On G the most disrespected warlord without a shadow of a doubt is Boa Hancock. And the weird thing is seeing Doflamingo fans use her as hypetool for Doflamingo lol. That's the wildest part, because they everytime take the statement by Aokiji out of context. So let's take a look at the facts between the two, and where they stand.
Haki: Both possess all three. But what makes Hancock special is she that she rules over the one and only nation in the world renowned for Haki. For example, Smoker's quote of "That's the Kuja's haki." To such an extent that even fodders in Amazon Lilly are capable of using Haki on things like arrows. Portrayal advantage Boa Hancock.
Devil Fruit: Boa is straight up a human killer. Any dude or woman, even the most disciplined, who gets even the smallest lust for her, is gonna get trapped by it. And the only way to resist it is to cause pain to yourself so your mind's urges are overridden, as shown by Momonga. It's one of the biggest hax in the series. But Doflamingo has a versatile fruit in which his strings come in different amounts of toughness and with it's own hax ability the birdcage, then there's the ability to fly, ability to control people like puppets and so on. But then you have Hancock's ability to turn things to stone the moment she touches anything. So it's two different types of Devil Fruits, but Boa's is definitely the bigger hax. When it comes to fighting gotta give the edge to Boa due to the massive advantage her DF provides in CQC, where you really have but no choice to use CoA to cover your body at the places she'll hit at all times against her, even for countering her basic non-haki attacks.
Doflamingo Portrayal Myths:
1st. This order of how they're positioned is labeled as portrayal for Doflamingo being the 2nd strongest warlord. You would normally think this is something done by an amateur debater, but no legit debaters of Doflamingo's.. actually consider this to be portrayal of powerlevel. Instead what you really have here is the order of the OG warlords by their original bounties, and then the addition of two new warlords arranged by their original bounties. Because if we go by "order of strongest to weakest", that'd make Weevil the strongest as he was mentioned even before Dracule in the conversation. And hopefully nobody is dumb enough to claim that:
2nd. Aokiji's statement about Doflamingo where he also mentions Hancock. And this is also one of those things that you would expect an amateur debater or somebody new to OP to use for powerlevel portrayal, but sadly this has become one of the most prominent quotes used by even experienced debaters of Doflamingo when it comes to hyping up his powerlevel. Let's analyze the entire situation:
- Aokiji first off tells Smoker that there are things that you can only see when you remain independent:
- Smoker then asks Aokiji if he has affiliations with the underworld, and Aokiji tells him, "I'm just me, Smoker"
- So after an implied connection of Kuzan and the underworld, from his statement of seeing somethings once you're independent and of course knowing Smoker was there on PH (which was broadcasted live through to the entire black market). Finally, Aokiji makes this statement:
Aokiji here tells Smoker to not take his eyes off of Doflamingo, that he's one of the seven warlords AND presiding KING of Dressrosa. And who does he mention next? Right the other only monarch who's a warlord, Boa Hancock. That Doflamingo is an exceedingly rare class of pirate unlike even Snake Princess of Kuja (notice the mentioning of Boa's title here and not her name). Why is he a rare class of pirate unlike even Boa? Because he's not just a warlord & a monarch like Boa.. He's also the biggest underworld trader in the world, something the marines and good portion of the general public and people were oblivious to. Absolutely nothing to do with powerlevel.
This is also going back to a statement made by Caesar that Doflamingo is the most dangerous man out there. Same Caesar who's scared like a bitch from the Emperors and knows they're the top pirates, meaning even this statement by Caesar has nothing to do with powerlevels.
3rd. There is some weird perception related to how Doflamingo fooled the World Government or how he was holding them hostage or blackmailing them, so they had no choice but to obey him. And it's like hold on what? That sounds like a whole lot of Two Piece instead of One Piece. And this false perception comes from him knowing about the national treasure of mariejois, and people thinking because of that Doflamingo is able to manipulate them however he wants. But this is a fan created myth, let's take a look at the reality of Doflamingo's situation and why the Gorosei were doing things for him (and trust me, it had nothing to do Doflamingo blackmailing them).
The myth takes root from the left panel below. Doflamingo tells us that he holds the most dangerous card of all for the CD and when they realized they couldn't kill him no matter how hard they tried they became cooperative. On right to this very same panel we're shown the Celestial Dragons sending their personal forces to kill Doflamingo as a kid. But what did he do? escape (why do I use the word escape? because it's consistent with the rest of his life before becoming a warlord). Nonetheless this established that the CD had no issues actually sending forces to kill Doflamingo, despite him knowing the secret of Mariejois.
