Powers & Abilities Debunking Literally Every Argument Against Ryokugyu’s Black Blade UPDATE: Remembering The Fallen

Does Ryokugyu Have A Black Blade?

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The thing is if he had a Black Blade, Scabbards of all people should've said it and mention it, and yet they didn't. Just like when Kinemon realized Zoro carrying Shusui
1. Why would Scabbards care about black blade?

2. Kinemon didn’tmention Shusui throughout PH. He only mentioned it after 1day of leaving PH

3. Did anyone mention Mihawk’s sword being black before he pulled it out and mentioned it himself?

4. did Mihawk mention Shusui when seeing zoro?
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Well, I did not want to replay because honestly it seemed obvious to me:

If the hypothesis is that the anime did wrong, as we are saying because of this

Then it was just to be expected that other products, based on the anime design, would have been released.

Basically, if Oda did not check the anime, is quite...abusurd (?) to think he should have, and would have, checked some action figure.

They are good though.
Also this isn’t just a random color like the color of a piece of clothing… having a black blade literally is a story point in and of self… wouldn’t Oda make sure they got the right color for this specific story element

this is equivalent to getting like color of Kaido’s dragon form wrong
wouldn’t Oda make sure they got the right color for this specific story element
In theory, but then Oda would have just colored the sword white, as he did with all the other "white" swords of the manga.

Why make it black (and confirm it in volume) if it was an error?

I think we'll discover new times in the manga.

On one hand, Oda could have made a mistake four times including Ryokugyu's presentation; on the other hand, anime could have made a mistake.

We'll see.
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Lmfao thats a way to cope i guess
What cope lol?

Saying he looks good?
The fact that he hasn't used it yet and it's been obscured in every panel so far is even more reason to believe it's special. Nobody that has fought him thus far has forced him to draw his blade. Mere frogs in the well.

Unless you're implying he's trying to make a fashion statement?
The fuck are you even talking about man? Why the fuck would an Admiral that solely relies on his devil fruit EVER be a black blade user over even Fuji? Oda has had EVERY other character with a sword use it more in combat than Greebull. Fucking Luffy is more a swordsman than Greenbull since Oda at least drew him holding a damn sword!

The thing IS a fashion statement for the man and nothing more! He didn't even use it to protect the Celestial Dragons instead of his fruit and we know he is perhaps the most bootlicking of all Marines when it comes to the CDs. What, he didn't use the biggest tool in his arsenal to protect them and kill the Revos why exactly here?

Do his sword moves destroy entire islands if he only unsheathed his blade?


And nothing about this cope explains why a black blade was not noticed by ANY person in Wano or commented upon despite the only other black blade user from the country being a fucking folk hero and deity there. This idea none of the people he fought in Wano would comment upon it is pure stupidity.
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