Theory Balck Beard is the Devil

Hey guys, I just posted my first theory on YouTube Black Beard is the Devil Theory Video and I wanna share it with you all.

My theory is an extension of prior theories that tried to relate BB's Jolly Roger and his ability to consume 2 Devil Fruits and possibly getting a third one down the line.

I mention the Cerberus Fruit Theory and the Multiple Personality Theory as my bases for the following: 1- Luffy Identified multiple personalities of BB back in Mock Town 2- The BBs Jolly Roger emphasis on the number 3 suggest that BB might get another DF

Mysteries that I try to resolve 1-How did BB conceived such a thought out plan and how does he knows so many secrets of the world 2-Why does he never sleeps 3-His connection to Rocks D. Xebec 4-How he ate 2 DFs and can possibly eat a third one 5- What's BB end goal 6-Why Marco said BB had a "strange body" 7- Why Luffy and Zoro refer to BB as a "they" back in Mock Town.

My arguments 1- One Piece Black Beard is based on Real Life Black Beard 2-Oda Stated in SBS of volume 58 that BB was his favourite pirate irl 3- The real life BB's Jolly Roger depicts a Devil 4- OP's BB's Jolly Roger depicts a 3 headed skull 5- In Dante's The Divine Comedy, the Devil has 3 Faces 6- We know Oda read the Divine Comedy, evene naming chapter 275 "Divine Comedy" and there are a lot of posts conecting Impel Down to Dante's inferno around the web, i put some in the description of the video) 7-BB joined WB ship between the ages of 7-12 (source: Compare BB birth with Oden joining WBs crew) 8-In Banaro Island, BB stated he only Joined WBs ship because it had a higher chance of finding the Yami Yami no Mi, even saying he wouldn't be a Pirate if he hadn't found it. He also states that he has his plan completely figured out. 9- It seems BB had a plan to become a Yonko even before joining WBs crew. How?

The Theory: BB is the Devil in the way that his body is possessed by 3 souls, just like the Devil in Dante's Inferno, hinted by his Jolly Roger

We have been wrongly assuming that the Body of a DF user hosts the Devil of the DF, but in fact it is the soul within the body that hosts the Devil of the Devil Fruit.

BB can have 2 extra DF because he is possessed by two other souls.

His body is strange, like Marco said at Marineford, because it's hosting 2 extra souls.

He never sleeps because once one of the other souls takes over his consciousness when he falls a sleep.

The plan that took him to the top of the pirate world is the plan of some one who has tried to conquer the world before. That person failed and at last minute found a way to reencarnate as a soul into BB's Body and has been telling him all of the secrets of the world.

I believe that person is Rocks because they share the same dream of conquering the world.

As to the third soul, I leave it open for discussion but my suggestion is the soul of Joy Boy's Evil parallel. Just like Luffy with BB and Roger with Rocks, I believe Joy boy may had have an evil rival in the D Clan back in his time and that he represents the dark side of the D Clan.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoy. If you could what the video, I think you'll have a better understanding of my theory. Once again, thanks!