Speculations CH1051: any predictions?

Chapter 1051: Afterlife
  • Just before Denjiro announces the name of new shogun, there is another big explosion near flower capital
  • Big Mom and Kaido fly up above flower capital, covered in magma and ready for rampage
  • Wano citizen screaming and running away. Scabbard shocks but prepares to one last flight
  • Cut to Zoro and chopper, chopper is crying as he thinks Zoro is death
  • Zoro wakes up in strange mysterious place, confusing where he is
  • He is surrounded by hundreds Shinigami, one of them is very terrifying
  • Zoro prepares to fight
  • end of chapter
-Momo is like a clone of Oden
-Citizens are shocked to see Oden again
-Denjiro explain who Momo and Hiyori are and that Orochi and Kaido have been defeated
-Everyone in the city cry of hapiness.

Pehaps Oda can also give us the CP0 agent getting to the ship, Apoo trying to escape, Zunesha destroying the ships and even some comments of Chopper about Zoro, Kinemon and Kiku conditions.
Chapter 1051: Zoro wakes up after 15+ chapters of fainting.

Synopsis: Everything wraps up, Momo is declared as Shogun instead of supposingly Hiyori, Yamato brings Luffy to safety, everybody gets out of Onigashima, then at the last page, Zoro finally wakes up. Break next week.
Morj said that if there is no flashback or something weird happening he will announce the raid succeeded.

So I'm predicting he's taking his L
Title of the chapter : ZKK .
detail : Zoro wakes up and jumps into magma where Kaidou is, and fights him. Zoro one shots Kaidou in surprised of people around and claims his title ZKK. In the end of the chapter : Zoro wakes up and it is his dream.
I'm honestly not expecting anything big. Adult Momo gets revealed, a few pages of Wano citizen rejoicing. Maybe an update on the rest of the crew, and a tease about the outside world at the end.