Le Fishe Thread Church of Kinyagi

Fuck @AdmiralKoniroryu and @TheAncientCenturion

Y'all coulda just turned away and pretended you saw nothing. Tac, you ain't even a responsible mod anyway. This was a social experiment to find out how long it would take one of the decent mods to come to this accursed place and find that post. But nooo. We can't have fun here... :fuah:
right all in the name of science :sanjismug:


I will never forgive Oda
Fuck @AdmiralKoniroryu and @TheAncientCenturion

Y'all coulda just turned away and pretended you saw nothing. Tac, you ain't even a responsible mod anyway. This was a social experiment to find out how long it would take one of the decent mods to come to this accursed place and find that post. But nooo. We can't have fun here... :fuah:
I am a decent mod…