General & Others Blackbeard and Katakuri observation

Luffy still has room to grow when it comes to haki and i think some Blackbeard might be the perfect opponent to push luffy’s observation haki further aka like Kata did

The fight with bb lowkey might be a really good opportunity to force Luffy to advance his observation haki. Blackbeard and his crew being all about cheating, deceiving, and winning by any means necessary and their fruits representing that. Especially looking at shiryu and laffitte both potential zoro and sanji opponents that have abilities that fuck with your senses like seeing and hearing

Maybe with mastery of the darkness fruit Blackbeard will be able to surround the area and luffy in it in that darkness. Completely taking away all of luffy’s senses or at least making them useless. Seems like the perfect chance to strengthen his haki
Luffy already has almost complete mastery of CoO and relying on observation haki instead of your senses is something he was taught as basic CoO by Rayleigh...
Luffy's haki is fine.
If anything his battle with Teach might help him become much stronger in his base form w/o needing his df.