Questions & Mysteries Anyone else feel like quitting manga/anime altogether after OP ends?

There is still a solid formula Oda loves to follow and abuse, damsel/princess in distress, dictator oppressing island needs to be taken down and some other stuff but for the most part, he does try to keep things fresh and interesting and he does succeed.

Its just Oda reusing some plot elements like what I mentioned along with Luffy losing multiple times, having to buy time to recharge/recover, relying on allies constantly but also getting most of the hype/credit too and so on.
Those are just the canvas. The real storytelling being those is very diverse.

Plus we must not forget that to create an impactfull theme, the repetition of said theme is an absolute necessity. That's why One Piece seems so powerfull and why you can easily pinpoint thematic construction in One Piece contrary to stries like My HEro which is completely all over the place for example.

Other series are constantly put under pressure to try and match the success OP
That's indeed a problem. People need to understand that a story of One Piece is not only unique in the manga industry it's also unique in the storytelling history in itself. Despite being a shonen story, One Piece has specificity to be the type of story that we will talk about in 100/200 hundreds of years from now. It's not just "good" it's revolutionnary in term of storytelling. Of course it has flaws, a lot of them but they don't negate that fact.

And that's an issue from the industry because it setsup a standard that is unattainable at least not without years of works and a lot of chances.

- My hero has a nice world but the story is completely unfocused and the drawings are made for comics, not Manga.
- Bleach world was too cramped and the story was too linear
- Dragon Ball(Z+) has an interesting world but there is no narration whatsowever put into the content
- Naruto had a shot to be amazing, but it lost himself because of a lackof narrative preparation (the ending needed a LOT MORE setup than it had)
- The Seven deadly sin quickly collapsed on itself in term of narration
- Rave/Fairy Tail/Eden Zero are inexistant in term of narration.
- I actually have a good memory of FMA, I should reread that to see where the problems are
- SNK is narratively interesting, but the artistic side doesn't follow..
- OPM is based on a single concept but behind that, it's empty.

The industry must favorize shorter or less ambitious stories or it will not progress.
Those are just the canvas. The real storytelling being those is very diverse.

Plus we must not forget that to create an impactfull theme, the repetition of said theme is an absolute necessity. That's why One Piece seems so powerfull and why you can easily pinpoint thematic construction in One Piece contrary to stries like My HEro which is completely all over the place for example.

That's indeed a problem. People need to understand that a story of One Piece is not only unique in the manga industry it's also unique in the storytelling history in itself. Despite being a shonen story, One Piece has specificity to be the type of story that we will talk about in 100/200 hundreds of years from now. It's not just "good" it's revolutionnary in term of storytelling. Of course it has flaws, a lot of them but they don't negate that fact.

And that's an issue from the industry because it setsup a standard that is unattainable at least not without years of works and a lot of chances.

- My hero has a nice world but the story is completely unfocused and the drawings are made for comics, not Manga.
- Bleach world was too cramped and the story was too linear
- Dragon Ball(Z+) has an interesting world but there is no narration whatsowever put into the content
- Naruto had a shot to be amazing, but it lost himself because of a lackof narrative preparation (the ending needed a LOT MORE setup than it had)
- The Seven deadly sin quickly collapsed on itself in term of narration
- Rave/Fairy Tail/Eden Zero are inexistant in term of narration.
- I actually have a good memory of FMA, I should reread that to see where the problems are
- SNK is narratively interesting, but the artistic side doesn't follow..
- OPM is based on a single concept but behind that, it's empty.

The industry must favorize shorter or less ambitious stories or it will not progress.
As someone that likes, but doesnt love FMA, its a great narrative. But you cant compare it to a long running narrative like one piece. The characters all experience their arcs within a well timed framed and it feels complete because its just over 100 chapters. Wheras one piece is so long and with so many characters that often times you're left thinking, "what does this character do or think".

Its like the walking dead. After a character has their arc, they kinda just exist and show up every now and again to kill some zombies.

FMA is more like Avatar The Last Air Bender. Short, sweet, and everyone feels like they are well on their journey all throughout.
I´m currently following JJK, chainsaw man and OP. Those are the last ones i think i´m gonna watch tbh, i feel like i´m getting way too old for this type of stuff and the current generation of mangas SUCK compared to watch we had from late 90s to late 00s.

OP gonna retire me from this world of anime.
Have u read Vagabond before? More mature, action packed and is probably the most beautifully drawn manga period
I mean I basically quit manga along time ago and don't much like one piece anymore. I'm way behind on beserk, Hajime no ippo, hxh etc and don't think I will pick backup on them till years later. Anime has to much money in the circuit as such they aren't quality anymore. Pmly thing I know I'm going to watch is Vinland season 2.
I do heard about it but never got the time to read it lmao.
Im the same way. It too 10 years of recommendations before i finally read berserk. I also have a bad habit of liking something but never finishing it. I started "Monster" 5 years ago but stopped half way even though i liked it.