Then to pinpoint and take in the conniving Doflamingo who keeps on escaping everytime they get close to him. Admiral Sengoku sets up the plan with Corozan infiltrating and being able to lure in Doflamingo into a certain situation where the marines could then finally capture him. This was in the works for years, because it was simply hard to hold down Doflamingo and capture him due to him being cunning and escaping.
Then when the plan is finally able to take hold. Doflamingo notices the Marines led by Tsuru, and shits himself and decides to run run run.. But the key statement here is, "come on, we're setting sail.. the marines are on to us again!" Meaning the mans been spending his whole life escaping and running from the marines and world government forces (much like Nico Robin did).
So when Doflamingo talks about the CD not being able to put him down no matter how hard they tried, it's not due to some powerlevel, but due to the man just being a conniving weasel who was able to escape and escape. And what was the bounty he got for his status as as pirate before joining the warlords 340 mil. This is him being a pirate for decade+.
Due to Doflamingo's smartness where he was able to successfully run from the marines (like hundreds and thousands of other pirates out there), he was finally offered the position of Warlord sometime in his early 30s or so. Now by this time the Warlord system had already been in works for nearly a decade, so likely he was replacing another warlord.
Did the Gorosei feel threatened into making him a warlord? No
Were the Gorosei blackmailed? No
Did the Gorosei have any issues sending forces to kill him? No
So why did the Gorosei decide to make him a warlord? Because he had become a pirate who they could now use for their own benefit.
How the Gorosei used Doflamingo:
To the Gorosei the likes of Doflamingo and even the admirals are nothing but pawns that they use to keep up this charade of "world balance". Why do they keep up this charade of "world balance" because it's a great distraction from somebody going after the One Piece. Because no balance = chaos, and chaos provides anybody and everybody the best opportunity to take the throne.
The Gorosei were using Doflamingo to fight back against the Revolutionary Army, where he provided the various nations that were going through a revolution the sources to fight back (which also explains why Doflamingo knows so well that the Revolutionary army is stocked with formidable opponents, instead of just handful). And notice how Dragon says the World Government won't take this lying down...Cause the WG gained the most benefit out of all:
Making deals with pirates. Doesn't the WG want to take down the Yonko? Lol, Ideally no. That's why they were conducting deals with one of the top pirates through Doflamingo (and you can bet the WG already knew about the smiles stuff, but just didn't care about it since it didn't make any big difference for them). And like Orochi says its all a big joke to them huh:
In conclusion they were able to use Doflamingo to counter their biggest threat, the Revolutionary Army, and also keep the whole charade of "power balance" going by negotiating with a Yonko, and we've already seen another Yonko request for the Gorosei's time.
King of Dressrosa? All thanks to the Gorosei.
Biggest underworld broker? All thanks to the Gorosei
"held the reigns of Big players"? All thanks to the Gorosei
Did they want him dead after they made him warlord? No, cause if they did, they could've just had Sengoku jump his ass in Mariejois and it would've been gg.
The Gorosei very well could've just treated him like any other pirate worth 300+ mil, and kept chasing him for years and maybe eventually marines capture him (the world is full of notorious pirates who keep escaping from the marines). Instead the Gorosei decided to utilize him as a pawn. Doflamingo is ideal definition of the tool they wanted when creating the Warlord system. Does Dressrosa taking down matter to the Gorosei? Lol not at all, plenty of countries are taken down from the WG by the RA and then just replaced with others. Heck, Germa 66 got removed and replaced by another. The best pirate tool the Gorosei could've hoped for.
Factual Portrayal of Boa Hancock and Doflamingo:
How the Top Tiers view them:
Doflamingo - He's viewed inferior to Cracker by Big Mom, Big Mom also knew where Doflamingo's prowess was relatively at because she knew that Brulee would have her hands full with Luffy due to Luffy being somebody who brought down Doflamingo. And for Kaido he's a weakling. Kaido is somebody who acknowledges people's powers even if they're his enemies. He instead of saying Jack he's weak, he acknowledges the Suulong Minks for being strong. So there's a certain standard of power you must meet in order for Kaido to acknowledge you as "strong", and Doflamingo did not meet that standard.
Boa Hancock - The Fleet Admiral of the Marines, hands in his pockets, calls Doflamingo "sea scum". While that same Fleet Admiral of the marines, is used to hype up Hancock "That woman is strong!!!!":
I shouldn't need to explain to anybody who has the superior portrayal here. Being considered weak by Kaido and considered weaker than Cracker by Big Mom vs being the warlord that Oda uses the Fleet Admiral to hype up as being strong.
Portrayal vs Big Entities:
Doflamingo - Considers himself inferior to even an Old Tsuru. The lady who he used to his shit his pants from just seeing her ship from far away. Just like when the idea of having to go up against Kaido did:
