Create your own Fantasy Yonko crew

So just like thread name, write/create your Yonko crew with fantasy characters (no characters that are already maded) and try to make it creative as much you can
How it should look like

Your crew theme, some info of crew(Size of of crew, interactions between themselves...) , do your crew have HQ like BM & Kaido or are free like Shanks and Whitebeard,
Then create characters

Create Yonko (yourself)
Devil Fruit :
Haki :
Weapon:(are you swordsman, marksman,..)
Character look:
Backstory :

Then go with your top commanders
Their powers, bounties etc...​
And so on with remaining heavy hitters (aka veterans and other notable crewmates)
At end You should (if you are capable) include crew into story..
Take this as small foot for worldbuilding (Creating more characters and describing it)
So good luck :)

Some tags which i think would be interested
@Jew D. Boy
@Admiral Lee Hung


Lazy is the way
- Great Pirate : Myself : 3b : power : Kyubu Kyubu no mi, and can fight with a sword too.

- right hand : Sebastian : 1.4b : Buki Buki no mi, great sword man, masks man and overall great fighter.

- left hand : Rebecca : 700M : Giro Giro no mi and martial arts, but not that strong physically.

Octave : 900M : Kanjuro Devil fruit : can create soldiers, tools, giants etc and has a snake tattoo on the arm that can be animated

Jean : 830M : No DF - haki and Rokushiki and fight with a bat.

This is the main crew. And the boat is the Arcadia : (except that he can't go to space) and instead of laser he shoots canon

There is a big canon in the skull head which is made of heavy metal. There is a room inside the skull where you can fired, and you can hakified the head to smash into the other ships :

And the members wear that kind of suit : (from Pacific Rim)

(I will continue later)
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The Captain : Myself : 5b cuz I'm very brutal human being, I'm the "Master of Haki" so of course I mastered all 3 types of Haki, DF Magu-Magu, I have Mortal arts background so I'm mortal artist and also a swordsmen (but swordsmanship isn't my fighting style but just additionall ability) sword's name kraken.

The right hand man : John Wayne, 1.5b master mortal artist DF Mera-Mera, known as "Hell Boy"

Left hand man : Derek Show, 1.5b DF Goro-Goro, Martial artist known as "Dragon Fist"

Combatant : Richard Branson 1.5b DF Tori-Tori, master mortal artist known as "The Beast"

Nancy MacArthur : 1b DF (Smoothie's DF I don't know the name) world strongest swordsmen with black blade.

The ship's name is "Valhalla" and it looks like this

The crew members are dressed like Rock/Metal bands for example

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
So just like thread name, write/create your Yonko crew with fantasy characters (no characters that are already maded) and try to make it creative as much you can
How it should look like

Your crew theme, some info of crew(Size of of crew, interactions between themselves...) , do your crew have HQ like BM & Kaido or are free like Shanks and Whitebeard,
Then create characters

Create Yonko (yourself)
Devil Fruit :
Haki :
Weapon:(are you swordsman, marksman,..)
Character look:
Backstory :

Then go with your top commanders
Their powers, bounties etc...​
And so on with remaining heavy hitters (aka veterans and other notable crewmates)
At end You should (if you are capable) include crew into story..
Take this as small foot for worldbuilding (Creating more characters and describing it)
So good luck :)

Some tags which i think would be interested
@Jew D. Boy
@Admiral Lee Hung
Warning: VERY tl;dr

My crew would be called the Hebrew Hammer Pirates, for reasons that should be contextually obvious. We’d probably be a smaller outfit just like the SHP, and our interactions would be similar - a lot of fucking around with the tacit understanding to get serious when the situation calls for it, everyone would make fun of the others with underlying love and respect, and most importantly, the bonds of friendship would be unbreakable between all of us.

I would be Falcon “The Hebrew Hammer” Greenberg, my real name coming from the animal that forced my parents to get married and have me as well as centuries of unexplored Jewish guilt. The rest of my crew mates will not follow this theme. I would be a very generous captain, asking nothing concrete of my friends, other than their loyalty and camaraderie. I would not let just anyone into the organization; only after they fight for my side in a fierce naval battle, or offer me some really good candy. I would plunder other crews and towns solely to help out the less fortunate (while maybe keeping a cut for my friends and I), and would always seek out justice wherever I go.

