Aye thats some very good points too. I was concerned that might be an issue too. I suppose I could ask people to post a funny panel or manga page or short scene from a show or movie as a video, but as you said, ti would have to be something that doesnt require priour buildup/knowledege/context, something that is funny on its own and thus you can laugh at it without knowing the series.
Thats some great advice, thank you. 14 people does sound like a pretty decent amount for a smaller tourney, I was thinking it was gonna be between 12 and 16 maybe so thats perfect.
Aye I can imagine! Light makes it seem so easy but thats just how chill he is ofc haha, also how used to it, experienced he is, got it down to an art now! I was dreading trying to run a contest with a much higher number of people like 20, 24 like you had or even worse higher than that too potentially. Sounds like a huge headache to manage and keep track of!
Oops I misssed this part out lol.
Even though I'm a big fan of these series ironically, I still want to exclude them as they have WAY too much power and popularity here, it really skews the contests WAY too much in their favour, just like One Piece from what I've seen many times now: Bleach, Naruto and Jojo's/JJBA.
I really hate Berserk and Made In Abyss for extremely personal reasons and wanted to ban them regardless, non negotiable lol. I considered banning AOT too as I really hate it now, I used to be a fan of it but im just sick of it now too.
Id love to see more and more niche entries get submitted but banning these series might put off a lot of people from entering too. Some contests like best OST or most emotional music or w/e type ones had some AMAZING, very niche, unexpected type entries and I discovered a lot of amazing music that way, so I really want to encourage more of that too. I much prefer seeing entries for lesser popular/known series and thus underdogs, rather than the same groundhog day circlejerk of the same few series and characters being repeatedly submitted and dominating these contests multiple times now.
The character design contest had some serious issues with this for example imo, which annoyed me a lot too.
I might focus on running video game themed contests too mainly as thats my passion too btw.
Thats some great advice, thank you. 14 people does sound like a pretty decent amount for a smaller tourney, I was thinking it was gonna be between 12 and 16 maybe so thats perfect.
Aye I can imagine! Light makes it seem so easy but thats just how chill he is ofc haha, also how used to it, experienced he is, got it down to an art now! I was dreading trying to run a contest with a much higher number of people like 20, 24 like you had or even worse higher than that too potentially. Sounds like a huge headache to manage and keep track of!
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Oops I misssed this part out lol.
Even though I'm a big fan of these series ironically, I still want to exclude them as they have WAY too much power and popularity here, it really skews the contests WAY too much in their favour, just like One Piece from what I've seen many times now: Bleach, Naruto and Jojo's/JJBA.
I really hate Berserk and Made In Abyss for extremely personal reasons and wanted to ban them regardless, non negotiable lol. I considered banning AOT too as I really hate it now, I used to be a fan of it but im just sick of it now too.
Id love to see more and more niche entries get submitted but banning these series might put off a lot of people from entering too. Some contests like best OST or most emotional music or w/e type ones had some AMAZING, very niche, unexpected type entries and I discovered a lot of amazing music that way, so I really want to encourage more of that too. I much prefer seeing entries for lesser popular/known series and thus underdogs, rather than the same groundhog day circlejerk of the same few series and characters being repeatedly submitted and dominating these contests multiple times now.
The character design contest had some serious issues with this for example imo, which annoyed me a lot too.
I might focus on running video game themed contests too mainly as thats my passion too btw.
With regard to banning so many series, maybe instead have some rules for "underdog" series? I feel like running "most underrated series" tournament would be your cup of tea! I'm just thinking out loud, if you ban so many series, then people still can use some hype stuff like Star Wars or Batman franchise, and you still won't have the underdogs in the competition (or few of them). As a participant, I like to have my freedom of choice (or illusion of it). If it's "Best Running Gag", but the rules state "using 10+ series is banned", I would be like "eh, already had Kon in mind, but with those limitations I would pass". But if your tournament is "Best Running Gag in Underrated Anime/Manga series", then I feel challenged and can spend more time in looking for a perfect entry!
Anyways, I suggest you creating a thread and a poll for tournament ideas and see how many people are on the same page with you.