Speculations Awakened Kizaru Will Fight Literally Everyone On Egghead

I'm guessing that CP0 will be defeated and our MCs will gain control of the seraphim.

The set up is obvious.

Kizaru with his awakening vs Luffy and the Straw Hats, the seraphim, Bonney, and all of the Vegapunks.

An extreme difficulty fight where a combination of tactics and coordination is needed to repel the Yellow Monkey.
Even if CPO was defeated... Saturn can return the control of them back to the marines.

I figured it would be like this...

Kizaru Vs. Luffy
Sanji Vs. Jinbei Seraphim
Zoro Vs. Mihawk Seraphim
Jinbei Vs. Boa Seraphim
Kuma and Bonny Vs. Kuma Seraphim
Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy attempt to fight the Vice Admirals and the marines on the battleships.

Two things that would seem to need to happen include 1) Saturn will return control of the Seraphim to the navy, and 2) Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy, aside from Sanji and possibly Nami, are the only ones capable of flight. Jinbei could swim to them, but I think he may have to contend with one of the Seraphim because they are former warlords. Luffy can "fly" too, but I doubt he's going to be able to stop all the battleships while he has to deal with Kizaru.

And this all assumes Saturn himself won't enter the fights, but who knows? It's not as though the Five Elders told the world they refused to use Devil Fruits... Right?

You also have to assume Kuma will somehow show up to Egghead to fight alongside Bonny.
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Luffy/Zoro clash at minimum both, all out fight with either
Lucci/Kaku/Sera hype tool, one or two from this list as well. If Oda's in a bad mood, maybe Sanji as a hypetool
Yes, that's why he is assaulting Mariejois, whilst she's viewing his memories remotely. Because he's totally going to come back after this last effort suicide mission.
I'm not sure what Kuma will do. However the unlikelihood of it occuring, I don't see Bonny attacking the Kuma Seraphim unless she is with him. In those matchups I set up I already considered Kuma's appearance as unlikely. That's why I said you would have to assume that he does that. Nothing is set in concrete. It's just an idea.
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Then please tell me with that same shitty attitude what exactly you think he's doing there on what you call a suicide mission. What's the mission, bud?
Whatever it involves, it won't end with him on Egghead, fighting side-by-side with Bonney. With his dying forces, Kuma will deal some damage to the CDs' reputation, either by revealing something to the world at large, or by stealing something from them which the Revs will be able to use against Imu in the final war.


Not really though.
Im not sure about any OP character solo-ing the Wano alliance tbh. Let alone GB who (lets be honest for a second) isnt really the pinnacle of strength.
GB is the type to get completely nuked by every single character and still regrow Groot-like on the other side of the island from a single leaf. He's the perfect punching bag. He may not be the strongest, but he can absorb IMO the greatest amount of damage simply by using the nature around him.


The Rogue Prince
GB is the type to get completely nuked by every single character and still regrow Groot-like on the other side of the island from a single leaf. He's the perfect punching bag. He may not be the strongest, but he can absorb IMO the greatest amount of damage simply by using the nature around him.
Maybe so but to me it just doesnt happen. Oda will never draw GB alone doing well against the entire alliance imo and his ability will have a caveat or two which will be exploited.

I'm not even sure GB will beat Luffy alone in a 1v1 tbh, clearly his entire presence at Wano wasnt all that intimidating when you had Yonko Luffy & his 3 Commanders eating while watching him fight Momo, staying out of the fight out of respect for Momo.

I'm not saying GB is weak, just that the current SHs are a really powerful group who needs a lot more than just one Admiral to be taken down.
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Maybe so but to me it just doesnt happen. Oda will never draw GB alone doing well against the entire alliance imo and his ability will have a caveat or two which will be exploited.

I'm not even sure GB will beat Luffy alone in a 1v1 tbh, clearly his entire presence at Wano wasnt all that intimidating when you had Yonko Luffy & his 3 Commanders eating while watching him fight Momo, staying out of the fight out of respect for Momo.

I'm not saying GB is weak, just that the current SHs are a really powerful group who needs a lot more than just one Admiral to be taken down.
Oh, I agree on every count. I don't expect any of the new admirals to be able to fight Luffy when times comes, or to want to (see Fuji). The animosities are left to the old guard. We're seeing Kizaru in this arc. Aokiji is set to have a little skirmish with the SHs, before his phoned in betrayal of BB. And there's, of course, Akainu, who needs to get at least a good jab in the jaw for what happened to Ace.

But I think GB and Fuji have been designed to be complementary to each other, and having powers that oppose their own ideology. Fuji's meteors can destroy the largest area with the least amount of effort, yet he's a benign man, wanting to help the weak. GB has the nurturing power of Mother Nature, yet he wants to use it to further support oppression. That's where their strength will show: in helping the helpless and trying to maintain the status quo during the Final War.
Technically, he did solo the alliance, as in, he did fight them without backup. He did lose, sure. But he fought solo.
How did he lose if a whole Yonko crew came outa nowhere and threatend to jump him if he continues? Do you expect Greenbull to take on an alliance stronger than 2 Yonko and another Yonko crew by himself??

It was basically a strategic retreat and everything else would be foolish.