My bounty would be 6,942,000,000 Berries, which should also come (hahahahaha) as no surprise. My Devil Fruit would be the Psych Psych no Mi, which would give me the infallible sense of telekinesis with both inorganic (moving objects with my mind, morphing them into different things just by thinking) and organic (reading people’s minds, influencing them to do my bidding). I would not use these powers on my nakama - they can come and go as they please, completely on their own volition. Moreover, since these abilities might be too OP, I would only be able to use them on things/living creatures I could actually see, and only from a close range (about 20 yards or so).

My first mate, Geordie, would be my closest confidant, my partner in metaphorical AND literal crime, and the wacky goofball to my straight man demeanor. He would come from a family of nobles who cast him out after he refused an arranged marriage, and his greatest skill would be his unmatchable speed. He would not have a DF, but would instead be a master of disguise, able to alter his face and clothing (but not his physical body) in a flash. Between this ability to change identities and move around faster than the naked eye can see, he would be a top notch spy and pickpocket.

My navigator, Lola, would be a very quiet but extremely witty person who ate the Laugh Laugh no Mi, which causes debilitating fits of chuckling in her opponents (this would be exacerbated by her incredible but rarely emphasized sense of humor). Her parents would have abandoned her when she was young to pursue a life of piracy, and so she’d raise herself in the woods, barely speaking at all until reintegrating with the human race. Her ultimate goal is to find the mother and father that abandoned her (although at least one would be deceased by the time this happens) and show them that she turned out to be an even better buccaneer than they did.

My cook, Francois, would join after washing ashore of an island we were leaving and immediately challenging us to a fight. He would lose to me handily, but we would both be impressed by the other, me by his usage and expert wielding of the very same knives he uses to create incomparably tasty food. He would join us as protection against the mafia-like group that’s currently hunting him down for unpaid debts, sensing that I am powerful than the boss himself (we would eventually run into this collective and fight for his soul). He would be friendly to everyone, and receive the same kindness even from strangers, which would help us ingratiate ourselves to people when needed.

My shipwright, Annika, would be a boisterous half-giant who was excommunicated from Elbaf when her father stole enough materials to sail across the sea and find the human woman who birthed his daughter (they were originally separated due to political ramifications on the island). She would be fast friends with Geordie, as they would be the loudest/silliest ones, but her size and immense strength would make her an incredibly difficult opponent in a fight. She would use her Grab Grab no Mi abilities to fix any part of the ship with ease; her powers give her an iron grip, allowing her to keep anything close OR keep herself close to anything. Whenever a fight breaks out, she would normally be the first person to jump in.

My doctor, Morris, would be as uptight and irritable as they come. He would be the latest in a long line of world renowned physicians, but even though he genuinely wanted to be a caregiver as a child, he wanted to step out of his older brother’s shadow and become his own man. He would hardly ever crack a smile, but the moment anyone attacked his friends, he’d be joining Annika right at the front lines to defend those he loves. With minimal supplies and supervision, he’d be able to whip up a cure or salve even in the heat of battle, so my crew would gain a reputation as the healthiest seafarers around.

My musician, Thad, would be the stereotypical stoner dude with a secret - he’s a former Celestial Dragon. He would only confide this in me after I try unsuccessfully to recruit him after hearing his songs bring down the house in a seaside bar, and this would lead to a confrontation with his former family members somewhere down the line. He left after learning about the Will of D and becoming inspired to break the repressive shackles of his hoity-toity upbringing, wishing to smash the oligarchy with his tunes of protest and freedom. He’d be the most proficient with a sword, and would use two not because he isn’t strong enough with one, but because he thinks it makes him look cooler (the rest of us will begrudgingly agree that it does).

Finally, my helmsman, Rivas, would be a swarthy, charming ladies man (although he would never hit on the female crew mates) who can steer a ship through any sort of weather. He would use the powers of the Oxy Oxy no Mi to determine changes in water and air pressure, relaying this information to Lola so she could then suss out a course of action for him to follow, and he would also use these abilities to literally take the breath away from opponents as well as romantic conquests (albeit in very different ways). He would never speak about his past, other than a passing allusion to coming from West Blue.

