Current Events Black Maria is NOT in her hybrid form

I see many people claiming that Black Maria’s current form is her hybrid, but I find this highly unlikely. Back in chapter 998, when all of the Tobi Roppo’s fruits were revealed, Oda went out of his way to show off every F6 in their beast form. Drake was in his beast form, Sasaki was in his beast form, Who’s Who was in his beast form Ulti was in her beast form, and Page One was in his beast form. If you say that Maria is in her hybrid form right now, then that means that she was showing off her hybrid form instead of her beast form in chapter 998, which makes no sense since the entire point of that chapter was to show off the beast form of every F6. Oda even had Drake awkwardly revert to his beast form in order to fight Apoo, even though Drake was already in hybrid, just for the sake of having every F6 be in beast form. Same applies to Ulti and P1. You could argue for P1 that him being in his beast form makes sense since Oda loves to draw P1 in his beast form almost all the time for some reason, but Ulti is almost always in hybrid, so just like Drake, Oda had Ulti awkwardly revert to her beast form just for the sake of consistency. So why do all that, just to have Black Maria ruin it by not being in beast form?

Additionally, all of the Beast Pirates, so far, have shown off the beast forms before they show off hybrid (all of the Flyers have done this, in addition to Jack, Queen, King, and Kaido), so why would Maria be any different? People bring up her being half human in her current form as evidence for it being hybrid, but Oda always draws beast forms as maintaining a few human characteristics from their users. It just so happens that for some odd reasons, Maria maintains more of her human characteristics in beast form than most other people do. It’s possible that Oda just couldn’t think of a traditional beast form design that he liked for Maria, so he gave her the unorthodox beast form that she has
She is in hybrid. She has a full spider body but she's also half human at the same time so maybe her DF just lacks a separate transformation for both and is a hybrid by default. It's also possible that she can turn into a full spider herself without the human half but doesn't because it's pointless.
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It's a hybrid. Otherwise, she would not be able to release spider threads from her fingers from the upper (human) part of her body. After all, she herself cannot reproduce the web, only her zoan.
On the other hand, we have examples of what similar(and not quite) zoans look like. In most cases, the extra limbs become their additional hands, but with Maria everything is completely different.

Their hybrid is the layering of zoan on a humanoid form. Maria, on the other hand, does not have human legs and additional arms. In fact, I think everything is simple. Ode just doesn't give a shit about all this, the main thing is that everything fits neatly into the plot. Needed a Jorōgumo, Oda drew it without worrying about the rest.
If we think about her hybrid, I think she should have something like Onigumo. Or even though the lower part of the body is spider-shaped, without a mouth and eyes, like a Smile. But we have what we have.
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Man-beast form = hybrid form = what else do you call Black Maria's form being human upper body/spider lower body :kaidowhat:
Smile form:usosmug: