Speculations Brook will be the one to beat the admirals


As we know from pokemon ice > grass therefore brook > greenbull, brooks swordsmanship > greenbulls swordsmanship

as well as ice > akainus magma specifically as we see pre timeskip jinbe blocked akainus magma with water
and ice > water therefore brook > akainu

We also know ice slows down things therefore brooks ice slows down kizaru and brooks swordsmanship > kizarus swordsmanship

Brook could beat fujitora by freezing the meteor or stopping it with his superior swordsmanship and brooks swordsmanship > fujitoras swordsmanship
also as we know from pokemon ghost > psychic (coo and gravity)

Also we know 6 strawhats are already above admiral level due to being on the same level as commanders or above
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Jinbe and Chopper
I answered your question . Admirals are strongest in the series other than yonkos . Other than top 4 from straw hats none will reach admiral level.

Other than sword skills brook is basically a skeleton. He literally got low differ by big mom.
5 revo commanders (instead of lindbergh its kuma because fuck that traitor) vs 5 elders
3 strawhat commanders vs 3 admirals
Sabo vs akainu
I don't see this happening.

Kuzan who has an ice logia DF barely lost to Akainu who has magma logia DF.

Brook is strong in his own way, a skilled swordsman, but not a master swordsman.

I can see Brook go against vice admirals.