Their bounties would go like this:
Geordie - 2,210,000,000
Lola - 1,674,000,000
Francois - 2,160,000,000
Annika - 3,000,000,000
Morris - 1,389,000,000
Thad - 5,000,000,000 (the Tenryubito desperately want him back due to the destructive knowledge he holds of their inner workings)
Rivas - 2,000,500,000

The Haki scale would look like this:
Falcon - all three types, emphasis on CoC
Geordie - CoA and CoO
Lola - CoO (most proficient in the crew)
Francois - CoA and CoO
Annika - CoC (only uses it subconsciously)
Morris - none, although his skills with medicine and science would be used to create defenses similar to CoA so he could still hang
Thad - CoO
Rivas - CoA

Their defining physical characteristics/clothing:
Falcon - brown curly hair, silver eyes, giant mustache, average height, muscular build without being bulky
Geordie - short red hair, kind green eyes, top-heavy torso, bow legged stance
Lola - wavy blonde hair, wide brown eyes, sleek without being too thin, long legs but shorter torso
Francois - jet black hair, a much skinnier mustache and goatee, scars all over his arms and chest
Annika - light pink hair pulled into two top knots, much taller/wider than everyone else, usually wearing tank top and overalls with a tool belt
Morris - bald on top, short cropped brown hair on the sides, glasses, always wears a white coat over casual outfits
Thad - scraggly blue hair, eyes permanently narrowed from drug usage, slinky arms and legs, wears a T-shirt with a pot leaf
Rivas - dark brown skin, wavy black hair, the most physically toned member of the crew, a long crescent shaped scar from his forehead to his chin

The crew would be on the periphery of the One Piece story, starting a few months after the SHP ascend into the public consciousness. We would hear tales of this great crew while visiting islands they’d previously stopped at, and would be trying to meet them and offer their services. However, the personal entanglements that led many of my nakama to a life of piracy would complicate this pursuit and cause us to fall ever further behind Luffy and friends. We’d still have a great time with each other, and may even find ourselves on the same hallowed ground as our actual protagonists, but ony when they find themselves in the most dire of situations.
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Warning: VERY tl;dr

My crew would be called the Hebrew Hammer Pirates, for reasons that should be contextually obvious. We’d probably be a smaller outfit just like the SHP, and our interactions would be similar - a lot of fucking around with the tacit understanding to get serious when the situation calls for it, everyone would make fun of the others with underlying love and respect, and most importantly, the bonds of friendship would be unbreakable between all of us.

I would be Falcon “The Hebrew Hammer” Greenberg, my real name coming from the animal that forced my parents to get married and have me as well as centuries of unexplored Jewish guilt. The rest of my crew mates will not follow this theme. I would be a very generous captain, asking nothing concrete of my friends, other than their loyalty and camaraderie. I would not let just anyone into the organization; only after they fight for my side in a fierce naval battle, or offer me some really good candy. I would plunder other crews and towns solely to help out the less fortunate (while maybe keeping a cut for my friends and I), and would always seek out justice wherever I go.

My bounty would be 6,942,000,000 Berries, which should also come (hahahahaha) as no surprise. My Devil Fruit would be the Psych Psych no Mi, which would give me the infallible sense of telekinesis with both inorganic (moving objects with my mind, morphing them into different things just by thinking) and organic (reading people’s minds, influencing them to do my bidding). I would not use these powers on my nakama - they can come and go as they please, completely on their own volition. Moreover, since these abilities might be too OP, I would only be able to use them on things/living creatures I could actually see, and only from a close range (about 20 yards or so).

My first mate, Geordie, would be my closest confidant, my partner in metaphorical AND literal crime, and the wacky goofball to my straight man demeanor. He would come from a family of nobles who cast him out after he refused an arranged marriage, and his greatest skill would be his unmatchable speed. He would not have a DF, but would instead be a master of disguise, able to alter his face and clothing (but not his physical body) in a flash. Between this ability to change identities and move around faster than the naked eye can see, he would be a top notch spy and pickpocket.

My navigator, Lola, would be a very quiet but extremely witty person who ate the Laugh Laugh no Mi, which causes debilitating fits of chuckling in her opponents (this would be exacerbated by her incredible but rarely emphasized sense of humor). Her parents would have abandoned her when she was young to pursue a life of piracy, and so she’d raise herself in the woods, barely speaking at all until reintegrating with the human race. Her ultimate goal is to find the mother and father that abandoned her (although at least one would be deceased by the time this happens) and show them that she turned out to be an even better buccaneer than they did.

My cook, Francois, would join after washing ashore of an island we were leaving and immediately challenging us to a fight. He would lose to me handily, but we would both be impressed by the other, me by his usage and expert wielding of the very same knives he uses to create incomparably tasty food. He would join us as protection against the mafia-like group that’s currently hunting him down for unpaid debts, sensing that I am powerful than the boss himself (we would eventually run into this collective and fight for his soul). He would be friendly to everyone, and receive the same kindness even from strangers, which would help us ingratiate ourselves to people when needed.

