General & Others Bounties placed on yonkos is kinda Bull$h!t writing in my opinion...


let's see some highest bounties placed on some great pirates :

what i mean is nobody has powerz to catch or take down these very strong pirates and earn teh bounty prize...but these very piratez have powerz and means to capture any one and win their prize...

these bounties writing bs makes no sense at all...

it also proves that marines are bunch of coward pu$$iez who fail to do teh job of capturing these pirates...

thanks all to luffy who is doing their job perfectly..
Bountys are Hype Tool,
We love discussing the bounties of this and that Characters.

Maybe we will discovers some Powerful Bounty Hunters in the future.
Bounties are just hypetool
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Highly doubt it, way too late in the story for that, at very best they do a movie about a bounty hunter.
can u tel me wat are some of greatest one piece treazure teoris that make sence plz?????..

Wut is 1 piece trezure ????..
Who said you need to catch them Alone?
These Bounties aren't for just Bounty Hunters, they are for Kingdoms, Mercenary Groups, Organizations ... etc
Anyone who isn't a Criminal themselves can try & catch Pirates & they aren't obliged to do it alone & they aren't obliged to do it in a Fair Fight.

For example, Queen was able to catch Big Mom thanks to her condition or King was able to send her down the Ocean because he picked the right time to strike ... etc

So anyone who have Good Skills & Fairly Strong can end up in a situation where they Catch someone with Yonko Bounty & then deliver them to WG.
Bounties are useless in the OP world. Only Marines and Pirates are strong enough for Strong Pirates. And if a Marine takes down a high bounty pirate, they're highly likely not getting their bounty money. The WG would keep it. Whilst other Pirates who take them down, wont get shit...

Bounties are nothing more than hypetools.

let's see some highest bounties placed on some great pirates :

what i mean is nobody has powerz to catch or take down these very strong pirates and earn teh bounty prize...but these very piratez have powerz and means to capture any one and win their prize...

these bounties writing bs makes no sense at all...

it also proves that marines are bunch of coward pu$$iez who fail to do teh job of capturing these pirates...

thanks all to luffy who is doing their job perfectly..
Considering what Blackbeard did with Ace or Bonney
Pirates can negotiate to hand someone in exchange for something...
He handed Ace for a place in shichibukai

Bonney’s bounty was over 100 mil, and BB requested a battleship instead which costs around 100 mil too

also, Shichibukai are the bounty hunters of One Piece as they beat pirates by permission of WG in exchange for immunity and money.

so point is... it’s not nonsense... HOWEVER, Oda is simply not using it at full capacity or taking advantage of what he’s got.
Bountys are Hype Tool,
We love discussing the bounties of this and that Characters.

Maybe we will discovers some Powerful Bounty Hunters in the future.
Top Tier Bounty hunters are illogical by definition. If there's one so strong he's better off siding with the Marines or the Emperors.
Just another way to make fans go crazy over powerlevels since bounties are indicators of it... But yet really shallow ones. There is the gap between early and current OP. Just to make an example Arlong was one of the officers of Fisher Tiger after Jinbe yet he get a 20M bounty, Oda then tries with the "frozen bounty" excuse. Croco's was frozen at 80M, Doffy at 320M and so on. People like pre time skip Kidd and maybe the Beast pirates YC too get a plus because of bloodbaths. Dragon is the "man most wanted in the world" yet in that bounty speech there is no mention of him. Is his bounty higher than BM and Kaido, is it maybe even higher than Roger since he at least is pretty much the leader of a big rebellion (multiple countries) which try to overthrow the WG while Roger never tried that and so on. A tool like another to create debate, even if it is risky since it can mess with powerlevels but at the se time it is not a real powerlevel indicator so Oda keeps using it (even if very rarely) unlike the DBZ author who ditched the powerlevels after Freeza saga (because of the mess they caused, you can still find nowadays messed debates about powerlevels in Namkes saga and fanmade stuff for the sagas after it).
Oda exorbitated as he felt the need to always hype the new characters.

Before the time skip bounties were more economic, fanarts used to display Shanks' bounty as 700 million for instance. But then after the time skip nobodies like Pekoms and Tamago were shown to be worth more than pratically all the shichibukai.

Jack consolidated the inflation with his 1 billion when the previous higher bounty before him was half of that.
Kaido has been captured 18 times, so your point is stupid. No one said you have to beat them 1 on 1
you point is stupid and BAKA AND DUMB TOOOO!!!!!!!!!!...cuz fact that kaido was captured then ESCAPED proves that bounties are useless...also was he yanko by then????..
Smoker can easily hunt east blue villain like kuro, arlong, buggy, kreig, or baroque works so he can retired early and build a farm with bunch of money

But instead he choose to become a poor marine's dog in logue town capturing low bounty pirate
Bounties just reveal how dangerous a pirate is in OP. It would be nice if there was bounty hunters taking down pirates that was published at the end of arcs in the newspaper to at least give the semblance that pirates are being captured.