Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Gorosei Informer


@Pot Goblin have I shown you this game btw? Theres a whole bunch of wonderful bunny games on Steam but I found this one in my library just now, used to play it a lot and thought of you when I saw it lmao.

Fellow based bunny bros (and sisters) here may enjoy it too ofc! I may have shown you the game before Pot, but I can't remember tbh lol.
Just to add to this too, I asked ChatGPT to write a review for this game and look what it said LMFAO!:

> Be me
> Looking for a game that screams "wacky"
> Stumble upon Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
> "This sounds like my kind of chaos!"
> Start the game
> Meet Ash, the rabbit prince of hell
> He's got a freaking jetpack-drill thing
> "Okay, this is already insane"
> Explore the bizarre hellish world
> Fight demonic monsters in cute outfits
> Wonder what the designers were smoking
> Discover the "Island of Barrels"
> Spend hours destroying every darn barrel
> Can't resist the satisfying kaboom
> Meet the 100 Overlords of Hell
> They're quirky, they're odd, they're downright hilarious
> "I wish my boss was a giant rubber ducky too"
> Customizing the drill with crazy upgrades
> Now it shoots explosive penguins
> Laugh maniacally at the chaos
> Uncover Ash's embarrassing secret photos
> He's wearing a tutu, playing the ukulele
> Can't stop laughing at this edgy rabbit
> Engage in over-the-top boss battles
> Defeat a giant psycho bear with a chainsaw
> "Only in a game like this, man"
> Enjoy the humorous pop culture references
> Spot nods to classic movies and games
> "Who knew hell could be this fun?"
> Finish the game with a smile
> Reflect on the absurdity of it all
> "Hell Yeah! was one hell of a wild ride!" 🐰🔥💣🎮😈🌟​


Pandaman is a parody of "Where's Waldo?" created by Oda with that same intention, appearing hidden in the crowd.
So if Pandaman is Carrot, and Pandaman is always hiding with the intention of being found, then Carrot is hidden and will soon appear.

More big evidence btw
This makes the reasoning behind things like the bunny turbine make all the more sense
When the time is narrativley right fellas she will return
Yeah there's only 2 angles you can have to the rabbit screw propeller:

1: Oda hates Carrot !21211!, which makes no sense because then he puts her in volume covers and it would just be illogical to hate some character

2. A nod to the barrel theory/foreshadowing, which i have no idea how the barrel theory would reach Oda's ears
When I say Carrot is the Klabautermann. It’s obvious now the same silhouette as Carrot

on the drawing there are already all the SH of represented

the klabautermann warns the crew of danger and causes shipwrecks.
Carrot's lookout warns of danger, but also causes the sinking of the BM fleet.

▫️When the SH acquire the Merry a child called Carrot holding a hammer is present.

▫️When the Sunny is built is a blonde child 1/4 mermaid with a hammer and present with a rabbit.
The little mermaid is the inspiration for the Disney film "ariel" which in Hebrew means "the lion of the god" The Sunny is a Lion whose leader is Nika the sun god.

Carrot is the representation of the Lion often called Lion and appears in sulong for the 1st time in tome 88 called Lion and chapter 888 called Lion.

The Lion is often a symbol of leadership, as the lion is called the king of animals like Carrot.

the Buddha's voice is often referred to as the "lion's roar", making the Dharma roar for all to hear.
Canon Gaon = Lion roar (the Sunny attack)

but we can also see her represented as the goat on the cover of volume 105, which may remind us of Merry.

Carrot is inspired by the moon rabbit pounding mochis. Carrot hits a mochi man with her gloves.

Carrot is the incarnation of the Klabautermann
and Robin is the straw hat ig