My shipwright, Annika, would be a boisterous half-giant who was excommunicated from Elbaf when her father stole enough materials to sail across the sea and find the human woman who birthed his daughter (they were originally separated due to political ramifications on the island). She would be fast friends with Geordie, as they would be the loudest/silliest ones, but her size and immense strength would make her an incredibly difficult opponent in a fight. She would use her Grab Grab no Mi abilities to fix any part of the ship with ease; her powers give her an iron grip, allowing her to keep anything close OR keep herself close to anything. Whenever a fight breaks out, she would normally be the first person to jump in.

My doctor, Morris, would be as uptight and irritable as they come. He would be the latest in a long line of world renowned physicians, but even though he genuinely wanted to be a caregiver as a child, he wanted to step out of his older brother’s shadow and become his own man. He would hardly ever crack a smile, but the moment anyone attacked his friends, he’d be joining Annika right at the front lines to defend those he loves. With minimal supplies and supervision, he’d be able to whip up a cure or salve even in the heat of battle, so my crew would gain a reputation as the healthiest seafarers around.

My musician, Thad, would be the stereotypical stoner dude with a secret - he’s a former Celestial Dragon. He would only confide this in me after I try unsuccessfully to recruit him after hearing his songs bring down the house in a seaside bar, and this would lead to a confrontation with his former family members somewhere down the line. He left after learning about the Will of D and becoming inspired to break the repressive shackles of his hoity-toity upbringing, wishing to smash the oligarchy with his tunes of protest and freedom. He’d be the most proficient with a sword, and would use two not because he isn’t strong enough with one, but because he thinks it makes him look cooler (the rest of us will begrudgingly agree that it does).

Finally, my helmsman, Rivas, would be a swarthy, charming ladies man (although he would never hit on the female crew mates) who can steer a ship through any sort of weather. He would use the powers of the Oxy Oxy no Mi to determine changes in water and air pressure, relaying this information to Lola so she could then suss out a course of action for him to follow, and he would also use these abilities to literally take the breath away from opponents as well as romantic conquests (albeit in very different ways). He would never speak about his past, other than a passing allusion to coming from West Blue.

Their bounties would go like this:
Geordie - 2,210,000,000
Lola - 1,674,000,000
Francois - 2,160,000,000
Annika - 3,000,000,000
Morris - 1,389,000,000
Thad - 5,000,000,000 (the Tenryubito desperately want him back due to the destructive knowledge he holds of their inner workings)
Rivas - 2,000,500,000

The Haki scale would look like this:
Falcon - all three types, emphasis on Coc
Geordie - CoA and CoO
Lola - CoO (most proficient in the crew)
Francois - CoA and CoO
Annika - CoC (only uses it subconsciously)
Morris - none, although his skills with medicine and science would be used to create defenses similar to CoA so he could still hang
Thad - CoO
Rivas - CoA

Their defining physical characteristics/clothing:
Falcon - brown curly hair, silver eyes, giant mustache, average height, muscular build without being bulky
Geordie - short red hair, kind green eyes, top-heavy torso, bow legged stance
Lola - wavy blonde hair, wide brown eyes, sleek without being too thin, long legs but shorter torso
Francois - jet black hair, a much skinnier mustache and goatee, scars all over his arms and chest
Annika - light pink hair pulled into two top knots, much taller/wider than everyone else, usually wearing tank top and overalls with a tool belt
Morris - bald on top, short cropped brown hair on the sides, glasses, always wears a white coat over casual outfits
Thad - scraggly blue hair, eyes permanently narrowed from drug usage, slinky arms and legs, wears a T-shirt with a pot leaf
Rivas - dark brown skin, wavy black hair, the most physically toned member of the crew, a long crescent shaped scar from his forehead to his chin

The crew would be on the periphery of the One Piece story, starting a few months after the SHP ascend into the public consciousness. They would hear tales of this great crew whole visiting islands they’d previously stopped at, and would be trying to meet them and offer their services. However, the personal entanglements that led many of my nakama to a life of piracy would complicate this pursuit and cause us to fall ever further behind Luffy and friends. We’d still have a great time with each other, and may even find ourselves on the same hallowed ground as our actual protagonists, but ony when they find themselves in the most dire of situations.
Very good i see you give effort in it and i like it even more bcs of it :),
Thanks, man! Honestly, that was all straight off the dome, I didn’t have any of that prepared before you tagged me. Really helped that you gave an idea of what we should describe in coming up with our new crews, thanks for including me in this! :cheers:
I saw you are interested into creative writing (and world building) so i tagged you, i belive if you gonna create thread you should describe it.. No like:ok i gave name of thread you guys write

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Mine is pretty fan-servicy, and I'm pretty sure it bends a couple of rules, but why not lol.

