Character Discussion Aokiji Is Akainu’s Equal In Terms Of Character And Plot Relevance

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Hello everyone,

Quick thread today. I often see people treating Akainu like he is some standout Marine, the strongest Marine of all time and clearly above the other Admirals. This is completely untrue. While Akainu may be marginally to slightly superior to his fellow Admirals in extremely long drawn out conflicts, the other Admirals stand at the pinnacle just like Akainu does.

In particular Aokiji who is Akainu’s true foil and opposite, just as directly relevant to the plot of this series as Akainu is.

Both Akainu and Aokiji surrendered their Admiral ranks and epithets in opposite directions. Sakazuki becomes the Fleet Admiral:

Kuzan becomes a wandering hobo initially before becoming a Yonko Commander:

Sakazuki gets promoted only to find the Fleet Admiral rank frustrating and limiting, where as Kuzan gives up his entire life as a Marine only to truly find that he can now live the way he has always wanted to.

Both Akainu and Aokiji are apparently considered contenders for One Piece:

And now we find out that Kuzan may even have aspirations of targeting Imu himself?

Akainu and Aokiji have always existed as two opposite, but equal presences in the manga, as illustrated by their Devil Fruits, personalities, and their philosophies on Justice all being opposites.

Oda even made them fight the most insane 1v1 battle in the history of the One Piece world to illustrate them as opposites even further:

In Oda’s mind, these are two opposite yet equal characters with opposite yet equal rolls in the plot. I can’t sympathize with anyone who acts like Akainu is just this whole other level of character to the other Admirals in terms of strength or relevance, but especially Aokiji who is written to be his actual equal.

“Oh but Aokiji lost the fight,” yeah after 10 days of fucking equal combat lmfao. That’s not a strength gap, that is a roll of the dice in terms of who is actually stronger.

If we want to look at feats, Aokiji literally has some of the absolute best feats in the entire manga. He looked strong as all hell against Whitebeard:

Aokiji has literally negged more strong Yonko Commanders than any other character in this manga has, defeating:
-San Juan Wolf
-Vasco Shot (twice)
-Doc Q

He had an equal fist fight with Garp, tanked multiple huge Haki attacks from Garp and ultimately captured him:

Like, Aokiji is that dude in terms of feats. Literally some of the most undeniably top tier feats in the whole series.

To be clear I think all Admirals are equal/near equal to Akainu but Aokiji especially is just specifically written to be Akainu’s equal and opposite foil in terms of narrative and power.

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Wee-man @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @Djordje @RyoQ @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @[No Name] @King7 @Darkrai1381 @DarkWitch @Mr. Anderson


Lazy is the way
Akainu is definitely above Kuzan and the other admirals

no if or maybe, he is

He is the FA, and he gained that title beating Kuzan

That was not a roll of a dice, it was a victory, because Akainu ended up stronger

And Kuzan lost a leg, he is now weaker than before.

As their importance in the story I can agree with you. Kuzan and Akainu are the two most important admirals no question. I don’t know if one is more relevant than the other frankly, maybe Akainu final role will be bigger but frankly overall in the whole story they are comparable in importance.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Akainu is definitely above Kuzan and the other admirals
He is not. He is only above them if you use braindead Shonen logic which is literally wrong all of the time when it comes to this series.

He is the FA, and he gained that title beating Kuzan
A non-strength title that he gained by winning a contest against a guy who fought him completely equally for 10 days straight.

Yeah, that is a complete dice roll, a contest decided by luck and nothing else.


Lazy is the way
Yeah, that is a complete dice roll, a contest decided by luck and nothing else.
Lmao not at all

Akainu won the fight because he ended up stronger that it
Either he was stronger from the start or he powered up during the fight but his will and his justice won the fight

Aokiji gave everything for his justice, yet he lost.

no discussion here

A non-strength title that he gained by winning a contest against a guy who fought him completely equally for 10 days straight.
A title he gained by winning a fight against the second strongest admiral

He is not. He is only above them if you use braindead Shonen logic which is literally wrong all of the time when it comes to this series.
When did it was wrong ?

