Speculations CP0 Bowler Guy and Lucci (who is the leader?)

Who is stronger? Bowler Hat Guy/Mr. Go or Lucci

  • Bowler Hat Guy / Mr. Go

    Votes: 29 69.0%
  • Lucci

    Votes: 13 31.0%

  • Total voters

Who is the leader based on their dialogue?

Reasons why the Bowler Guy might be the leader:
1.) He is in Wano directly influencing and overseeing the entire war. This war would greatly impact the story later on. The WG probably dispatched the strongest person there in order to get the job done. They wouldn't send a weaker person there because the risk is too high.
2.) Was seen upset when Lucci called him. Most subordinates would get worried when their superiors are on the phone. Also, he asked why Lucci called him in the first place.

Reasons why Lucci might be the leader:
1.) Was seen relaying orders from above to the Bowler Guy.
2.) Has knowledge of the ships coming to Wano. If the Bowler Guy is the leader then how come he wasn't given this intel?
3.) Lucci said, "I will wait for future for future reports" as if he is expecting every bit of info from the Bowler Guy.
4.) Has given another order in which Robin is to be captured. The Bowler Guy then said, "Understood" as if he was a subordinate of some kind.

Based on this interaction it would seem as though Lucci is above the Bowler Guy. However, I sincerely hope that isn't the case. It would be such bullshit if Lucci manages to become the strongest CP0 after getting defeated by Luffy. It is shit writing if this happens. There will be almost zero excitement for the CP0 because now we know what to expect from the strongest.
They also have different medals. Is there a vivre card info about these medals?

Off topic theory: The Bowler Hat Guy/ Mr. Go is probably manipulating the other two agents via mind control similar to what Pain from Naruto is capable of. Every little Go pieces/units are under his "control".

Chapter starts in the “guest room” of Onigashima's castle. There we see that the CP0 members have received a call by Den Den Mushi from a certain person. CP0's reports the appearance of another dragon and assumes that it must be related with the fruit that Vegapunk created.

CP0's Bowler Guy: "“Straw Hat Luffy” was with that dragon
so there is no doubt that this new dragon is Kaidou's enemy."

Mysterious character: "Never mind, both sides are pirates anyway."

CP0's Bowler Guy gets a little upset.

CP0's Bowler Guy: "Why did you call for?"

Mysterious character: "We have new orders from “above”.
In the unlikely case that Kaidou loses this war...
the government will move in and will turn Wanokuni into a country under the direct control of the World Government!!
Some ships are heading to Wanokuni... How is the chance of Kaidou's losing?"

As the mysterious character says this, we see that several ships are in the sea near to Wanokuni (where the rocks and giant carps are). Although we cannot see the front of the ships, they don't look like Marine ships (probably all are ships sent by the World Government).

Then we see the CP0's board. The situation has gone from 30,000 members on Kaidou's side Vs. 5,400 members on samurai's side to 12,000 members on Kaidou's side Vs. 8,000 members on samurai's side.

CP0's Bowler Guy: "This battle has turned into something more interesting than I expected.
But I still can't imagine Kaidou losing...!!"

Mysterious character: "Good.
I will wait for future reports...
There is another order."

We finally discover who is the mysterious person in the other side of the line. He is Rob Lucci, he's in a room with Kaku and Stussy (Kaku is sleeping sitting on a chair). Lucci keeps talking.

Rob Lucci: "The crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates...
Nico Robin!!
She must be caught!!!
It doesn't matter what the result of the battle is.
The existence of that woman will be the “key” for the pirates."

As Lucci says this we see that Robin has already woken up and is fighting alongside Brook as they run through Onigashima's castle.

CP0: "Understood..."
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Film Gold Official Guidebook "Backstage Pass"
Lucci is revealed to be Chief Commander of CP-0

It suggests He is like Chief of Staff (Such as Sabo in Revos) or Commander in Chief (Such as Kong in World Government)
Meaning He is like No. 2 there

It's also Unknown if Leader of CP-0 is their Strongest Member or someone like Spandam/Spandine
So we could say Lucci is at least Top 3 in CP-0 in both Power & Authority

This is why i said Masked Guy is his Equal at best
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I think none of them are the leader of CP0.

I just think CP0 is divided in to regular agents and superior agents, Rob Lucci and the Bowler guy are superior agents.

I think CP0 will have at the very least 19 members, they need at least 1 agent per Celestial Dragon family, and if we include the leader it will be 20 members of CP0. So in my opinion:
1 - Unknown Leader
3 or 4 - Superior agents (Lucci, Bowler guy, ...)
16 or 15 - Regular Agents (Stussy, Kaku, Spandam, maybe the other 5 former CP9 members,...)
Think none of them is the leader, they are just agents. But Lucci being over the bowler hat guy is strange, he lost to Luffy, while the bowler guy was already in CP0 giving the order to kill Moria.

If Lucci is the leader, the CP0 is a joke strong wise, they need to have stronger people.

U guys think Lucci is in the ships or is calling from Mariejoa????
From their interaction I got the impression that it’s Lucci, he’s the one receiving orders directly from their superiors(Gorosei) and relaying those orders to mr.blue scarf. At the same time it kind of felt like scarf was annoyed to be speaking to Lucci, which would be weird to carry that kind of tone w your superior (even though we’ve seen stuff like this before). Another though I had is that maybe there are two squads within cp0 which could mean Lucci and scarf are of equal standing (maybe even rivals) and are the leaders of the two squads. Even during reverie we saw Kaku and Stussy together, they appear together in this chapter w Lucci once again; when scarf was introduced he appeared w those same masked figures in onigashima, always together. I can believe Lucci being top operative because we know he’s portrayed as a prodigy, a genius, and if he actually clawed his way to the top of cp0 that would be incredibly impressive. I will say the masked ppl have the advantage of being mysterious so that could mean something.