Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Guilty verdicts: Yoho New

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free

@Yoho is guilty as every furry is a sinner, as the good book states
Not guilty :ace:


1st count: Conspiracy and Collusion with the Furry Underground

2nd count: 1st Degree Murder – Two Counts
3rd count: Betrayal of the Family

End post in a bit.
Trial End Post New

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free

And with that, the trial has concluded. Guilty on all counts.

For his crimes of murder, the convicted will receive 2 life sentences without any chance of parole.

For his crimes of conspiracy with the furries, the convicted will be sent to the gallows. There is no tolerance for degeneracy in our family.

For his crimes of betrayal, the convict's will has been denied. He will not be buried with his belongings, they will be donated to @ThatKid and countless other children cared for by the family.

His $800.000.000 life insurance policy will be forfeited over for the family to cover costs and damages due to his actions.

We thank you all for participating in this event.


Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Before I give the closing statement. This one is guilty :willight:

And your sentence:
Permanent ban from the country of Zou
Can not think of the minks in any capacity
Permanent restraining order placed to protect the one called "Wanda"

The defendant is never again to step foot on Zour or think about the minks, else he will be given a life sentence and a $69,000 fine...

The court is quite frankly appalled at the open levels of degeneracy being displayed these past few days.
I think I missed the verdict about CoC.....

What happened to his trial? :believe:

And with that, the trial has concluded. Guilty on all counts.

For his crimes of murder, the convicted will receive 2 life sentences without any chance of parole.

For his crimes of conspiracy with the furries, the convicted will be sent to the gallows. There is no tolerance for degeneracy in our family.

For his crimes of betrayal, the convict's will has been denied. He will not be buried with his belongings, they will be donated to @ThatKid and countless other children cared for by the family.

His $800.000.000 life insurance policy will be forfeited over for the family to cover costs and damages due to his actions.

We thank you all for participating in this event.
