Break Week Criticizing Oda vs Shitting on Oda

Criticism/opinion in a healthy way is fine for everyone not just Oda.
Yes, you are right, Oda doesn't care about the fans neither an actor or a football player etc but that's a well known fact. To tell you my truth, it's unbelievably difficult to find people who really care about you, those are more rare than four leaf clovers lol.. Anyway.....
I don't believe anyone would have a problem to read a comment like : I don't like this series anymore so i am dropping it, or this arc was bad for me because of this and that.
But comments like: Oda is a fan serving bitch, the worst mangaka, loda etc is just hate comments and yes this is wrong imo.
Somehow everyone who's badmouthing oda has the freedom of speech and people who say he is a genius or i find wano great for example are sucking loda's dick and have a brain that never matured :suresure:.
I feel naruto should have continued...that way everyone could choose Naruto over One piece and then oda will have to improve his writing.
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Why do you take it so personal if people insult Oda for? Oda doesn't care about you dude. Also, there is nothing wrong in working at a restaurant. Restaurant workers do a lot more valuable work than drawing a cartoon.
They deliver junk food to the cartoon drawer :endthis:
Let's say Oda has his flaws but it's obvious as hell that most people shitting on him in this forum are closer to illiterates than to what is required to create something of quality. You can tell with ease what people in here would only produce a fifteen years old-level fanfic if they tried to write just by the ideas they share.
Funny but it's because of the people who works for 7,5€ per hour that shueisha can afford to pay that much for Oda. If not single person buy Oda's shit, the latter won't be part anymore of Shueisha, don't forget it..
I'm sorry but objectively Wano has been a terrible arc. From how the fights were handled to how none of Kaido's backstory made it clear why he was so insistent on being in Wano. What Onigashima's original name was? Why Kaido chose to betray Orochi at this time in particular? Why Whitebeard who chose to take on the full might of the marines to save Ace, said nah stuff it after they found out about Oden.How it was categorically false, that Oden was the only one able to beat Kaido when Rayleigh, Scopper and the Roger pirates were willing to help him. How Shukiyaku was revealed to dawdle for 20 years. Why Kid and Law became Luffy cheer leaders. Why Jack lost without a single named attack?! How Big Mom conveniently handled 2 opponents for the SHs! How after hyping this arc for so long, it didn't live up to 1% of the hype.
A guy who earns 7 dolores per hour at MCDONALD'S in the USA has more money than a manager at McDonald's in Brazil.

Minimum wage in the US is like 8 thousand reais in Brazil and the minimum wage in Brazil is 1100 reais. You guys complain with a full belly
I wanna fix this thread cuz I was too drunk last night. Yea Oda will inevitably piss all of us off in the Final Saga, but do we have the right to spew vile filth at him when he finally disappoints us all? He works inhumanly for us to consoom his manga. Reminds me when AoT ended and everyone engaged in collective spergdom towards Isayama.