General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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My bounty predictions haven’t changed much in the past year, what r yours?
If it’s about Killer, highest I see him going is 700M, 500 for the Yonko participation and 200 for defeating Hawkins on top
Excluding Jinbe and Robin, I think most of them are to high, except for Killer's..

Luffy's and Kidd's are more vague imo, they have multiple options.

Luffy options:
- 3,000,000,000
- 3,500,000,000
- 4,000,000,000

Kidd options:
- 2,000,000,000
- 2,049,000,000
- 2,490,000,000

The others are more solid and predictable for me and goes the following way:
Law ---> 2,000,000,000
Zoro ---> 1,520,000,000
Yamato ---> 1,050,000,000
Killer ---> 1,013,000,000
Usopp ---> 400,000,000

Another possibility for Zoro is something like 1,6xx,000,000. But I'm more confident on the first bounty I mentioned.

As for Killer, well, he's already at 200,000,000 so adding the 700,000,000 that you mentioned (500 + 200) then his bare minimum should be 900,000,000.

Let me know your opinion man
Time for an update

1)Luffy: well, if CP0 or other informers (Apoo-Morgans) disclosed the Nika-JoyBoy-Luffy connection, then after defeating Kaido his bounty should be definitely in the Emperors' level. My guess: 5 billion berries.

2)Law: roof piece protagonist, a D. carrier (I think, however, that this is still unknown to the elders and Im), member of the worst generation, ex-shichibukai, powerful enough to tag team against an Emperor, survive and even beat her. My guess: 2.2 billion berries.

3)Kidd: roof piece protagonist, infamous new world experienced new world pirate, member of the worst generation, tag team winner against a Yonko. My guess: 2.17 billion berries (30 million difference with Law maintained)

4)Zoro: roof piece protagonist, probably already among the top 3 world swordsmen, wing of the pirate king, strong enough to survive an amazing combined atrack of two emperers and then to slay down one of the few survivor of the Lunarian race and first-hand man of the WSS. My guess: 1.6 billion berries.

4)Sanji: wing of the pirate King, carrier of the powers of the infamous Germa science, son of a hitch, strong enough to demolish an ancient zoan worth of 1.32 billion berries even withdrawing the power of the raid suit. My guess: 1.33 billion berry

5)Killer: roof piece protagonist, second-hand man of Kidd, member of the worst generation that lol-diffed another WorstGen pirate. My guess: 1.162 billion berries.

6)Yamato: daughter of the WSC, according to Jack she's strong enough to require him himself to be stopped and not the Flying six, strong enough to stall an angry hybrid Kaido for I don't remember how many tens of minutes. My guess: 780 million bounty if the first bounty, if already had one then 1 billion.

7)Jimbe: ex-shichibukai, ex-member and then captain of the Sun Pirates, ex-ally of the Big Mom pirates, declared enemy of the world government, strong enough to play with a highly skilled ex-Cipher Pol member who was already in charge of a first priority mission (guard the legendary Nika-Nika fruit, worth of 5 billion berry) more then a decade ago and actually a 546 million berry new world captain. My guess: 638 million berries.

8)Robin: the devil's child, target of the whole piracy world and second goal of Wano invasion of CP0 and government forces (after Luffy). Owned a 480 million new world captain. My guess: 630 million berries.

9)Franky: high-differ a 470 million new-world captain and Kaido high-ufficial. My guess: 494 million berries.

10)Brook: 383 million berries.

11)Usopp: 300 million berries.

12)Nami: 263 million berries

13)Monster Chopper: 100 million berries

Yes, some are missing but I'm tired, fuck me for writing this shit
Luffy options:
- 3,000,000,000
- 3,500,000,000
- 4,000,000,000

Kidd options:
- 2,000,000,000
- 2,049,000,000
- 2,490,000,000

The others are more solid and predictable for me and goes the following way:
Law ---> 2,000,000,000
Zoro ---> 1,520,000,000
Yamato ---> 1,050,000,000
Killer ---> 1,013,000,000
Usopp ---> 400,000,000

Another possibility for Zoro is something like 1,6xx,000,000. But I'm more confident on the first bounty I mentioned.

As for Killer, well, he's already at 200,000,000 so adding the 700,000,000 that you mentioned (500 + 200) then his bare minimum should be 900,000,000.

