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I targeted John Wayne/UWU Night 1 and Night 2. You obviously have no real response hence why you're appealing to a vague reason like "personality" - as if have any inkling what actions I would or would not take.
your reaction to the entire situation is panicky, if you know you only sent one slash we could’ve just discussed it instead you chose to be a dick over and over again hence why I rolecrushed you.

you’re your own worst enemy.

I was ready to discuss and figure out what happened with 4 night kills but given every single one failed is more proof you’re scum than town.


What could have been...
Mr. Charlie's abilities worked in a way that require Mr. Ultra to have been hit by an untraceable ability, which is possible but very unlikely.

Thank you Mr. Pero, that was deep in my notes. Makes it difficult to sus two players making that claim ngl
did u read last EoD? i feel like u r the one sho shot me and claiming it indirectly. if u did why did u shoot me


The End and the Beginning
cool now i repeat my post again

what other characters u think have sword slash, or do u think its another mechanic. i assume u have 0 hints from ur role about this? does it mention anything in the sword slash ability that can give us leads on who might have it too
I assume the ability is mine, just copied. There are no hints in my role, no. I wasn't told I was harmed with anything too, beyond the jail.


I just claimed an ability called Ryodan too.ōdan

Known Practicioners - Kenpachi

Thank you for playing. You too @MUUGEN as no doubt you haven't put even this much together.
for someone who’s been spouting flavor doesn’t equate to being cleared tou sure are reaching for it.

Bushogoma and Irooni are my abilities so by your own logic I should be town cleared, or does the logic only apply to you?


Mr. Usopp, I will see you in Hell (arc).

And Mr. Ratchet claims he sent a super kill at Mr. Kiku as well. So that's quite the cover.

I have been thinking that Mr. Ratchet could be Aizen, "sword slash" and "overwhelming reiatsu" are both key parts of Aizen's kit. Aizen uses a no name sword slash to take down most of the Gotei and nearly severs Ichigo's spine with it and he reiatsu crushes Grimmjow.

I'm not quite ready to lynch Mr. Ratchet though, Mr. Muugen. If only because I think Mr. Usopp surviving a kill shot is more severe.
I’m ok with a Kekko lynch but I need kerk to answe some questions first.


What could have been...
I do not have any killing abilities, Mr. Usopp, nor am I restricted from claiming in any manner. I am aware that you were hit by a kill and are still alive.
thats fine thanks for the information, but this doesnt tell u anything whatsover about my alignment

if anything if a townie does not claim this shot then im likely just shot by mafia, ergo im confirmed not part of 1 of the teams (if we know who did the kill). after yesterday's lynch im pretty much not team red


The End and the Beginning
your reaction to the entire situation is panicky, if you know you only sent one slash we could’ve just discussed it instead you chose to be a dick over and over again hence why I rolecrushed you.

you’re your own worst enemy.

I was ready to discuss and figure out what happened with 4 night kills but given every single one failed is more proof you’re scum than town.
I don't care to discuss anything with you - I think it's a waste of my time and energy because I don't think you are capable of reason. I said from the sart I only sent one, but your level one thinking immediately jumps on the lowest of hanging fruits without actually stepping back and *thinking*. You sent the rolecrush, too?

Maybe after the game you can explain to the town, if you are town, why you had to tunnel and use all of your abilities on the town vig, and do try to take some degree of personal responsibility. Your read is bad, your actions are bad, and you are letting yourself be ruled by your emotions. Me treating you with condescension does not make me scum.


What could have been...
I assume the ability is mine, just copied. There are no hints in my role, no. I wasn't told I was harmed with anything too, beyond the jail.
i see u r assuming its copied more than assuming other ppl simply have the same name. if its copied it wud have to be copied during the day to be used at night. 4 times is already too much


Not a problem, Mr. Muugen. We have a long day phase ahead of us.

How do you feel about Mr. Ultra? I know Mr. Charlie was puzzled at Mr. Ultra's claim that a hostile action hit him N1 when Mr. Charlie was observing him.
I mean it’s a mason claim in the Kiku push I liked him more and then ratchet was willing to waste hrs going back n forth with him for no reason so I can see him bein town here at worst he’s purple mafia but that would make ratchet non aizen faction. I’ve liked ultra more tbh his push is what made me scum read Kiku originally on d1.
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