Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Pretty dead here, what up guys??
I've started work on a new book concept involving Magical Girls. Comedy/Romance, with some action. It's set on an terraformed island ship that sails back and forth between the USA and Japan and acts as a bridge between the two country's cultures. It has some twists and turns, the tentative title is Tragic Magical Girl Orange Julius.

IDK, I like Fruit themed superheroes.

Here's a bit from it:

Julius turned to find her nemesis, Drunken Emperor: Pen-Gin, waddling towards her with able and abject menace. In his hand/fin (he wore gloves that had a fin on the outside, but had individual finger slits underneath) was a bottle of Emperor Penguin Gin, the failed liquor chain Pen-Gin had blown his life savings and marriage over.

The result? Alcoholism and arson. Lots and lots of arson.

“I miss my wife, Jules. I miss her a lot. So, I came back to set you on fire, a-Gin,” Pen-Gin swore in a raspy voice, showcasing he was also a heavy smoker, while wiping away his tears, before downing another swig from his bottle. Julius winces, wishing her Wand had a mute function.