Hancock - Only became a warlord and remained as one due to the elder of her island. Personally does not give a single fuck about the marines or the World Government. Not only that just like how Oda uses Sengoku to make the "She's STRONG!!!" statement, Oda ends chapter 956, with the focus on Hancock being the one mentioning how Warlords were made Warlords for their strength. This is the same chapter we get Mihawk being shown to get excited, Weevil ready to taken on the marines surrounding him, yet the one who Oda used to emphasize strength for the warlords is Boa Hancock.
Panels speak for themselves. The guy who's been shitting his pants from marines & yonko vs the woman who does not give a single shit about the World's Biggest military and only even is a warlord "for her people" due to her elder.
Portrayal of Pirate Life:
Doflamingo - with a decade + of being a pirate: gained 340 mil bounty & was made into a warlord. Doflamingo is at the age of 41, with already maxing out his DF potential (which still kept him from being viewed superior to Cracker lol). At age of 41 Doflamingo is essentially at his peak and a dynamic character. Heck there's no implication that he grew in power from where he was before he became a warlord, since he already had bird cage even back then lol.
Boa Hancock - In her first expedition as a pirate gained the bounty of 80 mil at the age of 18. Became the youngest to be made warlords from the people we know. This is very akin to Ace, who the WG offered to be made into a warlord after his first expedition due to the power they feared he'd turn into (The other youngest would've been Ace, with PK potential). She's a growing character who's only 31 right now, even as a Warlord she grew from the time she first joined as she still did her expeditions to the sea as a warlord. And she's still a good decade away from the age where "prime" is fixated for OP characters (with the rare exceptions like Shanks & Mihawk).
Made into a warlord because he kept escaping and Gorosei decided to use him for their plans, in his early 30s VS Made into a warlord due to fear of her strength, at 18 years old. I don't think I need to explain why Boa has the VASTLY superior portrayal here.
Just for fun portrayal:
This is for the people who like to use that list to claim Doffy > Boa. The removal of OG warlords had been from strongest to weakest. Moriah superior to Crocodile from Alabasta (don't care about the "power creep Crocodile" that fans have created). Jinbei superior to both. Doflamingo superior to Jinbei. That left Kuma, Hancock and Mihawk. Just saying. Only counter to this is just the crocodile wank of him not being inferior to Moriah (which would be an insane argument in the first place).
There is absolutely 0 reason to assume that Doflamingo who within confines of the OP world is viewed as Cracker's inferior (despite whatever excuses fans might want to make for him), is superior to Boa. Boa has him on a leash when it comes to portrayal. She's a whole different animal compared to the Gorosei's tool. It's an insult to her greatness to even compare Doflamingo to him and imply he's on the same level as her, let alone her superior.
Though one thing I'm glad about when making this post is that none of the Doflamingo portrayal myths against Boa are as terrible as using Doflamingo walking in front of Kuma to claim Mingo is superior in powerlevel. But Kuma is a topic for another day.
Haki: Both possess all three. But what makes Hancock special is she that she rules over the one and only nation in the world renowned for Haki. For example, Smoker's quote of "That's the Kuja's haki." To such an extent that even fodders in Amazon Lilly are capable of using Haki on things like arrows. Portrayal advantage Boa Hancock.
Devil Fruit: Boa is straight up a human killer. Any dude or woman, even the most disciplined, who gets even the smallest lust for her, is gonna get trapped by it. And the only way to resist it is to cause pain to yourself so your mind's urges are overridden, as shown by Momonga. It's one of the biggest hax in the series. But Doflamingo has a versatile fruit in which his strings come in different amounts of toughness and with it's own hax ability the birdcage, then there's the ability to fly, ability to control people like puppets and so on. But then you have Hancock's ability to turn things to stone the moment she touches anything. So it's two different types of Devil Fruits, but Boa's is definitely the bigger hax. When it comes to fighting gotta give the edge to Boa due to the massive advantage her DF provides in CQC, where you really have but no choice to use CoA to cover your body at the places she'll hit at all times against her, even for countering her basic non-haki attacks.
Doflamingo Portrayal Myths:
1st. This order of how they're positioned is labeled as portrayal for Doflamingo being the 2nd strongest warlord. You would normally think this is something done by an amateur debater, but no legit debaters of Doflamingo's.. actually consider this to be portrayal of powerlevel. Instead what you really have here is the order of the OG warlords by their original bounties, and then the addition of two new warlords arranged by their original bounties. Because if we go by "order of strongest to weakest", that'd make Weevil the strongest as he was mentioned even before Dracule in the conversation. And hopefully nobody is dumb enough to claim that:

