Christmas songs tournament ROUND 1 BRACKET 2

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@Bepo D. Bear @Mr. Reloaded @Etzel Andergast @GUI-KHAN @Seatonnes @Yoho @Owl Ki @Light D Lamperouge @CoC: Color of Clowns @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @The White Crane @SmokedOut @Jackteo @Goodman Grey @Pot Goblin @TheAncientCenturion @Bisoromi Bear @Devilbat @Natalija @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Lindltaylor @Dark Admiral @Jew D. Boy @Oblivion @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Jaguark101 @Luffy is the mc @imacub @mly90 @Koinboin @SHIHI @Kromage911 @hedera__helix @Reborn @Missy @AL sama @I'mTired @Gol D. Roger @Udell @Rivaille @NotTommy @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @Veku @Gari @Bounty @TheKnightOfTheSea @Gari @Doggo @Haoshoku @hime @Nana @SmokedOut @ConquistadoR ] @Seth @Ekkologix @SDfear @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Zara @Vonal @Chrono @Peroroncino @Photon @SmokedOut @h_zorothegoat @Adam ๐ŸŽ @Sasparan @Black_Leg_Wanji @Inzziuma @Dr_Professor83 @Worst @Liquidhate @matt245 @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Cross_Marian @MonochromeYoru @park_min young @ZoroMazino @Kagu Nyan @Admiral Maynard @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @U c 4 up da idly @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Kvothe Kingkiller @Fisher Tiger @Light D Lamperouge @zorojurou @SHIHI @mugiwalaw @Robin swan @Owl Ki @style @Cinera @Luffy is the mc @Krusher1357 @Jaguark101 @Croci @Sslayer @ConquistadoR @Bepo @Shadowlord123 @Luslec @RayanOO @Liquidhate @TheAncientCenturion @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @kom5 @Fujishiro @Kucing Pencuri @Don DaSlayer @Yoru ] @Oblivion @Shisui @MonochromeYoru @Wuuuke @Utsuro @Missy @notAfanboy @Astolfo @NikaInParis @Mr.9000 @Courier @Kromage911 @Jorden625 @Akai2 @MUUGEN @Juliet @FreezyBreeze @PerfectHie @IceWitch @Power @NAMELESS @ZoroMazino @Tobra @BangOO๐Ÿ… @Gladwing0 @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Indigo @matt245 @FloriGlori @Leo @DizzyBrows @uyuu @Marimo_420 @Kucing Pencuri @Dark Hound @Carrot-sama @Arara @Yukihime @Zoro @Senfret @sidestreetboy @PerfectHie @Don DaSlayer @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @ConquistadoR @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @SHIHI @Yo Tan Wa @Robin swan @Jorden625 @The White Crane @U c 4 up da idly @Astolfo @MUUGEN @Dr_Professor83 @Gladwing0 @Alpha @MonochromeYoru @Zoroe @Shadowlord123 @Butters @Dark Admiral @notAfanboy @NikaInParis @NAMELESS @Lhulu @Cross_Marian @Indigo @Nibel @Toby D. Dog @Devilbat @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Devilbat @The White Crane @Longleg Larry @ZenZu @Nibel @Mashiro Blue @Bisoromi Bear 1. @Light D Lamperouge 2. @GUI-KHAN 3. @Fujishiro 4. @CoC: Color of Clowns 5. @Bepo D. Bear 6. @MUUGEN 7. @Devilbat 8. @Jaguark101 9. @Mashiro Blue 10. @Bisoromi Bear 11. @Gaimon The Pirate 12. @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier 13. @Gorosei Informer 14. @Dr_Professor83 15. @The White Crane 16. @Adam ๐ŸŽ 17. @IceWitch 18. @Cruxroux 19. @GrandmasterChef Zonji 20. @Luka 21. @NikaInParis 22. @Sallucion 23. @Lindltaylor 24. @Cross_Marian 25. @Udell 26. @Infitima 27. @Akai2 28. @SmokedOut 29. @AL sama 30. @Hanners220
Please consider voting if you haven't yet. Please let me know if the tags worked.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to most fights in both brackets being tied and only a few hours being left until the polls close, I'll close this now and will move all the tied songs to the next round. The polls are hereby closed.
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