Theory Big Mom taken down by the Marines

It feels like we are slowly reaching the end of Wano and some of us still have no idea how two antagonists like Big Mom and Kaido are gonna be dealt with simultaneously. Many people also believe that the Marines will arrive to Wano by the end of this arc and I think they Will be the solution for this 2 yonko situation. Wano was anticipated way back as a Kaido focused series of arcs that where only interrupted by Whole cake Island, solely dedicated to Big Mom that I think helped covering both the BM crew and her backstory as way to have BM defeated later on in the series in a faster way. Kaido Will definately fall by the end of the arc by the hands of Luffy, its been built Up and we're in for a treat with a new powerup and and awesome final Battle. But after he is done for I don't think BM will escape and get a whole new arc on Elbaf. I believe she will fight some of the other SN and get tired or nerfed somehow and then GreenBull will have his Big entrance with the Marines and defeat an already weakened Big Mom. This Will help introducing the character as well as showcasing his habilities. A man that doesn't eat for days is the perfect match for a representation of glutony, might even be an orphanage survivor that witnessed everything with a grudge against BM. This may End Up with the Marines simply leaving with a captured Big Mom after being confronted by the population of Wano and the surviving pirates or a Grand Fleet moment where they'll save the strawhats and flee Wano. I really looking forward to any of these possibilities. What do you think?
It took Marine Hero Garp and Roger Crew plus who knows what marines were helping Garp(Akainu? Aokiji? Kizaru? When younger...) and so far we only know that they took out Rocks. Also remember all the betrayal plot and many CoC user's in a crew(pure bullshit) etc.

You think a random of rookies without major marine help will do something? Marine are already busy hunting Shichibukai. Even with Vegapunk's new weapon they are not easy to catch I suppose.

We have marines around Wano. But no big guy as Admiral or similar level. The best I believe is Lucci, not exactly Marine but WG.
Captain Kid will beat Big Mom. It fits the theme of the new era defeating the old. A kid will surpass his mother