Let me know your opinion man
Law/Kid/Luffy will get massive bounties, I think Oda will not miss his chance to reward us the fanbase/readers with great payoff for a 4-5 year long arc. 1-2B for these dudes is too little. These three are a fan favorite like Mouten/Ouhon/Shin from Kingdom.

I'm dead set on Zoro getting 1.7-2.2B bc he's always gotten a bit above Luffys previous bounty.

  1. Bounty 1: 30M/60M
  2. Bounty 2: 100M/120M
  3. Bounty 3: 300M/320M
  4. Bounty 4: 1.5B/1.7B? (Since Zoro just took out a Billion Berry Man, we can disregard Dressrosa bounties)
This was my thought process. And 2.2B+ if he kills Kaido to reflect what Teach got for killing WB.

I say 500M for Usopp because he blurted out that he took down 2 Tobi Roppo and I don't think that was there as a pointless panel. 500M to continue that God Usopp Meme.

I don't object to your Yamato Bounty. I think 900M - 1.2B is fair game to parallel Smoothies bounty.

Killer could get 1B, but I doubt it. I think 500-700M is fair game.

Although since the Tobi Roppo were given such high bounties, I would not at all be surprised or object at Killers bounty being very high.

I've been wrong before with Bounty predictions, so I could be low-ball/high-balling all these guys, but these are just my thoughts.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Luffy: 5 billion
Zoro: 1.52 billion
Sanji: 1.33 billion
Nami: 300 million
Usopp: 500 million
Chopper: 200 berri
Robin: 490-500 million
Franky: 480 million
Brook: 250-280 million
Jimbei: 800 million

Kid: 2.5 billion
Killer: 800 mil - 1 billion

Law: 2.5 billion
Law/Kid/Luffy will get massive bounties, I think Oda will not miss his chance to reward us the fanbase/readers with great payoff for a 4-5 year long arc. 1-2B for these dudes is too little. These three are a fan favorite like Mouten/Ouhon/Shin from Kingdom.

I'm dead set on Zoro getting 1.7-2.2B bc he's always gotten a bit above Luffys previous bounty.

  1. Bounty 1: 30M/60M
  2. Bounty 2: 100M/120M
  3. Bounty 3: 300M/320M
  4. Bounty 4: 1.5B/1.7B? (Since Zoro just took out a Billion Berry Man, we can disregard Dressrosa bounties)
This was my thought process. And 2.2B+ if he kills Kaido to reflect what Teach got for killing WB.

I say 500M for Usopp because he blurted out that he took down 2 Tobi Roppo and I don't think that was there as a pointless panel. 500M to continue that God Usopp Meme.

I don't object to your Yamato Bounty. I think 900M - 1.2B is fair game to parallel Smoothies bounty.

Killer could get 1B, but I doubt it. I think 500-700M is fair game.

Although since the Tobi Roppo were given such high bounties, I would not at all be surprised or object at Killers bounty being very high.

I've been wrong before with Bounty predictions, so I could be low-ball/high-balling all these guys, but these are just my thoughts.
It's fair, the distance between our prediction Is not to much. I just hope the bounties will Be revealed in the next 10 chapters or so lol

I also wonder if people like Apoo and Hawkins will have an increase or not, specially Apoo who has intel on Governament business
It's fair, the distance between our prediction Is not to much. I just hope the bounties will Be revealed in the next 10 chapters or so lol

I also wonder if people like Apoo and Hawkins will have an increase or not, specially Apoo who has intel on Governament business
I think Apoo and Hawkins are done. Their Pirate careers are finished
Story-wise? Unlikely.
She's a beast to resist to her father, but Kid is credited to be the one, with Law, who defeated a Yonkou. It's a whole different level!
Fair, obviously it depends on how much the Gov knows. If they credit the victory to the Supernova instead of the bombs it will make a huge difference. If they know nothing about Yamato because no one else was there then he'll be nerfed for it.


Zoro Worshipper
I will be mad if my Grandmaster doesn't enroll with 2 billions

A lot shall depend on the ZKK act :josad: If it doesn't happen I'm betting on anything from 1 to 1.5
If Momo actually joins the SHs and the WG know he is the other dragon with Vegapunk’s artificial DF, what could his bounty be? I personally wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a 100M.
If Momo actually joins the SHs and the WG know he is the other dragon with Vegapunk’s artificial DF, what could his bounty be? I personally wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a 100M.
Son of Oden and apparently looks just like him
With the powers of Kaido

I’m going to say he’ll be in the mid 500 millions