Archdragon Pirates

The Archdragon Pirates are a Medieval style Pirate Crew composed of Knights and such, made up of characters from the Dark Souls series lol. They have no ship, they each ride into combat on their very own Dragon.


The Nameless King
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Advanced Armament, Observation, Advanced Conqueror's
Bounty: This character is excessively powerful in Dark Souls lore, tough to give him a bounty but I'll go with 5,004,003,569 for mostly arbitrary reasons.

Yes. That’s right bitches. The most metal character to make this list. He rides his legendary Storm Drake (King of the Storms) into battle

Background: He is the Firstborn Son of Gwyn, the First Lord of Cinder and the Great Lord of Lordran. After being dubbed a "God of War" within Gwyn's ranks, he ultimately betrayed his father and ilk for unknown reasons to ally himself with the Dragons, the enemies of Gwyn and his Kingdoms. Because of this, he was stripped of his name and it was wiped from history. He wants to become the Pirate King to save Dragon-Kind from extinction.
Combat Style: He fights by charging his Sword-Spear with Lightning and using it as a Sword/Spear hybrid weapon. He can also summon lightning and throw lightning strikes at his enemies, and he can launch flying slashes with his Sword-Spear. The King of the Storms can also breathe fire and create hurricanes.

Crew Hierarchy:

The Four Knights

Directly beneath the Nameless King, we have the Four Knights, his Commander-esque characters:

Name: Dragon Slayer Ornstein
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Advanced Armament, Advanced Observation
Bounty: 2,064,000,000
Background: He became a famed Knight that protected humanity dutifully. He served the Nameless King loyally before his betrayal, and after Gwyn's death, sought out the Nameless King to find Raftel. He is the most loyal member of the crew.
Combat Style: His famed spearmanship can pierce Dragon's scales which are incredibly durable, and he can launch bolts of lightning from the blade's tip. His lunging attacks are incredibly fast, and he can use them to traverse great distances. He can also become Giant and imbue all of his attacks with a lightning effect:

Name: Hawkeye Gough
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Armament, Advanced Observation
Bounty: 1,896,000,000
Background: He was attacked and mistreated in his youth by those who thought that he was a mindless brute, but became loyal to Gwyn and his men who treated him well. He serves the Nameless King in Gwyn's absence.
Combat Style: He is an Archer, and his Archery is so powerful that he can kill a Dragon in one shot, and thanks to his advanced Observation Haki he rarely misses his mark.

Name: Artorias the Abysswalker
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: All 3 Types: Advanced Armament, Advanced Observation, Conqueror's
Bounty: 3,391,000,000
Background: When the Abyss spread and threatened to destroy humanity, Artorias was sent to slay the Darkwraiths and stop the spread of Darkness. In doing this, his name became legend as he would go on to stop the Abyss. However, in actuality, Artorias actually failed to fully stop the Abyss but would give his life trying, succombing to the Darkness and becoming an Abysswalker. He is resurrected by the Nameless King to serve the Archdragon Pirates.
Combat Style: He is the greatest Great-Sword wielder in the world, and none can match his prowess with the weapon. He is also joined in battle by his loyal Wolf Sif

-Who has a bounty of 500 for being a pet, though rest assured Sif is very strong.

Because of his time in the Abyss, Artorias can also summon the abyss to enhance his combat abilities

Name: Smough the Cannibal
Haki: Advanced Armament and Observation
Devil Fruit: N/A
Bounty: 1,311,000,000
Background: He sought to become one of the Four Knights in his life, but never earned Gwyn's favor because of his cannibalism. However, when he was resurrected by the Nameless King, the King took no issue with his cannibalism but admired his ambition. He is the newest member named among the Four Knights.
Combat Style: A straightforward bruiser with a giant hammer. Extremely powerful. He can also become giant and imbue himself with lightning techniques like Ornstein can.


Beneath the Four Knights we have Warriors and Combatants of all types. At the top of the hierarchy, we have Dragons:

Beneath the Dragons, we have Black Knights, who are capable of slaying Pacifistas in 1v1 Combat.

And Drakes, who are similar to Dragons but much smaller and faster:

And beneath them, we have Silver Knights:

And Serpent Soldiers:

In total, the crew numbers a few thousand. Maybe 3-4,000 at most.

