Versus Battle Bambietta Basterbine vs Mugino

Going to bump this since Mugino’s gotten some new feats now with her own spin-off series: namely Meltdowner giving her atomic breakdown and limited Matter Manipulation by injecting electrons into whatever her beams hit that forcibly alters matter at the molecular level

Two of my favorite female characters in respective series lol.

Anyway, people that thinks Bambietta wins most likely doesn't watch or read Toaru series.

Mugino can blow holes (pause) in Bami-chan before she can even react. Mugino's beam attacks are on par with Misaka's lightspeed lightning.

Only way for Bambi to win is if she pull up close to Mugino and blows herself up (also pause) but Mugino got insane reflexes so she would dodge it.
Two of my favorite female characters in respective series lol.

Anyway, people that thinks Bambietta wins most likely doesn't watch or read Toaru series.

Mugino can blow holes (pause) in Bami-chan before she can even react. Mugino's beam attacks are on par with Misaka's lightspeed lightning.

Only way for Bambi to win is if she pull up close to Mugino and blows herself up (also pause) but Mugino got insane reflexes so she would dodge it.
Mugino getting her spin-off series made into an anime this year.

Really hoping they adapt at least the first two novels

Mugino getting her spin-off series made into an anime this year.

Really hoping they adapt at least the first two novels

J.C. Staff's two golden child are DanMachi and Toaru series. So ITEM spin-off will be fine. I will be there no matter what.

What I don't want is that they prioritize this series over One Punch Man season 3 which will air October this year. ITEM spin-off can be released in 2026 or 2027 for all I care but I just want J.C. Staff to work on OPM S3 now that they finished with DanMachi Season 5 a few days ago.
Mugino doesn’t kill her allies other than the ones that betrayed her first compared to Bambietta who does it just to let off steam. If I had to chose who to work under, it’d definitely be Mugino as the safer bet.

That said, she is into some freaking shit

“Mugino failed to kill the target.”


“She was so irritated by the soldiers running around that she knocked one down, climbed on top of him, pinned him down with both hands, and fired her Mugino Cannon from her mouth. Unfortunately, that gave our real target time to escape.”

Frenda and Kinuhata were very glad they hadn’t been present for that, but they didn’t dare say so.

“Mugino is not happy and blames you two for crashing and failing to set up a perimeter. She says you’ll need to be punished if you let our target escape, so consider yourselves warned.”

“Ehhh!? In the end, that means she’s going to tie up our ***** with ****** , cover our ***** with grated yams, drag us out onto the high-level balcony where there’s no escape, and spend all day ****ing us like that! It itches more than it hurts, but it’s still hell on Earth!!”

“Yikes, girls are super ruthless with each other, huh?”

Frenda and Kinuhata scrambled to their feet and got back to work.