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I dont really watch shows. But I liked Breaking Bad.

Worst thing that happens to you at school?
Hmm, I feel like I've forgotten some of them but Either in 8th grade I was in gym and we were running laps, there was a mat on the ground, Me being the dumbass jumped over it, Nay tried to... and hit a part of it and twisted my ankle. I sprained it good and hard. I had immediately got back up from the pain and was limping, Then I had to walk up the stairs to class afterwards, My Science teacher could tell I was in pain, my face gave it away.
lol Then there was at my Tech Center School I was at in Highschool, A one armed kid hit my face from behind as we were walking back from the jobsite. oh and I think the year before that one of the kids there had his brother come into the workshop and blindsided me with another punch and ran off from the exit door. Mother fucker.

If you could go back in time, Would you go back how far? and Would you with the knowledge you have now Go to your job you have now or wait until the time you actually got hired or something.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Ehh...I used to think I would, but probably not. This era of history has the most going for AND against it, but I’m very much a product of my time, and changing my past experiences would make me into a different person. Even for all my bumps and bruises, I like who I am now.

Can you do a backflip?