We are in a shonen my friend

Akainu title portrayal feats and relevance > all the other admirals = strongest one

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Akainu won the fight because he ended up stronger that it
Are you just going to repeat the same nonsense points that I just addressed? Lol

A title he gained by winning a fight against the second strongest admiral
Kizaru is definitely slightly stronger than Aokiji. Older, more experienced, better Devil Fruit.

We are in a shonen my friend
How many fandom narratives about this series have been proven completely wrong over the years? Hundreds? Thousands? Shonen Logic is brain cancer, you’d honestly have to be a complete moron to still be powerscaling this series with Shonen Logic lmfao.
Akainu is definitely above Kuzan and the other admirals

no if or maybe, he is

He is the FA, and he gained that title beating Kuzan

That was not a roll of a dice, it was a victory, because Akainu ended up stronger

And Kuzan lost a leg, he is now weaker than before.

As their importance in the story I can agree with you. Kuzan and Akainu are the two most important admirals no question. I don’t know if one is more relevant than the other frankly, maybe Akainu final role will be bigger but frankly overall in the whole story they are comparable in importance.


Lazy is the way
Are you just going to repeat the same nonsense points that I just addressed? Lol
You didn’t address anything lol
Just you headcanon
Kizaru is definitely slightly stronger than Aokiji. Older, more experienced, better Devil Fruit.
You’re not making any sense you know ?

Two 12 lb bowling balls roll down an hill for 5 minutes

One bowling balls hits the floor first. Does that bowling ball weigh more?
So assmiraLs are not top tiers because they cannot do that since they do not have CoC

Let's give 10 days to Kaido and Big Mom spamming natural disasters and elemental attacks...

Moreover, give any character with a half-broken fruit 10 days of spaming attacks
This is the autistic side of the one piece Fandom. They can't understand the story beyond "which cartoon character is stronger". Yeah Kuzan is the only reason why Robin exists,why luffy made the gears, and why the most iconic saga happened(w7) and OP is trying to make a point about his narrative importance, but Kaido is the strongest cartoon character!!!

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
You’re not making any sense you know ?
Where am I not making sense? Kizaru’s devil fruit is the best among the OG Admirals. What doesn’t make sense about that?

Kizaru is also older than Kuzan. If you don’t think age means Kizaru has more experience than Kuzan, I’m not sure what manga you’re reading as a Yonko just begged his first mate for help against a senior citizen.

Everything I’ve said is purely factual. Anyone who thinks Kuzan is stronger than Big Business Borsalino is brain damaged.
“Oh but Aokiji lost the fight,” yeah after 10 days of fucking equal combat lmfao. That’s not a strength gap, that is a roll of the dice in terms of who is actually stronger.
I agree with Kuzan being as relevant to the story as Akainu.

However, Sakazuki vs Kuzan was a clash of ideals that Kuzan lost. They had 10 days to determine who's ideal was superior and in the end Kuzan's proved to be weaker. He lost a leg for it and was left a wandering Hobo until he found solace in following Black Beard. Akainu is stronger without a doubt, this is why Aokiji is where he is at this moment lol.

If they were to fight again, Akainu would still win. They are past the point where it would be a toss up, they left that back at Punk Hazard.
And now we find out that Kuzan may even have aspirations of targeting Imu himself?

Maybe WG want everyone to think that but they appointed Akainu as FA and ordered him to kill Kuzan because he accidentally saw Imu from wandering around and needed to come up with an excuse like “lost from a duel”.

But Akainu beats him in a high diff fight and lets him go. That’s why the Gorosei look pissed when they criticised Akainu for letting Aokiji go at the end of Dressrosa.
Maybe WG want everyone to think that but they elected Akainu and ordered him to kill Kuzan because he accidentally saw Imu and needed to come up with an excuse like “lost from a duel”.

But Akainu beats him in a high diff fight and lets him go. That’s why the Gorosei look pissed when they criticised Akainu for letting Aokiji go at the end of Dressrosa.
If that was true Kuzan would already had a bounty