2nd. Aokiji's statement about Doflamingo where he also mentions Hancock. And this is also one of those things that you would expect an amateur debater or somebody new to OP to use for powerlevel portrayal, but sadly this has become one of the most prominent quotes used by even experienced debaters of Doflamingo when it comes to hyping up his powerlevel. Let's analyze the entire situation:
- Aokiji first off tells Smoker that there are things that you can only see when you remain independent:

- Smoker then asks Aokiji if he has affiliations with the underworld, and Aokiji tells him, "I'm just me, Smoker"

- So after an implied connection of Kuzan and the underworld, from his statement of seeing somethings once you're independent and of course knowing Smoker was there on PH (which was broadcasted live through to the entire black market). Finally, Aokiji makes this statement:

Aokiji here tells Smoker to not take his eyes off of Doflamingo, that he's one of the seven warlords AND presiding KING of Dressrosa. And who does he mention next? Right the other only monarch who's a warlord, Boa Hancock. That Doflamingo is an exceedingly rare class of pirate unlike even Snake Princess of Kuja (notice the mentioning of Boa's title here and not her name). Why is he a rare class of pirate unlike even Boa? Because he's not just a warlord & a monarch like Boa.. He's also the biggest underworld trader in the world, something the marines and good portion of the general public and people were oblivious to. Absolutely nothing to do with powerlevel.
This is also going back to a statement made by Caesar that Doflamingo is the most dangerous man out there. Same Caesar who's scared like a bitch from the Emperors and knows they're the top pirates, meaning even this statement by Caesar has nothing to do with powerlevels.

3rd. There is some weird perception related to how Doflamingo fooled the World Government or how he was holding them hostage or blackmailing them, so they had no choice but to obey him. And it's like hold on what? That sounds like a whole lot of Two Piece instead of One Piece. And this false perception comes from him knowing about the national treasure of mariejois, and people thinking because of that Doflamingo is able to manipulate them however he wants. But this is a fan created myth, let's take a look at the reality of Doflamingo's situation and why the Gorosei were doing things for him (and trust me, it had nothing to do Doflamingo blackmailing them).
The myth takes root from the left panel below. Doflamingo tells us that he holds the most dangerous card of all for the CD and when they realized they couldn't kill him no matter how hard they tried they became cooperative. On right to this very same panel we're shown the Celestial Dragons sending their personal forces to kill Doflamingo as a kid. But what did he do? escape (why do I use the word escape? because it's consistent with the rest of his life before becoming a warlord). Nonetheless this established that the CD had no issues actually sending forces to kill Doflamingo, despite him knowing the secret of Mariejois.

