Theory WONDERLAND - Carrot's journey might be linked to the DAWN of the WORLD!!

Hi !

Here is a little hypothesis that I've been working on for years:


I will try to explain why starting with 5 mysteries !

(Summary at the end)




Pedro, Carrot's brother/father figure and mentor, seemed to know something about a prophecy, a prophecy involving a "savior" coming back centuries later to bring back the DAWN OF THE WORLD.

Your first instinct should tell you that Pedro is talking here about the prophecy that Oden discovered on Raftel, right ?

Well, don't be so sure ! Its possible that the prophecy he is talking about is NOT the prophecy discovered on Raftel, but something that one of the Duke learned about after returning from Wano.

Either that, or Oda PURPOSEFULLY left a hole in the story.


In the story, Oden did NOT talk about the Dawn to its retainers. In fact we know that they were not aware AT ALL about what Oden discovered because they asked him themselve what he knew:

So HOW COME is Pedro aware of the "DAWN", a concept from a prophecy that is only mentionned in the journal of Oden ???

So, either the Duke and Pedro are aware of ANOTHER prophecy about the dawn of the world
Oda offscreened the entire explaination to the retainers which is unlikely for such a news
Pedro was indeed talking about the prophecy of the journal of Oden and there is a hole left in the story of Wano that involves the Dukes.

Because to know about the Prophecy, one had to have the journal in their hand and here comes our second mystery:


How did the Dukes went from being taken by the ennemy and a Number in WANO:

To accessing to the power on ZOU ??

You could say: "Well Oda choosed to offscreen it". And yeah, you could be right, but:

- Why offscreen the past of the Dukes toward the present when this path was depicted in the story of ALL other retainers ?
- Why offscreen such important events in the first place ? We didn't needed much, just one or two panel showing the Duke accessing to power wouldve been enough but we had NOTHING !

Doesn't this feels strange to you ?

It could be nothing OR Oda has purspusfully left a hole in the Duke's stories. And this leads us toward our third mystery :


Who the HECK protected the journal of Oden ?

Here, Oda also left a hole in the story.

Of course, the one protecting the journal could be anyone present in the castle at the time, or even Toki. But we clearly saw no sign of Toki protecting the journal.

So who did it ?

And that's where the hole in the story of the duke might be important. Because its possible that the Dukes are the ones who protected the journal after fleeing Kaido's forces.

And so.. The dukes might be aware of the prophecy .... OR they are aware of ANOTHER prophecy.. Which brings us to our fourth mystery !


Why the HECK did Nekomamushi send Pedro to search for Poneglyphs ?

This one has no explanation. Indeed, why would the mink search for Poneglyph when they are already aware of a prophecy ?

Did the Dukes wanted to learn more about the prophecy ? Or did they learn something when they accessed power ?

And maybe it has something to do with Zunisha. Because something happened 800 years ago and its possible that the fate of the Mink Tribe is LINKED to the fate of Zunisha. This therefore brings us to our fifth mystery:


What did Zunisha do 800 years ago and how did it affected the Mink tribe ?


And this brings us back to that:

In reality. It seems like there are TWO sides to prophecy about the Dawn of the WORLD noted in the journal of Oden :

One concerning Momo:

And one concerning Luffy :

The important thing to understand is that the Dawn of the world is something that has YET to happen !

And its related to Joy boy.


Carrot lost her father/Brother Figure and Mentor after said Pedro choosed to take his life for Luffy in the belief that Luffy woudl bring the dawn of the world.

Carrot still doesn't know the meaning behind the concept of the dawn and she was surprised when Pedro said this:

This means that Carrot is currently probably wondering what is the Dawn of the world and what is the story behind the Mink tribe and that prophecy.

Its possible that the Duke talked to her about that OR ... not at all.

In reality, Carrot only needs to think about ONE word and her mind should go crazy because of its significance for Pedro!

Its fair to say that if Carrot hear the word "DAWN", she will want to know more. And the only place she should be able to understand that is on the sea. Perhaps even with the strawhats.

This is why we might be just at the start of Carrot's journey and why the Story of Carrot might be related to the Dawn.

BUT THAT NOT ALL - This relationship to the dawn can also be observed in the literal creation of Carrot as a character !

And for that we need to go into a little bit of character analysis:


Indeed. Carrot is constructed to be a personification of the Dawn !

First : Carrot is a Rabbit.

Rabbit are crepuscular, which means they are most active during dusk and dawn.

The important thing to understand is that Oda choosed to personnify Carrot as an animal that could be a symbolic link between the Night and the day.

Second : The personnality of Carrot and the Sulong

The characterization and design of Carrot points toward the mix of two personnalities : a sunny one and a moon one (carrot's real potential being in between)

Carrot is one of the mink with the brightest personnality. In fact she is literally drawn like a sunshine. Her hair being shiny blond. And like all Mink, she has the Sulong, which gives Carrot a much more mature and cold personnality.

Once again, you can see here that Carrot represents a symbolic link between both day and night.

Third : Carrot was a KingBird

Carrot acted previously as a Kingsbird. Meaning that she was literally the link (with Wanda) between the King of the day and the King of the Night.

Once again, the symbolism is clear. Carrot is presented as the link between the day and the night.

