[FNZ] Role Madness Avatar - The Last Airbender Mafia [Game Ended - Mafia + Indie Faction + Neutral Indie Victory]

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Day 2 Final Vote Count


What could have been...
Day 2 Final Vote Count (up to post# 3294)

TAC ->
Fuji > Kweh
Pero -> Michelle
Midnight -> Flower
Kiku -> Michelle > Kweh
Pot -> Michelle > Unvote
Reloaded -> Michelle > Kweh
Fuji -> Michelle > Unvote > Kweh
Kweh -> Michelle > Reloaded
Baki -> Michelle > Fuji > Kweh
Nibel -> Michelle > Unvote > Kweh
Orca -> Michelle > Charlie > Kweh > Midnight > Kweh
Muugen -> Pot
Flower -> Kweh > Kweh
Dofla -> Kweh
Michelle -> Kweh > Unvote > TAC
Nat -> Kweh
T-pein -> Flower
Polar -> Kweh
Psychic -> Kweh
Whicker -> Kweh
AM -> Kweh
Charlie -> Kweh

Kweh = 15
(Flower, Dofla, Reloaded, Nat, Baki, Nibel, Fuji, TAC, Kiku, Polar, Psychic, Whicker, AM, Orca, Charlie)
Flower = 2 (Midnight, T-pein)
Michelle = 1 (Pero)
Pot = 1 (Muugen)
Reloaded = 1 (Kweh)
TAC = 1 (Michelle)
Midnight = 1 (Orca)

Duel Votes:
Charlie to Win = 18 (Flower, TAC, Reloaded, Midnight, Nibel, Pot, Kiku, Charlie, Fuji, Kweh, Dofla, Michelle, Nat, Mono, Platinum, Ariess, Psychic, Whicker)
Michelle to Win = 2 (Orca, Polar)

Please let us know if we made any mistakes.
We will not count unbolded votes.

Majority is reached. Day 2 has ended.

@KWEH will be lynched.

Everyone please stop posting.

Living Players (28/31):
1. @DoflaMihawk
2. @Fujishiro
3. @Pot Goblin
4. @TheAncientCenturion
6. @Mr. Reloaded
7. @T-Pein™
8. @Kiku
9. @Juliet
10. @MonochromeYoru
11. @Natalija
12. @Peroroncino
13. @The Orca
14. @Polar Bear
15. @Charlie
16. @Alwaysmind
17. @Whicker @Ultra
18. @Nibel
19. @KWEH
20. @Flower
21. @Psylocke
22. @ThePlatinum
23. @Orwellian
24. @Sallucion
25. @Midnight Delight
26. @BakiDou
27. @Ariess
28. @Michelle

Dead Players (3/31):
1. @MangoSenpai
(Avatar Aang) - The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Traders; Spirit World; Avatar State - Lynched Day 1
2. @Lord Melkor (Wan Shi Tong) - Spirit of Knowledge; Sink The Library! - Died Night 1
3. @Random Asshole (War Minister Qin) - Odd-Night Rolewatcher; 1x Fire Nation Drill - Died Night 1

@Ekkologix @hime
Day 2 End / Night 2 Start
Day 2 End / Night 2 Start - A Weapon Maker and A Weapon Wielder...

@Michelle has lost the duel and died!

@KWEH was lynched!

In his workshop of creations, it seems something went amiss. A lose screw? A cog missing? It seems the inventor must pay...
The Mechanist

"We're just in the process of improving upon what's already here. After all, isn't that what nature does...?"

Congratulations, you are The Mechanist, World Peace Aligned!
Earth Kingdom

Fleeing from the effects of the war, you have fled to the Northern Air Temple to take refuge. Unfortunately for you, the Fire Nation knows no bounds and have threatened you into making weapons for them. Will you fight back?

- Non-Bender -

Inventor - You have access to a 1x self-commuter (Air Glider) and a 1x kill shot (Glider Bombs) that you can invent at night in your lab and then gift to another player the following night. You can only invent each item once. You will be informed if the inventing failed, but not of the reason why. You cannot both invent and send an item in the same night, nor can you use the items you invent. Your target will not receive the flavor name of the inventions.

Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to Town.

Loyal to the end, the right hand to the princess has fallen. Although loving at heart, she could not be loved herself and has consequentially met her demise...
Team Azula; Crown Princess Neighborizer; Lovesick

"I love Zuko more than I fear you!"

Congratulations, you are Mai, Crown Princess Aligned!
Fire Nation

As a skilled weapons user, you are often dry and bored of the world around you. Although, seemingly apathetic towards the world around you, you truly care about those you love and will protect them in whatever ways you can.

- Non-Bender -

(Passive) Team Azula - You are accompanying Princess Azula in her adventures around the world and aiding her in her quests as one of her most loyal childhood friends. You will win the game when Azula achieves one of her win conditions.

