Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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you know my frienden.. en días como estos i wish @Zolo would stil be with us.. rulen without your enemy is boring..

That Tupac title always makes me laugh hard lmfao. Considering The Simpsons had killer dolphins going on a rampage/revolution and Tupac has appeared in the Simpsons IIRC, this could have been possible in The Simpsons at least?

Speaking of Tupac too, ever heard this AMAZING remix?!:

I LOVE the Gerudo Valley theme SO MUCH and never thought it could get better but HOLY HELL, Tupac's song goes AMAZINGLY WELL with it! I cannot unhear it without Tupac rapping over it now! Truly ebony and ivory, the ultimate harmony!

hi my new frienden :)

Gorosei Informer

@Joe D. Olphin a little tribute you for you our dolphin amigo!:

**Title: "One Piece: The Battle Against Dolphin Mihawk"**

(Scene: The world of One Piece, where Roronoa Zolo has become the world's most feared dolphin battler. He's determined to defeat the legendary Dolphin Mihawk, the world's strongest dolphin, who also possesses the power of a Human Zoan Devil Fruit.)

Zolo (gritting his teeth): "I will become the greatest dolphin battler in the world, and Dolphin Mihawk, you're going down!"

(Scene shifts to the parody of Arlong Park.)

**Title: "Dolphin Park Saga"**

(Scene: Zolo and his crew, the "Dolphin Pirates," arrive at Dolphin Park, a stronghold ruled by a formidable dolphin Fishman, Dolphlong. Dolphlong is known for his immense strength and love for dolphins.)

Dolphlong (laughing): "So, you think you can defeat me, the mightiest dolphin Fishman in all the seas, Zolo?"

Zolo (clenching his swords): "I'll cut through your fishy pride and prove that dolphins and humans can coexist peacefully!"

(The battle begins, with Zolo taking on Dolphlong's army of dolphin Fishmen. Zolo's determination to defeat Dolphin Mihawk fuels his strength, and he battles fiercely, slicing through water spouts and jumping through the air, all while wearing a snorkel and flippers.)

Zolo (with a determined look): "Three Sword Style: Dolphin Slicer!"

(Zolo slices through the water with his three swords, creating a massive dolphin-shaped wave that crashes into Dolphlong's defenses.)

Dolphlong (stumbling): "Impressive, Zolo, but you won't defeat me that easily!"

(As the battle rages on, Zolo's crewmates, including a navigator who's a dolphin anthropologist and a cook who specializes in seafood dishes, provide support. Meanwhile, Dolphlong transforms into his hybrid form, gaining incredible strength and speed.)

Dolphlong (taunting): "You may be skilled, but you'll never beat a dolphin Fishman at our own game!"

Zolo (smirking): "We'll see about that!"

(Zolo and Dolphlong clash in an epic battle of swords and fishman abilities. Ultimately, Zolo manages to defeat Dolphlong, earning the respect of the dolphin Fishman and establishing a new era of cooperation between dolphins and humans.)

Zolo (panting): "I did it, I've taken my first step towards becoming the world's strongest dolphin battler!"

(With their victory at Dolphin Park, Zolo and his crew continue their journey, determined to face their ultimate challenge, Dolphin Mihawk, and achieve their dream of peaceful coexistence between dolphins and humans.)

Gorosei Informer

This thread is my slow drip of copium for this character, a good anti-Oda, pro-Carrot rant is always welcome aswell since it spikes my blood sugar and replenishes my Carrotinium.

An anti-Oda, Pro-Carrot rant you say?...

**Title: "Chuck's Carrot Conspiracy Rant"**

(Scene: Chuck, a passionate Carrot fan, stands in front of a jury made up of fellow One Piece enthusiasts. He's wearing a Carrot-themed t-shirt and a straw hat, gripping a stack of manga volumes.)

Chuck: (frustrated) "Ladies and gentlemen of the One Piece community, I stand before you today as a betrayed Carrot fan. We've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, and led down the rabbit hole by none other than Eiichiro 'Jimmy' Oda himself!"

(The jury nods in understanding, some also wearing Carrot-themed attire.)

Chuck: (pointing at a barrel prop on the stage) "You see this barrel? Oda made us believe that it was Carrot, ready to join the Strawhat crew after Wano! He teased us with bunny ears and a carrot in the corner!"

(Chuck's voice trembles with frustration as he continues.)