So yeah lol. Like I said, Fan-servicy but fun nonetheless.
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Mine is pretty fan-servicy, and I'm pretty sure it bends a couple of rules, but why not lol.

Archdragon Pirates

The Archdragon Pirates are a Medieval style Pirate Crew composed of Knights and such. They have no ship, they each ride into combat on their very own Dragon.


The Nameless King
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Advanced Armament, Observation, Advanced Conqueror's
Bounty: This character is excessively powerful in Dark Souls lore, tough to give him a bounty but I'll go with 5,004,003,569 for mostly arbitrary reasons.

Yes. That’s right bitches. The most metal character to make this list. He rides his legendary Storm Drake (King of the Storms) into battle

Background: He is the Firstborn Sun of Gwyn, the First Lord of Cinder and the Great Lord of Lordran. After being dubbed a "God of War" within Gwyn's ranks, he ultimately betrayed his father and ilk for unknown reasons to ally himself with the Dragons, the enemies of Gwyn and his Kingdoms. Because of this, he was stripped of his name and it was wiped from history. He wants to become the Pirate King to save Dragon-Kind from extinction.
Combat Style: He fights by charging his Sword-Spear with Lightning and using it as a Sword/Spear hybrid weapon. He can also summon lightning and throw lightning strikes at his enemies, and he can launch flying slashes with his Sword-Spear. The King of the Storms can also breathe fire.

Crew Hierarchy:

The Four Knights

Directly beneath the Nameless King, we have the Four Knights, his Commander-esque characters:

The First Mate

Name: Dragon Slayer Ornstein
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Advanced Armament, Advanced Observation
Bounty: 2,064,000,000
Background: He became a famed Knight that protected humanity dutifully. He served the Nameless King loyally before his betrayal, and after Gwyn's death, sought out the Nameless King to find Raftel. He is the most loyal member of the crew.
Combat Style: His famed spearmanship can pierce Dragon's scales which are incredibly durable, and he can launch bolts of lightning from the blade's tip. His lunching attacks are incredibly fast, and he can use them to traverse great distances. He can also become Giant and imbue all of his attacks with a lightning effect:

Name: Hawkeye Gough
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Armament, Advanced Observation
Bounty: 1,896,000,000
Background: He was attacked and mistreated in his youth by those who thought that he was a mindless brute, but became loyal to Gwyn and his men who treated him well.
Combat Style: He is an Archer, and his Archery is so powerful that he can kill a Dragon in one shot, and thanks to his advanced observation Haki he rarely misses his mark.

Name: Artorias the Abysswalker
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: All 3 Types
Bounty: 3,391,000,000
Background: When the Abyss spread and threatened to destroy humanity, Artorias was sent to slay the Darkwraiths and stop the spread of Darkness. In doing this, his name became legend as he would go on to stop the Abyss. However, in actuality, Artorias actually failed to fully stop the Abyss but would give his life trying, succoming to the Darkness and becoming an Abysswalker. He is resurrected by the Nameless King to serve the Archdragon Pirates.
Combat Style: He is the greatest Great-Sword wielder in the world, and none can match his prowess with the weapon. He is also joined in battle by his loyal Wolf Sif

Because of his time in the Abyss, Artorias can also summon the abyss to enhance his combat abilities

Name: Smough the Cannibal
Haki: Advanced Armament and Observation
Devil Fruit: N/A
Bounty: 1,513,000,000
Background: He sought to become one of the Four Knights in his life, but never earned Gwyn's favor because of his cannibalism. However, when he was resurrected by the Nameless King, the King took no issue with his cannibalism but admired his ambition. He is the newest member named among the Four Knights.
Combat Style: A straightforward bruiser with a giant hammer. Extremely powerful. He can also become giant and imbue himself with lightning techniques like Ornstein can.


Beneath the Four Knights we have Warriors and Combatants of all types. At the top of the hierarchy, we have Dragons:

Beneath the Dragons, we have Black Knights, who are capable of slaying Pacifistas in 1v1 Combat.

And Drakes, who are similar to Dragons but much smaller and faster:

And beneath them, we have Silver Knights:

And Serpent Soldiers:

In total, the crew numbers a few thousand. Maybe 3-4,000 at most.

So yeah lol. Like I said, Fan-servicy but fun nonetheless.
Now this is the true Pirate King crew:finally::finally::finally:
The Panzer-Pirates are military styled Pirate Fleet that controlls mutiple Islands using a rail road system and heavy armed warships to guard to islands from enemies as well as dangerous sea monsters. The Fleet started in the North Blue as the home country of the General was destroyed. He and his surviving subordinates started as Merceneries but later changed to pirates. The crew despises the WG for not helping them, a allied nation, as well as the revolutionary army who started the conflict.