Then to pinpoint and take in the conniving Doflamingo who keeps on escaping everytime they get close to him. Admiral Sengoku sets up the plan with Corozan infiltrating and being able to lure in Doflamingo into a certain situation where the marines could then finally capture him. This was in the works for years, because it was simply hard to hold down Doflamingo and capture him due to him being cunning and escaping.

Then when the plan is finally able to take hold. Doflamingo notices the Marines led by Tsuru, and shits himself and decides to run run run.. But the key statement here is, "come on, we're setting sail.. the marines are on to us again!" Meaning the mans been spending his whole life escaping and running from the marines and world government forces (much like Nico Robin did).

So when Doflamingo talks about the CD not being able to put him down no matter how hard they tried, it's not due to some powerlevel, but due to the man just being a conniving weasel who was able to escape and escape. And what was the bounty he got for his status as as pirate before joining the warlords 340 mil. This is him being a pirate for decade+.
Due to Doflamingo's smartness where he was able to successfully run from the marines (like hundreds and thousands of other pirates out there), he was finally offered the position of Warlord sometime in his early 30s or so. Now by this time the Warlord system had already been in works for nearly a decade, so likely he was replacing another warlord.
Did the Gorosei feel threatened into making him a warlord? No
Were the Gorosei blackmailed? No
Did the Gorosei have any issues sending forces to kill him? No
So why did the Gorosei decide to make him a warlord? Because he had become a pirate who they could now use for their own benefit.
How the Gorosei used Doflamingo:
To the Gorosei the likes of Doflamingo and even the admirals are nothing but pawns that they use to keep up this charade of "world balance". Why do they keep up this charade of "world balance" because it's a great distraction from somebody going after the One Piece. Because no balance = chaos, and chaos provides anybody and everybody the best opportunity to take the throne.
The Gorosei were using Doflamingo to fight back against the Revolutionary Army, where he provided the various nations that were going through a revolution the sources to fight back (which also explains why Doflamingo knows so well that the Revolutionary army is stocked with formidable opponents, instead of just handful). And notice how Dragon says the World Government won't take this lying down...Cause the WG gained the most benefit out of all:

Making deals with pirates. Doesn't the WG want to take down the Yonko? Lol, Ideally no. That's why they were conducting deals with one of the top pirates through Doflamingo (and you can bet the WG already knew about the smiles stuff, but just didn't care about it since it didn't make any big difference for them). And like Orochi says its all a big joke to them huh:

In conclusion they were able to use Doflamingo to counter their biggest threat, the Revolutionary Army, and also keep the whole charade of "power balance" going by negotiating with a Yonko, and we've already seen another Yonko request for the Gorosei's time.
King of Dressrosa? All thanks to the Gorosei.
Biggest underworld broker? All thanks to the Gorosei
"held the reigns of Big players"? All thanks to the Gorosei
Did they want him dead after they made him warlord? No, cause if they did, they could've just had Sengoku jump his ass in Mariejois and it would've been gg.
The Gorosei very well could've just treated him like any other pirate worth 300+ mil, and kept chasing him for years and maybe eventually marines capture him (the world is full of notorious pirates who keep escaping from the marines). Instead the Gorosei decided to utilize him as a pawn. Doflamingo is ideal definition of the tool they wanted when creating the Warlord system. Does Dressrosa taking down matter to the Gorosei? Lol not at all, plenty of countries are taken down from the WG by the RA and then just replaced with others. Heck, Germa 66 got removed and replaced by another. The best pirate tool the Gorosei could've hoped for.
Factual Portrayal of Boa Hancock and Doflamingo:
How the Top Tiers view them:
Doflamingo - He's viewed inferior to Cracker by Big Mom, Big Mom also knew where Doflamingo's prowess was relatively at because she knew that Brulee would have her hands full with Luffy due to Luffy being somebody who brought down Doflamingo. And for Kaido he's a weakling. Kaido is somebody who acknowledges people's powers even if they're his enemies. He instead of saying Jack he's weak, he acknowledges the Suulong Minks for being strong. So there's a certain standard of power you must meet in order for Kaido to acknowledge you as "strong", and Doflamingo did not meet that standard.

