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I'm very strict and keep ppl to the same standards haha.

And as I said, giving literally any kind of true information to town is just not acceptable as scum, I for example would be *very* mad if one of my teammates did that. Unless it's tmi on the other scum team I guess.
I agree it was suboptimal lol, and I flinched when I saw her say the thing that contradicted me bc I knew it would come back to bite lol. But she didn’t know that was coming.

It’s where the heart’s at that matters lol. In future games she’d do well to keep her cards closer to her chest or make sure whatever “misinformation/information” given would have a real payoff & none of its free. But that’s a gameplay mprovement thing, not an indictment on her character lol (which game throwing is an indictment on character).
I was once told by Ratchet that not claiming your character after being asked as town is game throwing

what do you guys think?
I call things game throwing in the heat of the moment that I think is stupid/bad lol. Like if I was town I’d have for sure accused Tac of game throwing for his Pot kill lol. But obviously level headed me knows he just made a mistake lol.

Which I would throw being stubborn to claim and it making you look bad in that category. You should claim when you’re in the situation that calls for it.
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