But "ravages" has over 500 chapters, so its definitely one of those series you read when you have nothing the fuck else to do and want to get lost in a story.
I'll abandon the community soon enough

There remains no point in generic entertainment ofc good stories will come and go but my drive to look forward to it is null

I'll prolly read oldies like beserk and vagabond.. The cream of the crop for some actual depth but that's bout it.
I have a lot of backlogs man...manga, novels, books, series, games to play etc....haven't been doing anything...just work and sleep most of the time. Weekends are mostly sleep while watching some stuff. Want to play some pokemon nuzlocke too...only issue I only like to binge something...and currently I don't have time to binge.
For some reason when I took a 3 year One Piece hiatus post WCI I did so to the other manga on my reading list (Kingdom & OPM basically) even though I enjoy these 2 more than OP. So when it comes to weekly reading I was only ever interested in OP and prefer to read other manga in big blocks.

That said, I have too much free time this year which is the reason I decided to join the forum and get back into mangas, but soon that won't be the case so I'll probably take another long ass break lol

I don't think I'm ever going to start a new manga, the ones I'm reading I started like 8 years ago
I still got Kingdom and Hajime no Ippo so I definitely ain't quitting manga soon. Plus plenty of others I'm catching up on like Kaiji, Jojo. Even if I didn't have stuff I plan to follow, I'd probably keep reading manga.
One piece basically is already over with the end of Wano bit yours is a good plan. Anyway there is a lot of stuff which was on par even better then One piece when it was in its prime. Talking about HxH, but these are my tastes.

Your could try that, or even Tower of God, it is a manhwa (korean manga) which seems to be pretty good. Going from your avatar maybe you will like JoJo, I heard there is a new season on the making. There is a lot of stuff you may like but your statement about being too old for this stuff is not wrong too. Actually for me there are not really interesting series anymore still I give a look left and right to stuff I enjoy at least a little.
As someone who quit Dota and League, its definitely for the best in the long run! Great job on quitting! I call it Defense of the Addiction for good reason, I was addicted to it for YEARS even beyond my TF2 and L4D addictions and it fucked up my life massively. Genuinely like a hard drug or something.

Never played League (always a Dota guy since 6.6x patches). Yeah I started playing with my cousins about a year ago, it was pretty fun as a 5 stack, they played so bad I dropped 1-1.5k MMR. But then they start quitting because 1 became a father, another is getting married next month, another had exams coming up. So I was the only one still left playing, I decided to quit too. It's never been that much of an addiction for me, I am content with playing 1-2 games a day, a little more on the weekends or holidays. It's just that I find it hard to watch stuff (movies/seasons) as relaxing in some free time. Luckily the World Cup was starting so it was easier to quit Dota. Thinking of rejoining the gym and a martial arts club now.

But I agree in the long run it is quite good to drop Dota, idk which server you played but I used to play on SEA, and damn that is the worst. You are on a good winning streak and suddenly you get matched up with a carry Juggernaut who goes radiance, ethereal build and dies in 3 hits to the enemy mid SF. This retard shit way of losing games really sours the mood for quite some time.
One Piece isn't even the best thing I'm reading, just the most nostalgic.

Black Clover and My Hero are likely also coming to an end soon but there will always be plenty new manga to read/anime to watch. Everything starts off new, just give em a chance. There's no age cap on this either, manga is timeless.

Hopefully SIU's health improves and he finishes Tower of God because that is the best thing I'm reading.


The Sol King
There are a lot of good manga/anime, you need to look for them among the heaps of garbage though.

The biggest problem with ongoing mangas is the ending, authors always mess it up. If you want something good from start to end go with finished manga.
Well, One Piece for me is not only something I watch/read. I took on the responsibility of translating the manga to Hebrew, which doesn't have an official translation. I also help my team with translating the anime, so I'm certainly not going to quit until the series is over. After that, who knows? I will surely find another project to call my hobby, it might be related to manga/anime and it might not. What certain is - I will follow my heart, as I always do.
For some reason when I took a 3 year One Piece hiatus post WCI I did so to the other manga on my reading list (Kingdom & OPM basically) even though I enjoy these 2 more than OP. So when it comes to weekly reading I was only ever interested in OP and prefer to read other manga in big blocks.

That said, I have too much free time this year which is the reason I decided to join the forum and get back into mangas, but soon that won't be the case so I'll probably take another long ass break lol

I don't think I'm ever going to start a new manga, the ones I'm reading I started like 8 years ago
Man there used to be a time when I was excited to read OPM.2021 OPM might be the best stretch of chapters for me ever.But I cant imagine a series go down in gutter as soon as OPM.The narrative, theme, storytelling all gone down.
It is a part seinen still doing fakeout, asspull powerup, incomplete finish.MA arc lasted for 6+ years and Garaou finish was way worse than I could have imagined.Garou went from one of my fav antagonist to bottom tier,even Kaido didnt go down as bad.
All hopes are lost to me now.Hope webcomic gets resumed someday.
I follow series irregularly after MA arc and that also due to art