@Mashiro Blue
You said that next week we will have best girls of Spring 2023 contest, does that mean that we can post our list in advance or we have to wait till next week in order to post the list?
Since Oshi no Ko female casts will obviously winning the contest, I suggest that each one of us will have only one female character from OnK to submit. So that one user (like me) can't hog every female casts Lmao.
For example,
@DarkWitch can submit only Memcho since I think Memcho is his favorite character iirc.
@Cream filled donut7 or
@Rej can submit Kana. If not then Akane.
@AL sama @Mashiro Blue and me all have Ai as best girl so I dunno who will take Ai tbh.
But I think I can take Ruby if AL or Mashiro will take Ai.
So it's basically AL vs Mashiro for Ai.