Boa Hancock - The Fleet Admiral of the Marines, hands in his pockets, calls Doflamingo "sea scum". While that same Fleet Admiral of the marines, is used to hype up Hancock "That woman is strong!!!!":

I shouldn't need to explain to anybody who has the superior portrayal here. Being considered weak by Kaido and considered weaker than Cracker by Big Mom vs being the warlord that Oda uses the Fleet Admiral to hype up as being strong.
Portrayal vs Big Entities:
Doflamingo - Considers himself inferior to even an Old Tsuru. The lady who he used to his shit his pants from just seeing her ship from far away. Just like when the idea of having to go up against Kaido did:

Hancock - Only became a warlord and remained as one due to the elder of her island. Personally does not give a single fuck about the marines or the World Government. Not only that just like how Oda uses Sengoku to make the "She's STRONG!!!" statement, Oda ends chapter 956, with the focus on Hancock being the one mentioning how Warlords were made Warlords for their strength. This is the same chapter we get Mihawk being shown to get excited, Weevil ready to taken on the marines surrounding him, yet the one who Oda used to emphasize strength for the warlords is Boa Hancock.

Panels speak for themselves. The guy who's been shitting his pants from marines & yonko vs the woman who does not give a single shit about the World's Biggest military and only even is a warlord "for her people" due to her elder.
Portrayal of Pirate Life:
Doflamingo - with a decade + of being a pirate: gained 340 mil bounty & was made into a warlord. Doflamingo is at the age of 41, with already maxing out his DF potential (which still kept him from being viewed superior to Cracker lol). At age of 41 Doflamingo is essentially at his peak and a dynamic character. Heck there's no implication that he grew in power from where he was before he became a warlord, since he already had bird cage even back then lol.
Boa Hancock - In her first expedition as a pirate gained the bounty of 80 mil at the age of 18. Became the youngest to be made warlords from the people we know. This is very akin to Ace, who the WG offered to be made into a warlord after his first expedition due to the power they feared he'd turn into (The other youngest would've been Ace, with PK potential). She's a growing character who's only 31 right now, even as a Warlord she grew from the time she first joined as she still did her expeditions to the sea as a warlord. And she's still a good decade away from the age where "prime" is fixated for OP characters (with the rare exceptions like Shanks & Mihawk).

Made into a warlord because he kept escaping and Gorosei decided to use him for their plans, in his early 30s VS Made into a warlord due to fear of her strength, at 18 years old. I don't think I need to explain why Boa has the VASTLY superior portrayal here.
Just for fun portrayal:
This is for the people who like to use that list to claim Doffy > Boa. The removal of OG warlords had been from strongest to weakest. Moriah superior to Crocodile from Alabasta (don't care about the "power creep Crocodile" that fans have created). Jinbei superior to both. Doflamingo superior to Jinbei. That left Kuma, Hancock and Mihawk. Just saying. Only counter to this is just the crocodile wank of him not being inferior to Moriah (which would be an insane argument in the first place).
There is absolutely 0 reason to assume that Doflamingo who within confines of the OP world is viewed as Cracker's inferior (despite whatever excuses fans might want to make for him), is superior to Boa. Boa has him on a leash when it comes to portrayal. She's a whole different animal compared to the Gorosei's tool. It's an insult to her greatness to even compare Doflamingo to him and imply he's on the same level as her, let alone her superior.
Though one thing I'm glad about when making this post is that none of the Doflamingo portrayal myths against Boa are as terrible as using Doflamingo walking in front of Kuma to claim Mingo is superior in powerlevel. But Kuma is a topic for another day.