Character Discussion Biggest Mary Sue in One Piece

Koby. Useless twerp that get power ups from nothing, is useless and only exists to make things worse.
The special power of this failure is making others protect him from his own mistakes. Luffy saved him from alvida, Shanks from Akainu, BB from boa, Garp from Shiryu and so on.
Probably when he appears again he will be Yonkou level without doing anything for it.
Shanks is a Gary Stu done well. He is not overwanked (like Oden or Gojo)
He doesn't take away from main character screentime.
Gary Stu characters are not automatically bad just for being Gary Stu characters. If they are done well, there is nothing wrong with it.
Shanks has to be the biggest mary sue in One Piece. There has never been a more "can do no wrong" character who always has to look cool and can never have flaws than Shanks. He has never lost a fight onscreen. Hell, he has never even had to sweat onscreen, against formidable opponents like Kaido, Whitebeard or Akainu. His face is always perfectly drawn, he has groupies surrounding him. Every named character loves him, except the ones we aren't supposed to root for, and the author constantly sucks his dick. Biggest author's pet in the story. He makes Oden look like an underdog by comparison.
Same can be said about Mihawk and Dragon.
Shanks is meant to represent the ideal man that the main character and by extension the boys who read the series look up to.

He is very strong, brave, terrifying to his enemies, yet very kind to his friends. Friendly and very nice to kids, women, and older people. He protects the weak and doesn't ask for anything in return. He is loyal, humble, intelligent, and wise. He is always in a good spirit and doesn't let anything bring him down. Even after losing an arm, he went out and became an emperor. He has a huge influence and power and yet continues to live life the way he wants to.

Just like Gandalf to Frodo or Dumbeldore to Harry, Shanks is Luffy's role model, of course he will be a man of incredible character. That is why his character works. Oda also doesn't shy away from portraying him beneath other characters in some aspects. Most people believed he was the weakest of the original 4 yonko, at least beneath WB and Kaido.