Character Discussion Captain Koby, The Joke of Marines

People are coping so much about Coby. Trying to making him better than he actually is.

First of all let's remember that Coby rank is still Captain of Marines while in parallel being a Sword Member that doesn't stop him from getting higher ranks. In fact this should push him into higher ranks since he is not a simple Captain. On top of that he is still called a hero because of the Rocky Port Incident. So just imagine someone that is a sword member while also being a marine(basically having 2 jobs giving his soul and flesh to the organization) plus you are world wide recognized as a hero for the rocky port incident but all of that only makes you a Captain!?

Let's also add the fact that Coby was implied to have a good CoO and a good technique of Soru.

So Coby should be flying his ranks on Marine. Oda should just let him being a Rear Admiral instead of correcting that panel from Wano. I think there was also a special episode of One Piece calling him a Rear Admiral. That should be the case for him! Or it shouldn't? Maybe Oda was right all the way of keeping Coby as a mere Captain?

Here we have Grus a TRUE Rear Admiral and also a member of Sword that has experience enough to realize when the enemy is making a trap for him. While Garp has the CoO to realize where Shiryuu was.

So we can clearly understand that Helmeppo CoO is thrash since Coby's CoO is not good enough to sense Shiryuu making no sense for him to hype his CoO that much. Also we understand that Marines thinks Coby is not that strong with having all those feats that's why he is a mere Captain of Marines.

"B-B-BUT Coby has 5 star bounty on Cross Guild!"

Yes he is World Wide recognized as Hero so that adds to him. But his colleagues Captains are on average only a single star worth. And if Marines values them all to be more or less around the same level than Koby isn't truly worth of his 5 star bounty power wise.

"B-B-BUT Garp said he is the future of Marines!"

Yes but Garp is old enough and is getting senile. There is no way so much of a joke that marines don't even rank him above Captain become somewhat relevant in the near future.
Oda is handling Coby pretty well here imo. He is young but strong, he get the "hero of rocky port incident" title, 500 million bounty which is plenty good. Probably he can be seen as a monstrous recruit just like Aokiji or Akainu were (if the source is right). The problem is that Oda now has to involve him with yonkos and admirals if he wants him to stay relevant and instead of showing he somewhat keeping up with them he is, rightly, just dead weight when he is compared to BB, Garp, Aokiji or even "simply" BB commanders. Because he is not there yet and there is no way he is there. His bounty also suggests he is at best a bit stronger than pre time skip Luffy, who got washed away in Marineford too (aside when he had to do certain stuff and look good so plot armor jumped to ridiculous levels, see him taking Sengoku punch). So he is handled well and yes, in this league of power he is trash and rightly so.