Character Discussion Between Hawkins and X Drake Who was more Underwhelming in Wano?

Who was more underwhelming?

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Folk were more interested in Drake so he was the bigger disappointment.

Hawkins meanwhile had sod all people that were genuinely excited for him, so the bloke dying pathetically like a dog on the side of the road barely registered with most folk.


The Rogue Prince
Basil Hawkins unironically had one of the best character arcs in Wano, in an arc with two Emperors as villains lmfao. Him dying a pathetic death while upholding his pride and not betraying Kaidou was legit a good conclusion to his character arc & caught a lot of people offguard.

X Drake on the other hand was used as a punching bag by Queen, Apoo, CP0 agents and his big moment was him doubling down on his resolve - on his "justice" - before taking a Shigan to the neck and going night-night lmao.

Both were disappointing, but folks had higher expectations for Drake while nobody expected shit from Hawkins, so his conclusion caught a lot of people offguard as well. I'll say that Drake was more underwhelming.
Drake beat out Hawkins for the biggest disappointment you have to admit.
Both were equally trash, but Drake had greater expectations going into this arc. I always knew Hawkins was a failure, but I thought that maybe Drake would get a good feat against Kaido. So yeah Drake was more disappointing
I never really excepted that much for drake and he was still disappointing, but Hawkins is the most wasted potential

Hawkins in sabaody: genius, confident tactician who wanted to try his luck against an admiral despite being heavily outmatched

Hawkins in wano: didn't want to admit he was wrong, died miserably


Hawkins doesn't add at all to story in fact he even make it worse since he nerfed Kid against Big Mom and she did nothing and lost at the end.