Speculations Brook will be the one to beat the admirals


As we know from pokemon ice > grass therefore brook > greenbull, brooks swordsmanship > greenbulls swordsmanship

as well as ice > akainus magma specifically as we see pre timeskip jinbe blocked akainus magma with water
and ice > water therefore brook > akainu

We also know ice slows down things therefore brooks ice slows down kizaru and brooks swordsmanship > kizarus swordsmanship

Brook could beat fujitora by freezing the meteor or stopping it with his superior swordsmanship and brooks swordsmanship > fujitoras swordsmanship
also as we know from pokemon ghost > psychic (coo and gravity)

Also we know 5 strawhats are already above admiral level due to being on the same level as commanders or above
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe and Chopper
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As we know from pokemon ice > grass therefore brook > greenbull, brooks swordsmanship > greenbulls swordsmanship

as well as ice > akainus magma specifically as we see pre timeskip jinbe blocked akainus magma with water
and we know from pokemon ice > water therefore brook > akainu

We also know ice slows down things therefore brooks ice slows down kizaru and brooks swordsmanship > kizarus swordsmanship

Brook could beat fujitora by freezing the meteor or stopping it with his superior swordsmanship and brooks swordsmanship > fujitoras swordsmanship
also as we know from pokemon ghost > psychic (coo and gravity)

Also we know 5 strawhats are already above admiral level due to being on the same level as commanders or above
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe and Chopper
That makes sense :crazwhat:
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all the pokemon weaknesses are real lmao
In Pokemon Ice is not > Water.

Akainu Lava is fire Type which is super effective against Ice.

Brook swordsmanship is not better than Kizaru. Kizaru stalemated with Rayleigh in sword battle. You are basically saying that Brook is better than Rayleigh that trained Luffy. Therefore better than Luffy too.
In Pokemon Ice is not > Water.
Ice > water is common sense

Akainu Lava is fire Type which is super effective against Ice.
Akainus magma is fodder, he couldnt even scar jinbe

Brook swordsmanship is not better than Kizaru. Kizaru stalemated with Rayleigh in sword battle. You are basically saying that Brook is better than Rayleigh that trained Luffy. Therefore better than Luffy too.
brook > kizaru
ratio + yb better


Ice > water is common sense

Akainus magma is fodder, he couldnt even scar jinbe

brook > kizaru
ratio + yb better
Ice > Water is not a thing at pokemon. And you are quotting pokemon so you don't have an argument.

Akainu's magma is not fodder. Jinbei is a beast. I agree that Ace is weak but WB is not.

Anyone > Kizaru is a ridiculous statement. He is the only guy who was willing to take down 2 Yonkos by himself.

I didn't understood your last statement.