Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Gold. That is who we were truly at war against this Olympics. All of our efforts, all our deeds are in vain if Xi does not defeat America itself.

And we failed.

For it is Steph Curry who took our beloved #1 ranking. No words can describe the bone-deep torment and anguish at this loss.

Bah! Only fools abandon hope after just 40 failures. All the stars are aligning our moment of Xi Jinping's ultimate triumph to be soon at hand.

It is said that the knights of legend rode into battle upon dragons. Tiamat, the Undying Queen, the Bane of Bahamut will, through Xi, return to rule. And his army will join Russia to lay waste to the world... and in the ashes that remain build a more just world.

Xi has scoured the land and delved deep into the earth. Read every tome of arcane and knowledge lost to the ages... and have assembled the Rod of Seven Parts!

A city once opposed him. They barred their gates and hurled derision at him and Russia. When Xi had breached their walls, all were put to the sword. None were spared. Then we fired the city so that no structures remained. Then Xi gave the order to salt the fields, orchards and other lands so that they would never grow even a single blade of grass again. This is what I do to those who dare say, "No" to Xi.

China will rise to the podium in 2028.


Nice c4n length ai text
uwu, Deku sensei, do you think I can become a hero, too, with my super plate hair, uwu?
Help me, Black Clover, you're my only hope
The only thing i properly rebember about MHA that stuck with me is that it was the story of how a boy turned to the number 1 hero. It's actually pathetic, it's a weird gen Z /cring cuck manga that makes one of the worst characters ive seen get such a cucked ending

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Even worse than Russia's ban, Belarus was banned and those sassenachs literally didn't even do anything. Meanwhile Israeli soldiers are competing with each other for the gold medal in child kill streaks but IDF members can still compete at the oLympics just fine though. :pepeke:
I have no motivation to support any sports financially because they are so tied to supporting atrocities financially. Really sad. Sports should bring people together, and it's a bunch of rich countries funding terrorism in all kinds of poor countries clutching their pearls and talking about their precious hurt feelings about other countries doing the exact same crap.

It's cool when the athletes show they just like competing against the best of the best, and how many Olympians really respect each other, despite the shitheads funding all of them (obviously some of the athletes are total dicks, though).
Or like when for some reason Israel competes in Eurovision.

Funnily enough, Israel is actually entitled to compete in Eurovision according to the rules. The weird one in that competition is Australia.
From what I understand, it is called Eurovision because it is run by the Eurovision network which is owned and operated by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) which is a union of many different broadcasting organisations including West Asian (including Israeli) and North African broadcasting organisations.

Israel is flat out a member of the EBU so it is entitled to participate. Australia only has Associate Membership status but they were given an exception to participate for some reason.