  • Flagship Eisener Adler - Mobile H.Q.
  • 2-Class Ships: Panther (6)
  • 3-Class Ships: Fox (60)
  • Name: Panther Rommel
  • Epithet: The Tactician
  • Race: Human
  • Height: 444 cm
  • Age: 44
  • Bounty: 4.444.000.000 Berry
  • Origin: North Blue
  • DF: Tank-Tank Fruit: A Paramencia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to become a living tank, making the user a Tank Human.
  • Haki: CoC, CoA, CoO
  • Fighting-Style: Panzer-Kampf: CQC which uses Tekkai and CoA to boost deffensive And attack.
  • Weapons: Panzer-Schneider (custome made Bisento), Wasser Gleiter (modified Shooter from Sky Islands to glide on Water)
  • Name: Wilbert Canaris
  • Epithet: Steel Road
  • Race: Human
  • Height: 333 cm
  • Age: 39
  • Bounty: 1.400.000.000 Berry
  • Origin: North Blue
  • DF: Train-Train Fruit: A Paramencia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create rail roads and to drive on them like a train, making the user a Train Human.
  • Haki: CoA, CoO
  • Fighting-Style: Free-Style
  • Weapons: Gattling Guns
  • Name: Tetsu (Kurozumi Raiden)
  • Epithet: Iron Samurai
  • Race: Human / Cyborg
  • Height: 300 cm
  • Age: 56
  • Bounty: Berry
  • Herkunft: Grand Line; Wano
  • DF: -
  • Haki: CoA, CoO
  • Fighting-Style: Nitoryu
  • Weapons: Electric Saw-Katanas Leizi & Raijin
  • Name: Antony Agliata
  • Epithet: Legion
  • Race: Human
  • Height: 269 cm
  • Age: 42
  • Bounty: Berry
  • Origin: Grand Line
  • DF: Army-Army Fruit: A Paramencia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to split in multiple mini versions of themself, which every clone remains the original strenght of the user, making the user a One-Man-Army Human
  • Haki: CoA, CoO
  • Fighting-Style: Free-Style
  • Weapons: Swords, Guns, Spears, Axes, ect.
  • Name: Tyr Wodenson
  • Epithet: Silver Wolf; One Armed Warrior
  • Race: Giant
  • Height: 3535 cm
  • Age: 126
  • Bounty: Berry
  • Origin: Grand Line; Elbaf
  • DF: Dog-Dog Fruit; Ancient Type; Model: Dire Wolf: A Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to become a Dire Wolf and hybrid, making the user a Dire Wolf Human.
  • Haki: CoA, CoO
  • Fighting-Style: Free-Style
  • Weapons: Cyborg Arm (right), Great Sword and Battle Axe
  • Name: Rangriz Wagner
  • Epithet: The Valkyrie
  • Race: Human / Cyborg
  • Height: 190 cm
  • Age: 32
  • Bounty: Berry
  • Origin: North Blue
  • DF: -
  • Haki: CoA, CoO
  • Fighting-Style: Free-Style
  • Weapons: Custome made „Thunder-Spear“, mechanic wings
Commandant / Scientist:
  • Name: Albert Württemberg
  • Epithet: Mad Doctor
  • Race: Human / Cyborg
  • Height: 199 cm
  • Age: 47
  • Bounty: 999.000.000 Berry
  • Origin: North Blue
  • DF: -
  • Haki: CoA, CoO
  • Fighting-Style: Free-Style
  • Weapons: mutiple Gadgets

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Mine is pretty fan-servicy, and I'm pretty sure it bends a couple of rules, but why not lol.

Archdragon Pirates

The Archdragon Pirates are a Medieval style Pirate Crew composed of Knights and such, made up of characters from the Dark Souls series lol. They have no ship, they each ride into combat on their very own Dragon.


The Nameless King
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Advanced Armament, Observation, Advanced Conqueror's
Bounty: This character is excessively powerful in Dark Souls lore, tough to give him a bounty but I'll go with 5,004,003,569 for mostly arbitrary reasons.

