Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Is there any real Carrot fan interested in theorizing about her here or am I the only one left ?
It's been over a year since she was stranded, and we've gotten... teasers, and one panel of Carrot reacting to Vegapunk's Broadcast on Zou.

What the heck are we supposed to theorize about?

The topic is beyond dead, it's a zombie at this point.

What hasn't been said about Carrot joining by now?

All we have left is simps, furries, and memes: SFM oof
It's been over a year since she was stranded, and we've gotten... teasers, and one panel of Carrot reacting to Vegapunk's Broadcast on Zou.

What the heck are we supposed to theorize about?

The topic is beyond dead, it's a zombie at this point.

What hasn't been said about Carrot joining by now?

All we have left is simps, furries, and memes: SFM oof
Did you read my thread here ?


Did you watch this video ?


CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Bro my attention span makes me take two hours to get through a single 20 minute anime episode, I don't think I can handle 2 hours of Carrot theories. We'll see how bored I am tomorrow, LOL. I'll check out the thread though.

Carrot is definitely linked to the Dawn.

I just feel like most theories you can make regarding her now are way more speculation than anything grounded in reality.

If we want more Carrot discussion, we need more Carrot, and... that requires either Wano Act 4 or some other major plot advancement.

Wait... have I talked to you at all about Carrot's father being the Fourth Calamity? Old theory created by others I've been reworking.
Carrot is one of the chracters Oda forced the most for people to like her. Along with Luffy.
I wouldn't say "forced" but intended, yes definitely. You are onto something here

Now, the question is "why" ?


Bro my attention span makes me take two hours to get through a single 20 minute anime episode,
I understand, if you want I can make you a short summary. But I suggest you watch the video in x2, that's what I did.

I just feel like most theories you can make regarding her now are way more speculation than anything grounded in reality.
My thread is not really about speculation, its all about real questions no one got answer about. I'm simply "extending" the questionning to the future of Carrot.

Wait... have I talked to you at all about Carrot's father being the Fourth Calamity? Old theory created by others I've been reworking.
I do not believe in that. But the lineage of Carrot could indeed be important.

In fact I created this little hypothesis a few years back about the origin of Carrot and the fact that she was taken care of by Wanda and Pedro.

Doesn't it feel odd to you that at age 15, Carrot was put into the military forces ? But not only that, her training was also overlooked by Pedro. Meaning that a guardian took the time BEFORE TRAINING HER, to get outside of his conforts zone (hours of sleeps) to check the training of a 15 year old very gifted rabbit musketeer who very quickly became one of the two Kingsbird of the Kingdom.

And would you look at that, 15 years is the exact time when Pedro was on the sea searching for poneglyph and the crew was branded "The Nox Pirates"

This is of course all speculation... but it makes you wonder.

I did not get interested to Carrot because she was cute, I got interested because something in her story reasonated in me.

I think we are about to find out exactly the nature of this "thing".


I wouldn't say "forced" but intended, yes definitely. You are onto something here

Now, the question is "why" ?

Nah that's forced. Implying that Mink Kings would make her next "King"(Queen obviously but Big Mom also wanted to become Pirate King so...) just because she visited WCI with Strawhat crews is fucking absurd!