Crown Princess Neighborizer - Once per night, you can target a player. If that player is Crown Princess aligned, you will initiate a permanent neighbor chat with them. When activating this ability again, you can elect to either close any old neighbor chat you created, add the new neighbor to any old chat you created, or keep the old chat(s) open but separate them from the new chat. Additionally, you may elect to add players even if they are not Crown Princess aligned. If you are dead, all of your neighbor chats will be closed.

(Passive) Lovesick - You show sincere affection toward those you love, and strive to save them from all harm. Players who are currently in an open neighbor chat with you will obtain a loved modifier, requiring 1 additional vote to be lynched. Your neighbors will be informed of this modifier being added to / removed from them

Win Condition - Princess Azula wins the game. If Azula can no longer attain her win conditions, your role and win condition will be updated...
2x Indecisive Lovesick Neighborizer

"It's just really hard when you like someone, but they don't think of you that way..."

Congratulations, you are Meng, World Peace Aligned!
Earth Kingdom

Ever since Aunt Wu predicted how your future husband looks like, you now rapidly fall in love with every man matching these characteristics. Although unrequited love causes you pain, you do mean well and try to assist Avatar Aang and his friends.

- Non-Bender -

Indecisive Lovesick Neighborizer - Once per night, you can target a player and add them to a permanent neighbor chat starting the following cycle. If you successfully use this ability again on another target, the first neighbor chat will be closed. Players inside of your neighbor chats will receive a loved modifier from you (require 1 additional vote to be majority lynched) for as long as the chat between you is open. Your neighbors will be informed of this modifier being added to / removed from them. The neighbor chat is automatically closed upon your death. [2-shots]

Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to Town.


Night 2 has started!

You have a little more than 19 hours to send in your actions.
Please bold your actions when submitting, or they will not be accepted.
You may edit bolded actions until the end of the night or until you lock them.

Night 2 actions lock in - Countdown

Living Players (26/31):
1. @DoflaMihawk
2. @Fujishiro
3. @Pot Goblin
4. @TheAncientCenturion
6. @Mr. Reloaded
7. @T-Pein™
8. @Kiku
9. @Neeko
10. @MonochromeYoru
11. @Natalija
12. @Peroroncino
13. @The Orca
14. @Polar Bear
15. @Charlie
16. @Alwaysmind
17. @Ultra
18. @Nibel
19. @Flower
20. @Psylocke
21. @ThePlatinum
22. @Orwellian
23. @Sallucion
24. @Midnight Delight
25. @BakiDou
26. @Ariess

Dead Players (5/31):
1. @MangoSenpai
(Avatar Aang) - The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Traders; Spirit World; Avatar State - Lynched Day 1
2. @Lord Melkor (Wan Shi Tong) - Spirit of Knowledge; Sink The Library! - Died Night 1

3. @Random Asshole (War Minister Qin) - Odd-Night Rolewatcher; 1x Fire Nation Drill - Died Night 1
4. @Michelle (The Mechanist) - Inventor - Duelled Day 2
5. @KWEH (Mai) - Team Azula; Crown Princess Neighborizer; Lovesick - Lynched Day 2

@Ekkologix @hime
Night 2 Leaders


What could have been...
Night 2 - World Power

Fire Lord Ozai has rolecrushed @Peroroncino , @Flower , and @Natalija for the duration of this night.

The Avatar has rolecrushed @The Orca and @Fujishiro for the duration of this night.

Night Continues.

Living Players (26/31):
1. @DoflaMihawk
2. @Fujishiro
3. @Pot Goblin
4. @TheAncientCenturion
6. @Mr. Reloaded
7. @T-Pein™
8. @Kiku
9. @Neeko
10. @MonochromeYoru
11. @Natalija
12. @Peroroncino
13. @The Orca
14. @Polar Bear
15. @Charlie
16. @Alwaysmind
17. @Ultra
18. @Nibel
19. @Flower
20. @Psylocke
21. @ThePlatinum
22. @Orwellian
23. @Sallucion
24. @Midnight Delight
25. @BakiDou
26. @Ariess

Dead Players (5/31):
1. @MangoSenpai
(Avatar Aang) - The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Traders; Spirit World; Avatar State - Lynched Day 1
2. @Lord Melkor (Wan Shi Tong) - Spirit of Knowledge; Sink The Library! - Died Night 1
3. @Random Asshole (War Minister Qin) - Odd-Night Rolewatcher; 1x Fire Nation Drill - Died Night 1
4. @Michelle (The Mechanist) - Inventor - Duelled Day 2
5. @KWEH (Mai) - Team Azula; Crown Princess Neighborizer; Lovesick - Lynched Day 2

@Ekkologix @hime


What could have been...
Friendly reminder - night actions lock in exactly 1 hour.
Please bold your actions or they will not be accepted as submissions.

