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I'm going to work.

I still have to read last night posts including SKs walls, but i'll catch up later
Last impression about SK by skimming his first wall, he is town for me and I see no one says otherwise and that means scums are affraid to poke at him to not attract his attention.
You say you ain't flustered but at the same breath saying you are annoyed your wagon is not moving anywhere.

"anticipated response for scum."

Really now? you have such a narrow POV. You have nothing to say to anything I stated cause you know I am right and if you are townie then this is just your pride hurt that you didn't get what you wanted. Disappointed in you even. Good luck, cause I won't let you get a mislynch. I recommend putting your focus elsewhere if I were you.
I'm having fun, actually.

You've stated a bunch of nonsense that really doesn't matter since you're talking around what it is I told you. I may choose to divulge that if need be, for now I'm content with applying pressure to you and projecting my suspicion.


Certified Memelord
michelle top poster is not something ive ever thought of seeing, can maybe town lean for it. legit whats the case on her

maybe we shud vote up flower imo. easiest way to get a read on her + her activity excuse r more aligned with her scum meta
I'm going to work.

I still have to read last night posts including SKs walls, but i'll catch up later
Last impression about SK by skimming his first wall, he is town for me and I see no one says otherwise and that means scums are affraid to poke at him to not attract his attention.
Are you blind


michelle top poster is not something ive ever thought of seeing, can maybe town lean for it. legit whats the case on her

maybe we shud vote up flower imo. easiest way to get a read on her + her activity excuse r more aligned with her scum meta
shell have a fucking tornado fit if one vote got cast on her so im down to get rid of her.

still down to cfd ratchet though
I'm having fun, actually.

You've stated a bunch of nonsense that really doesn't matter since you're talking around what it is I told you. I may choose to divulge that if need be, for now I'm content with applying pressure to you and projecting my suspicion.
I find it funny you paint it as nonsense when your entire argument is based on nonsense "He didn't claim to me after I threatned and demanded a claim, i am sad." . Nothing was talked around, points were addressed directly and you decided to ignore it completely because you have nothing really to say to it. You know you are wrong.
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