Chuck: "But oh no, it was all a ruse! Instead, what do we get? Caribou! A swampy misdirection! It's like putting a carrot in front of a rabbit and then giving it a turnip!"

(The jury gasps in mock horror.)

Chuck: (shaking his head) "And then there's Naito, Oda's former editor, openly obsessed with Carrot! What kind of torture is this? It's like teasing a hungry dog with a bone, and then taking it away and giving it a rubber chew toy!"

(Chuck's fellow fans murmur in agreement.)

Chuck: (raising his manga stack high) "I'm tired of Oda's chicanery with Carrot! The hints, the teases, the bait-and-switches! We demand justice for Carrot fans everywhere!"

(The jury breaks into applause, and Chuck bows in acknowledgment of their support.)

Chuck: (concluding with passion) "We may be betrayed, but we won't be defeated! Carrot deserves better, and so do we! No more rabbit tricks, Oda! We'll be watching you closely!"

(Chuck exits the stage to cheers and applause from his fellow Carrot enthusiasts, vowing to continue the fight for justice for their beloved character.)

@Joe D. Olphin a little tribute you for you our dolphin amigo!:

**Title: "One Piece: The Battle Against Dolphin Mihawk"**

(Scene: The world of One Piece, where Roronoa Zolo has become the world's most feared dolphin battler. He's determined to defeat the legendary Dolphin Mihawk, the world's strongest dolphin, who also possesses the power of a Human Zoan Devil Fruit.)

Zolo (gritting his teeth): "I will become the greatest dolphin battler in the world, and Dolphin Mihawk, you're going down!"

(Scene shifts to the parody of Arlong Park.)

**Title: "Dolphin Park Saga"**

(Scene: Zolo and his crew, the "Dolphin Pirates," arrive at Dolphin Park, a stronghold ruled by a formidable dolphin Fishman, Dolphlong. Dolphlong is known for his immense strength and love for dolphins.)

Dolphlong (laughing): "So, you think you can defeat me, the mightiest dolphin Fishman in all the seas, Zolo?"

Zolo (clenching his swords): "I'll cut through your fishy pride and prove that dolphins and humans can coexist peacefully!"

(The battle begins, with Zolo taking on Dolphlong's army of dolphin Fishmen. Zolo's determination to defeat Dolphin Mihawk fuels his strength, and he battles fiercely, slicing through water spouts and jumping through the air, all while wearing a snorkel and flippers.)

Zolo (with a determined look): "Three Sword Style: Dolphin Slicer!"

(Zolo slices through the water with his three swords, creating a massive dolphin-shaped wave that crashes into Dolphlong's defenses.)

Dolphlong (stumbling): "Impressive, Zolo, but you won't defeat me that easily!"

(As the battle rages on, Zolo's crewmates, including a navigator who's a dolphin anthropologist and a cook who specializes in seafood dishes, provide support. Meanwhile, Dolphlong transforms into his hybrid form, gaining incredible strength and speed.)

Dolphlong (taunting): "You may be skilled, but you'll never beat a dolphin Fishman at our own game!"

Zolo (smirking): "We'll see about that!"

(Zolo and Dolphlong clash in an epic battle of swords and fishman abilities. Ultimately, Zolo manages to defeat Dolphlong, earning the respect of the dolphin Fishman and establishing a new era of cooperation between dolphins and humans.)

Zolo (panting): "I did it, I've taken my first step towards becoming the world's strongest dolphin battler!"

(With their victory at Dolphin Park, Zolo and his crew continue their journey, determined to face their ultimate challenge, Dolphin Mihawk, and achieve their dream of peaceful coexistence between dolphins and humans.)
ohh.. i like the part where dolphínelong is strong, its like you would describen joe..

but somebody seems to have changen the end.. its wrong.. dolphíne never losen.. dolphíne rulen :)

Aye, I can feel that :josad:
I knew you understanden it.. frienden is everywhere, but the good enemy are hard to find.. thats why you are my best frienden :)

Gorosei Informer

ohh.. i like the part where dolphínelong is strong, its like you would describen joe..
Glad to hear it!


but somebody seems to have changen the end.. its wrong.. dolphíne never losen.. dolphíne rulen :)
Don't worry! I did some research and apparently Zolo was under a genjutsu and thought he won the fight, but he was actually defeated and banished to the shadow realm!
