You guys can spam those two panels all you want there is no way df merchant trash like him is getting a kokuto. Loda never hides a character with a kokuto both Ryuma and Mihawk openly flex with it
We know what twerkbull flexed first time he was given chance to showcase his powers
We know what twerkbull flexed first time he was given chance to showcase his powers

And I think we have already told this a thousand times: Aramaki Is based on a character, Gennai Aramaki, who keeps being an incredible swordsman a secret.
1-Set in the end of 19th century, where the Meiji Restoration just started, the hero, Aramaki Gennai (Karasawa Toshiaki) does not act so much like a "hero". He's a drunkard ronin (masterless samurai) who loves to lazy around in the house all day, and depend on his girlfriend for money. He doesn't care at all about anything or what happen in the world. Rumours has it that he has an unbelievably excellent skill of swordplay, but no one has ever seen him demonstrating it.
Same as Gennai Aramaki who showed to be an incredible swordsman only during the final fight of the film.