Night 2 actions lock in - Countdown

Living Players (26/31):
1. @DoflaMihawk
2. @Fujishiro
3. @Pot Goblin
4. @TheAncientCenturion
6. @Mr. Reloaded
7. @T-Pein™
8. @Kiku
9. @Juliet @Neeko
10. @MonochromeYoru
11. @Natalija
12. @Peroroncino
13. @The Orca
14. @Polar Bear
15. @Charlie
16. @Alwaysmind
17. @Whicker @Ultra
18. @Nibel
19. @Indigo @Flower
20. @Psylocke
21. @ThePlatinum
22. @Orwellian
23. @Sallucion
24. @Midnight Delight
25. @BakiDou
26. @Ariess

Dead Players (5/31):
1. @MangoSenpai
(Avatar Aang) - The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Traders; Spirit World; Avatar State - Lynched Day 1
2. @Lord Melkor (Wan Shi Tong) - Spirit of Knowledge; Sink The Library! - Died Night 1

3. @Random Asshole (War Minister Qin) - Odd-Night Rolewatcher; 1x Fire Nation Drill - Died Night 1
4. @Michelle (The Mechanist) - Inventor - Duelled Day 2

5. @KWEH (Mai) - Team Azula; Crown Princess Neighborizer; Lovesick - Lynched Day 2

@Ekkologix @hime
Night 2 End / Day 3 Start
Night 2 End / Day 3 Start - The Day of Black Sun

Once a master of the blade, the blade has now struck him. The legend's flame now dims as the dance of steel comes to a close and the sun hides its face from all...
Master Piandao
1x Duelist; Master Swordsman

"The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation. Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all!"

Congratulations, you are Master Piandao, World Peace Aligned!
Fire Nation

Possibly the strongest non-bender in the world, you are a master swordsman with strong morals. You believe in the arts and will play your part in creating a world of peace between nations.

- Non-Bender -

(Day) Duelist - Once during the first half of the day, you can initiate a duel against another player by typing Duel PlayerName in the Game Thread and tagging the host. For the rest of that day, a second 'lynch' will commence where only you and the player you are dueling can be killed. All players in the game may vote for one of the players to win the duel. At the end of that day, the player with least votes to win the duel is regular killed, while the other survives. Tied votes results in you losing the duel. All duel votes count as exactly 1 and cannot be manipulated. [1-shot]

(Passive) Master Swordsman - If you lose the duel but you had at least half the amount of duel votes your target had (rounded down), you will attempt a final slash onto your target, causing them to bleed publicly, regular killing them the night after next if not healed.

Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to Town.

On this fateful day, the sun has hidden itself behind the moon casting a shadow in the lands below. A nation of fire and light looks up to a black circle dawning the sky. The darkest day in Fire Nation history has arrived...

A Solar Eclipse has occurred! For the duration of this cycle, all players with - Fire Bender - tags will receive the Severely Weakened status!
Severely Weakened players suffer the following:
- They are mod-blocked (with few exceptions to some abilities that will specify usability during Solar Eclipse)
- They cannot perform lethal actions
- They cannot be protected from kills
- Their passive kill immunities are disabled, if any


Day 3 has started!

You have about 35 hours to discuss lynch.
With 25 alive, it takes 13 votes to achieve majority.

Day 3 ends in - Countdown

Living Players (25/31):
1. @DoflaMihawk
2. @Fujishiro
3. @Pot Goblin
4. @TheAncientCenturion
6. @Mr. Reloaded
7. @T-Pein™
8. @Kiku
9. @Neeko
10. @MonochromeYoru
11. @Natalija
12. @Peroroncino
13. @The Orca
14. @Polar Bear
15. @Alwaysmind
16. @Ultra
17. @Nibel
18. @Flower
19. @Psylocke
20. @ThePlatinum
21. @Orwellian
22. @Sallucion
23. @Midnight Delight
24. @BakiDou
25. @Ariess

Dead Players (6/31):
1. @MangoSenpai
(Avatar Aang) - The Avatar; Jack of Town Leading Traders; Spirit World; Avatar State - Lynched Day 1
2. @Lord Melkor (Wan Shi Tong) - Spirit of Knowledge; Sink The Library! - Died Night 1
3. @Random Asshole (War Minister Qin) - Odd-Night Rolewatcher; 1x Fire Nation Drill - Died Night 1
4. @Michelle (The Mechanist) - Inventor - Dueled Day 2
5. @KWEH (Mai) - Team Azula; Crown Princess Neighborizer; Lovesick - Lynched Day 2
6. @Charlie (Master Piandao) - 1x Duelist; Master Swordsman - Died Night 2

@Ekkologix @hime
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