Yes. That’s right bitches. The most metal character to make this list. He rides his legendary Storm Drake (King of the Storms) into battle

Background: He is the Firstborn Son of Gwyn, the First Lord of Cinder and the Great Lord of Lordran. After being dubbed a "God of War" within Gwyn's ranks, he ultimately betrayed his father and ilk for unknown reasons to ally himself with the Dragons, the enemies of Gwyn and his Kingdoms. Because of this, he was stripped of his name and it was wiped from history. He wants to become the Pirate King to save Dragon-Kind from extinction.
Combat Style: He fights by charging his Sword-Spear with Lightning and using it as a Sword/Spear hybrid weapon. He can also summon lightning and throw lightning strikes at his enemies, and he can launch flying slashes with his Sword-Spear. The King of the Storms can also breathe fire and create hurricanes.

Crew Hierarchy:

The Four Knights

Directly beneath the Nameless King, we have the Four Knights, his Commander-esque characters:

Name: Dragon Slayer Ornstein
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Advanced Armament, Advanced Observation
Bounty: 2,064,000,000
Background: He became a famed Knight that protected humanity dutifully. He served the Nameless King loyally before his betrayal, and after Gwyn's death, sought out the Nameless King to find Raftel. He is the most loyal member of the crew.
Combat Style: His famed spearmanship can pierce Dragon's scales which are incredibly durable, and he can launch bolts of lightning from the blade's tip. His lunging attacks are incredibly fast, and he can use them to traverse great distances. He can also become Giant and imbue all of his attacks with a lightning effect:

Name: Hawkeye Gough
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: Armament, Advanced Observation
Bounty: 1,896,000,000
Background: He was attacked and mistreated in his youth by those who thought that he was a mindless brute, but became loyal to Gwyn and his men who treated him well. He serves the Nameless King in Gwyn's absence.
Combat Style: He is an Archer, and his Archery is so powerful that he can kill a Dragon in one shot, and thanks to his advanced Observation Haki he rarely misses his mark.

Name: Artorias the Abysswalker
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: All 3 Types: Advanced Armament, Advanced Observation, Conqueror's
Bounty: 3,391,000,000
Background: When the Abyss spread and threatened to destroy humanity, Artorias was sent to slay the Darkwraiths and stop the spread of Darkness. In doing this, his name became legend as he would go on to stop the Abyss. However, in actuality, Artorias actually failed to fully stop the Abyss but would give his life trying, succombing to the Darkness and becoming an Abysswalker. He is resurrected by the Nameless King to serve the Archdragon Pirates.
Combat Style: He is the greatest Great-Sword wielder in the world, and none can match his prowess with the weapon. He is also joined in battle by his loyal Wolf Sif

-Who has a bounty of 500 for being a pet, though rest assured Sif is very strong.

Because of his time in the Abyss, Artorias can also summon the abyss to enhance his combat abilities

Name: Smough the Cannibal
Haki: Advanced Armament and Observation
Devil Fruit: N/A
Bounty: 1,311,000,000
Background: He sought to become one of the Four Knights in his life, but never earned Gwyn's favor because of his cannibalism. However, when he was resurrected by the Nameless King, the King took no issue with his cannibalism but admired his ambition. He is the newest member named among the Four Knights.
Combat Style: A straightforward bruiser with a giant hammer. Extremely powerful. He can also become giant and imbue himself with lightning techniques like Ornstein can.


Beneath the Four Knights we have Warriors and Combatants of all types. At the top of the hierarchy, we have Dragons:

Beneath the Dragons, we have Black Knights, who are capable of slaying Pacifistas in 1v1 Combat.

And Drakes, who are similar to Dragons but much smaller and faster:

And beneath them, we have Silver Knights:

And Serpent Soldiers:

In total, the crew numbers a few thousand. Maybe 3-4,000 at most.

So yeah lol. Like I said, Fan-servicy but fun nonetheless.
@Gehrman @SakazOuki @EmperorKinyagi
[The Boy and Girl Next Door Pirates]


Captain: Azum

A boy obsessed on learning various mystical and forbidden curses. He creates an original curse to change his own form and give himself an ability. In that form, Azum is able to control the mind, will, body and feelings of others. The control is permanent, even when Azum already reverts to human form. The absolute dominion.


Vice-Captain / Wife : Lilianne

Actually not a human. Her actual form is an eldritch devourer of life. Her true form is physically extremely strong, and she can eat any stuff from places, creatures or people, and then create and freely detach organic buds from her body, recreating and controlling the biological replicas of anything or anyone she has eaten previously. Her ability to eat and recreate biological replicas also apply in her human form.


Their have another crew member which is also their ride / pet / castle.

Name: Pi.


Currently Azum and his wife Lilianne are searching for new crew members. They want happy go lucky people like themselves, to join them in their fun pirates life.
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