Speculations Ch 1044 Speculations


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so death is what complete a person and currently top1 in onigashima roronoa and top3/4 condom died within 15mins then only condom came back with Joyboys haki

after such a asspull i dont think oda will continue Joyboy vs kaido scene in next chapter because he always creates a hype

so my prediction are these:
Franky-Zoro scene
luffy died in prev ch and awaken so i guess zoro might awake in next chap Zoro vs Grim reaprr flashback
Kaido vs fodder alliance
kaido clears the whole floor with a boro breath and sanji dies by a rock that falls to his head
Luffy & Zoro are definitely coming back greater than ever
But long ago, i gave a possible scenario for ZKK Haters, saying that it's possible that Zoro will indeed cut Kaidou's Head but in some sort of Plot Twist, it won't be the End of Kaidou & something Catastrophic gonna be triggered

Now that Luffy kinda confirmed what does "Death completes a Man" means
I think Fans should start discussing what will happen once Kaidou dies?!


Zoro Worshipper
Hope it will focus on the Joy Boy matter also considering the break other than the hype.

I can also see CP0 in this chapter and their reaction to their fellow leader allegedly dying and a bunch of other intriguing things.
Luffy won't come back for at least 2 chapters. imo 1044 will be a momonosuke chapter.
  • Zunesha tells Momo that Luffy is joyboy
  • Momo decides to fight to the death until Luffy can recover
  • Kaido vs everyone, kaido is beating everyone's ass
  • Kaido gives some speech about how hope is dead.
  • Momonosuke comes in and declares that Luffy is joyboy and that he will return from the dead
  • Kaido laughs at him and calls him delusional
  • Momo goes into human form and we see that he has ame no habikiri. Everyone is amazed at how he looks like Oden. Kaido has ptsd.
  • momo slashes kaido, but it does nothing
  • kaido laughs at momo for being weak
  • suddenly, the scabbards, marco, yamato, Kid, and Law all gang up on kaido using a massive combination attack
  • kaido is knocked back and coughs up a ton of blood, he is amazed at how these half dead fighters can still fight
  • everyone declares their faith that luffy will return.
so death is what complete a person and currently top1 in onigashima roronoa and top3/4 condom died within 15mins then only condom came back with Joyboys haki

after such a asspull i dont think oda will continue Joyboy vs kaido scene in next chapter because he always creates a hype

so my prediction are these:
Franky-Zoro scene
luffy died in prev ch and awaken so i guess zoro might awake in next chap Zoro vs Grim reaprr flashback
Kaido vs fodder alliance
kaido clears the whole floor with a boro breath and sanji dies by a rock that falls to his head
Zoro has been dying for a while now, he gets up before Luffy who's just about to get possessed by Joyboy. Kaido won and killed Luffy, things are not going back to the same dynamic 1 minute later.


I will never forgive Oda
Most likely to me is that a majority of the chapter is the Alliance doing their best against Kaido and Oda reinforcing the fact that no one there can stop him. End of the chapter, Luffy drops down to join Kaido.
Most likely to me is that a majority of the chapter is the Alliance doing their best against Kaido and Oda reinforcing the fact that no one there can stop him. End of the chapter, Luffy drops down to join Kaido.
Probably kaido will go to momouselesske, maybe yamato fights....then JoyBoy comes to stop him..... Don't know what's the plan is with zoro.