. Why would Kuina be in the Underworld to begin with? :gokulaugh:

But, wait, why did Zoro go to hell, then? Because he is an atheist? :quest:
This. Why would Kuina be in the Underworld to begin with? :gokulaugh:

But, wait, why did Zoro go to hell, then? Because he is an atheist? :quest:
I've always said zoro is more of an anti-hero/necessary evil rather than a good person, he used to hunt down and kill people for a living and his dream is to kill mihawk in order to prove that he is the best swordsman, he's not exactly heaven material
I don’t think Zoro actually went to the underworld. He never actually died he was just very likely on the brink of death because of the mink medicine.
In that case he would have said the same thing he did against mr1 that he was standing at death gate

Intsead of saying he literally went there and came back not to mention his new title as KOH. Oda is definitely revisiting this later on could even tie to how Zoro forges his first black blade
I've always said zoro is more of an anti-hero/necessary evil rather than a good person, he used to hunt down and kill people for a living and his dream is to kill mihawk in order to prove that he is the best swordsman, he's not exactly heaven material
The people he killed were not innocents, though. How did that warrant hell for Zoro?

Mihawk is not a scumbag like Doffy or Spandam, but he is no saint either.
The people he killed were not innocents, though. How did that warrant hell for Zoro?

Mihawk is not a scumbag like Doffy or Spandam, but he is no saint either.
It's not like mihawk did anything wrong that zoro knows of, plus zoro doesn't know or care about the pirates he hunts down, he could've killed a "good" pirate without being aware of it

Zoro himself said he walks down a path of carnage, like I said he's more of an anti-hero than a goody two shoes