Criticism/opinion in a healthy way is fine for everyone not just Oda.
Yes, you are right, Oda doesn't care about the fans neither an actor or a football player etc but that's a well known fact. To tell you my truth, it's unbelievably difficult to find people who really care about you, those are more rare than four leaf clovers lol.. Anyway.....
I don't believe anyone would have a problem to read a comment like : I don't like this series anymore so i am dropping it, or this arc was bad for me because of this and that.
But comments like: Oda is a fan serving bitch, the worst mangaka, loda etc is just hate comments and yes this is wrong imo.
Somehow everyone who's badmouthing oda has the freedom of speech and people who say he is a genius or i find wano great for example are sucking loda's dick and have a brain that never matured
