More information on Dante! Spoilers Ahead
@Light D Lamperouge @Zenos7 @playa4321 @Raft3l @Guan Yu @DizzyBrows @RyumaZoro
So in Chapter 242, we get quite a few pieces of information about Dante. Firstly, we find out that he can take his Devil Power up to 60%
At 50%, he seemingly gains the ability to Warp Space:
Whether or not this is an extension of his Gravity Magic, or whether this is an ability granted to him by his Devil seems unclear to me (thoughts?)
At 60%, he seemingly gains the ability to completely destroy Vanessa's Rouge Spell:
Which is absolutely insane, I didn't think we'd ever see something this utterly overpowered in Black Clover (which is saying something because the Black Clover verse is already overpowered as fuck lol). It's unclear exactly how Dante did this, though again he is using 60% of his Devil Power here.
He also has a spell called Evil God's Pressure Craft, where he can seemingly overly pressurize objects to make them much stronger, in this case he appears to turn a clump of dirt into some kind of Sword:
Which itself is pretty cool lol.
On a note unrelated to Power Levels, I like how Tabata (however you spell his name) is using the Spade Arc to further both Asta and Yuno as characters. The Dark Triad taking over the Spade which should be Yuno's Throne, as well as the fact that all are possessed like Devil's which will seemingly help us better understand the nature of Asta's power, gives this Arc a better sense of direction. We already knew this arc was going to be amazing (and has been thus far), but I'm definitely a huge fan of the idea behind this Arc being Asta and Yuno's growth rather than the side characters like it's been in the past.
At 50%, he seemingly gains the ability to Warp Space:

Whether or not this is an extension of his Gravity Magic, or whether this is an ability granted to him by his Devil seems unclear to me (thoughts?)
At 60%, he seemingly gains the ability to completely destroy Vanessa's Rouge Spell:

Which is absolutely insane, I didn't think we'd ever see something this utterly overpowered in Black Clover (which is saying something because the Black Clover verse is already overpowered as fuck lol). It's unclear exactly how Dante did this, though again he is using 60% of his Devil Power here.
He also has a spell called Evil God's Pressure Craft, where he can seemingly overly pressurize objects to make them much stronger, in this case he appears to turn a clump of dirt into some kind of Sword:

Which itself is pretty cool lol.
On a note unrelated to Power Levels, I like how Tabata (however you spell his name) is using the Spade Arc to further both Asta and Yuno as characters. The Dark Triad taking over the Spade which should be Yuno's Throne, as well as the fact that all are possessed like Devil's which will seemingly help us better understand the nature of Asta's power, gives this Arc a better sense of direction. We already knew this arc was going to be amazing (and has been thus far), but I'm definitely a huge fan of the idea behind this Arc being Asta and Yuno's growth rather than the side characters like it's been in the past.

@Light D Lamperouge @Zenos7 @playa4321 @Raft3l @Guan Yu @DizzyBrows @RyumaZoro

Using 60% and stomping current Asta and his troub just by having his hands in pockets as our Admirals did in MF, love these portrayal for both Dante and Zeno.
Also warping space just easily is also a insane hax ability, seeing Dante at 100% vs either Yami or Julius would be kinda nice.
Overall im totally hyped for the next chapter.