Fourth : The will of Pedro

Carrot inherited the will of Pedro. Pedro was the captain of the NOX Pirate (the night before the Dawn). Pedro Believed that the Dawn was near and so Carrot most likely is linked to this belief as well (as explained previously).

The symbolism is once again clear.

Fifth : The design of Carrot

Carrot wears the green cape, the cape of the guardian. Most probably because she was trained by Pedro. But Carrot is a Musketeer who wear blue clothes !! This made Carrot the ONLY mink fighter with a color different from her faction.

Once again, this design choice puts Carrot on the side of a link between the two factions, the faction of the day and the faction of the night.

Sixth : Carrot became the ruler of the mink tribe

Carrot became the new ruler of the mink tribe, thus uniting the faction of the day and the faction of the night. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the new name of the Mink fighters is the "DAWN fighters" !

Bonus - Fun fact :

Aurora.. the Roman mythological deity of the Dawn.. sister of Sol and Luna.. also known as Eos the personnification of Dawn in greek mythology, gave her name to a very special period that Kids loves: EASTER !


There is SO MUCH MORE to say about Carrot in term of symbolism and narration through characterization but as you can see, Carrot was clearly depicted as a link between the day and the night. The representation of the unification of both :

The Dawn.

This adds up to what I said previously about the mysteries of the Dawn and makes me say that Carrot's journey... might not be finished at all !


A little context first about my work on Carrot (you can skip that but its important to understand why I share those specific videos) :

You guys need to understand that I have worked on the character of Carrot for almost 8 years ! NOT because Carrot is cute or because she is a furry or a rabbit, no, I don't really care about those stuff. I worked on that character because it arrived at a moment when I was studying intensly the storytelling methodology of Oda to better my own work and projects and she felt really special for a reason that I didn't understand on the spot.

So I got curious and I jumped on the Nakama train out of circounstance. Through the theory of Carrot joining the crew I developped a LOT of "CarrotforNakama" arguments famously known in the Carrot fanbase on internet. Such as the parallels between Jinbe and Carrot, the Dawn symbolism of the character, the fact that Carrot could die and revive because of the myth of the Lunar rabbit or the thematic of wonder surrounding her as much in term of characterization than in her story or her symbolism. But I restricted myself !!

Indeed, my analysis of Carrot's story has always been very COLD. My interest was ONLY the present storyline of Carrot until her potential joining of the crew. I refused to theorized too much about her potential future or potential arc since it felt too removed from the hypothesis of the start. Plus, my reasonning MOSTLY stood on narrative facts, either explicited or implicited of the arc where Carrot was present (Zou, Totland, Wano). You can find a lot of those thoughts all around the two nakama threads. I rarely went on tengeant in speculative and theorizing mode looking at potential clues that could be completely unrelated to her story at first glance.

The reason for that is that I prefer to analyse rather than theorize.


Someone did just that ! All Blue Tiger on >> YOUTUBE !

And surpringly, he is the first theorizer I see in all those years arrive to a similar narrative reasonning as mine, especially on the most important part that is Carrot's thematic. The guy doesn't seems to be aware of my work on the character either. This means that he managed to understand the same things rapidely and went even farther !

For me, this created a form of trust in the methodology of his work ! That's why I explained to you the context behind my work on the character first. His work is not perfect, there are signs of confirmation biases here and there (especially in the second video) but the main reasonning is solid.

I think this is a very solid theory and it presents a potential future for Carrot BEYOND our imagination!

His work is - right now - splitted into two parts, the main theory in the first video and a second video with new elements.

I will let him explain his work to you, please watch those videos (even in x2 speed if you want to go farther):



PS : Carrot's main thematic is Wonder, this thematic appears in every aspect of her story, actions, moments, narration and characterization. If Carrot's dream is indeed to create a wonderland, then this theory and THIS THEORY are LINKED so you might wanna check it also !


1. There are 5 mysteries surrounding the DAWN OF THE WORLD and the Minks:

- HOW is Pedro aware of the "DAWN", that is only mentionned in the journal of Oden and that the retainer had no knowledge about ?
- How did the Dukes went from being taken by the ennemy and a Number in WANO to Ruler on ZOU ?
- Who protected the journal of Oden ?
- Why did Nekomamushi send Pedro to search for Poneglyphs ?
- What did Zunisha do 800 years ago and how did it affect the Mink tribe ?

2. Carrot inherited the Will of Pedro who was obsessed with the "Dawn". For that reason, Vegapunk only needs to say the world "Dawn" and Carrot will most likely go crazy to search for the meaning of that concept on the sea.

3. Carrot's entire characterization, from her story, to her situation to her design and personnality is constructed to be a representation of the link between the night and the day. In other word: the Dawn.

4. Through the work of All Blue Tiger on youtube and his two theory videos, you can have an idea of what the future story of Carrot could be. And it could be amazing !
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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
No, this was just a fun fact hehe. Read the rest

You tell me.. :kayneshrug:

What do you think about the mysteries ?
I didn't read the thread lol

I am not relaoded who will lie about reading it πŸ˜…

It's too lengthy with no summary at the end.

And, I said "nah not happening" because of your reputation of being wrong :milaugh:


πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…»πŸ…° πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…³πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…³
I didn't read the thread lol

I am not relaoded who will lie about reading it πŸ˜…

It's too lengthy with no summary at the end.

And, I said "nah not happening" because of your reputation of being wrong :milaugh:
reloaded admitted he didn't read it so L