Future Events Can Oda pull off a major villain death that will make readers sad?

The problem is that Ace was an important side character loved by people. Villains, good villains, are hated by readers. So have people care will be pretty difficult but maybe not impossible.

If Oda killed Doffy at the end of his arc with some kind of minor redemption, or he sacrifices in order to save Law eventually (laughable but still..) then I can see people have a bit of care. BB, Oda will most likely have him die like a coward or something along this line like it was shown vs dead beard. But if Oda puts up some sort of Katakuri fight where there is actually respect for Luffy for being his only equal and at the end he dies with something like "I lived the life I wanted, I have no regrets zeahahaha" then it could be emotional. The problem is that until now Oda doesn't even remotely care to make something like this. See Kaido and BM, they were probably too much of an hassle to leave unchecked in the story so he killed them (unlikely but let's wait) in an awful way like they were bags of trash. No last speech, no mention of their past in the Rocks, no emotions, they simply fall (casually) in a lava pool AND the volcano erupts exactly when they are in. So I will not expect this from Oda.

The best example which comes to mind is Askellad from Vinland saga but that character was written to have that ending/role since chapter 1

EDIT: Actually maybe there is a character in OP who has some chances to get this fate and that is Moria. He has been treated like trash but eventually he could get something good even if just in death.
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Gorosei Informer

Blackbeard and Akainu have potential for amazing deaths. The "one piece story leaks" by gohdroger or whoever, had a pretty awesome and bittersweet storyline for Akainu with his backstory, reason for his nickname and his death.

  • ) In West Blue, 55 years ago, there was an orphan living in a war zone. Every night, his mother said that she loved her child. The child grew up being bullied and frequently robbed. He became increasingly angry and conspired with other children. The group of children fought and stole food to share with those in need. As his mother believed, the child believed that justice and goodness would always exist. If God didn't exist, he would uphold justice.
  • But the people given food by the child betrayed his trust. They beat and kicked his mother. His mother bled on the floor. There was also a newly sewn dog doll that was to be given to the child. But now it is also bleeding. The red dog. Then the child carries his mother to bed like she always did for him. Until she sleeps forever.
  • Therefore, the child no longer believes in the goodness of people. What exists is only selfishness. He promises to uphold absolute justice and eliminate the source of evil, no matter how small it is. The child is now the Fleet Admiral "Akainu" Sakazuki

Blackbeard and Akainu could be cases for crying for the devil, that trope, if Oda actually feels ballsy enough to do it.



Huh, Thanos got the Kars treatment?

I keep thinking Blackbeard will be the DF user to drown to death on screen (some think its Kidd now, I heavily disagree and hope not) and it fits with his Titanic theme, having a walking iceberg generator as his crewmate now and all DF users on his crew too BUT alternatively I think Blackbeard will be perma frozen to death and Akainu will drown himself instead and I'll explain why too. This is assuming oda will kill them both off too ofc or even one of them are least.

Blackbeard has been said to never sleep. He evidently has serious paranoia and trauma from his behaviours as a child/teen and Odas drawing of him under that moon and sitting in snow.


Luffy said at Drum Island that he heard there a place so cold, people don't sleep because they're scared the cold will kill in their sleep.

Oars died from the cold in some land or country of villains place. Freaking Oars too. I thought it may be Ringo but not anymore. I think it's the One Piece version of Niffheim, the winter realm amd maybe connected to Hell I think from Norse Mythology and thus a potential area of Elbaf.
We don't know Kaidos relations with giants or onis (ancient giants) and Oda gave us nothing on them with Kaidos underwhelming backstory too. Thus we dint know his relation with Elbaf, if he's friendly with, hates and or is hated by them or just neutral or indifferent too.
Kaido also has a favourite island that's a winter island, very abstract looking and technologically advanced/having a futuristic lab there according to Scotch, when Rale encountered him too.

Blackbeard attacked Drum Island too. Luffy and the IRL Joyboy are associated with drums. Drums have rubber skins. Ace went to Drum too. It stopped snowing when Ace went there. Idk where I'm going with these lmao.

Akainu is very similar to Javert in Les Miserables and IIRC, Javert died from suicide drowning in a river, after some huge shame and perversion of the justice/order he strongly believed in. Sound familiar?
Javert was an absolute justice, black or white morality guy IIRC.

Akainu the magma man, the walking volcano jumping into the ocean or drowning for any reason would be brutal and ironic for him. He would get to "cool off" permanently too.

Idk anyway I'm tired lol.

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I don’t think that’s one of Oda’s goals in an arc, in fact he goes out of his way to make the villain despicable. Doflamingo was I guess the closest to what you’re asking for, but even then, you can understand why he was who he was, but Oda drilled it in that Doffy also beheaded his father and shot his brother, two people who were the definition of good hearted people.