Denver gave homeless people 1.000 $ a month, after 1 year half of them had housing


This experiment on UBI is one example actually shows that UBIs and minimum wages can be successful if done right and things regarding these often governmental measurements aren't as simple (in a negative way) as many free market proponents and especially Libertarians are suggesting.

Of course there's other examples of minimum wages in particular going terribly wrong like in that one thread about Seattle from Herrera, but i'm posting this to give a different perspective into this controversial topic and how homelessness can be successfully tackled on/reduced and maybe get some discussions about these things that are often proposed and tried to be implementedby Social Democrats and Socialists.


Hustlerversity Graduate

This experiment on UBI is one example actually shows that UBIs and minimum wages can be successful if done right and things regarding these often governmental measurements aren't as simple (in a negative way) as many free market proponents and especially Libertarians are suggesting.

Of course there's other examples of minimum wages in particular going terribly wrong like in that one thread about Seattle from Herrera, but i'm posting this to give a different perspective into this controversial topic and how homelessness can be successfully tackled on/reduced and maybe get some discussions about these things that are often proposed and tried to be implementedby Social Democrats and Socialists.

I've heard in Phillipines that homeless people was given free houses and months later they sold the house and buy drugs..

Some people just want to live in streets.

That's why loan housing is the best approach.

You see someone genuinely trying their best to keep the roof over their head

This experiment on UBI is one example actually shows that UBIs and minimum wages can be successful if done right and things regarding these often governmental measurements aren't as simple (in a negative way) as many free market proponents and especially Libertarians are suggesting.

Of course there's other examples of minimum wages in particular going terribly wrong like in that one thread about Seattle from Herrera, but i'm posting this to give a different perspective into this controversial topic and how homelessness can be successfully tackled on/reduced and maybe get some discussions about these things that are often proposed and tried to be implementedby Social Democrats and Socialists.

Some people just want to live in streets.
No. Some people are just either addicted, either have a neuro divergeance.

Money is not 100% of the solution with people who have difficults situations.

The minimum or universal wage must be followed by social aids and services to help the person fight all the difficult aspect of their lives!
Yeah this ain't happening
Well, we are not really that far from it here in France.

This is not something that is impossible to make and in finality every country on earth will have to do it. These are the only solutions to answer capitalism.

Here in Fr, we need to create a universal weigh, strenghten our social services and change the nature of psychiatrization. If we manage to do all of this, we could help people in the street quite easily. Of course, this can't be done if we don't tax rich people quite heavily. But its a necessity.


Hustlerversity Graduate
Well, we are not really that far from it here in France.

This is not something that is impossible to make and in finality every country on earth will have to do it. These are the only solutions to answer capitalism.

Here in Fr, we need to create a universal weigh, strenghten our social services and change the nature of psychiatrization. If we manage to do all of this, we could help people in the street quite easily. Of course, this can't be done if we don't tax rich people quite heavily. But its a necessity.
Even if you try programs and aids etc it will still be dysfunctional due to incompetency and funding issues

That's why France is still not successful

Well, either way Western governments should really invest big in healthcare and nursing because this will be a big demand in the upcoming decades, due to high percentage of old people and longer lifespan that could go beyond 100 years old

As for the Rich, high taxes really gonna push them away especially considering that they think it will go to old and unproductive people

They are already moving to 3rd worlds young countries, where taxes is no to little as well bribe addicted governments.
Add that the access of unlimited young people energy that's extremely subservients and exploitable.

Only issue is Stability so need to spend more money on security
Even if you try programs and aids etc it will still be dysfunctional due to incompetency and funding issues
Not necessarily

Our social system is quite solid. People are clearly underpaid but the system works. If we redistribute some of the wealth, trust me, there won't be any problems.

That's why France is still not successful
I wouldn't say that the problem of France is economical. I would say that its structural. The institutions give too much power to one person and there is a mediatic influence that only favors the rich.

As for the Rich, high taxes really gonna push them away especially considering that they think it will go to old and unproductive people
Then, we have to prevent them from doing that. Also, nbot all rich people are opportunists.

Only issue is Stability so need to spend more money on security
Security is a false flag, a non existent issue. This is a problem created and nourrished by the mediatic focus on specific informations and reappropriated by the far right.

We don't need more security, we need better informations.
Government shouldn't baby-people tbh

Spoon-feeding mentality will just create a generation that's over reliant on state and entitlement
This being totally ignorant of the sociological structure of society to think that because we increase helps, people are "spoon-feed".

Let me be very clear. You and I are babies. We are nothing but simple babies who are being influenced and educated by our environment.

Will, merit, those are mythical concepts. They do not exist in real life. Will is the result of thousands of little connections in your brain and merit is a social label put on some who had better chances than another.

Put two twin babies together in different "reality rooms",
- Give baby A a meritocratic education, all the social helps and education they need, feed them various philosophies, scientific knowledge both social and natural, make them understand history and the political nature of our world, make them learn about the inequality realities of the world and give they unlimited access to ressources and wealth.

- Give baby B a meritocratic education, give them just enough to survive on their own but don't give them any social helps and no basic educations. Then, feed them with the same reactionnary every day.

At the age of 30 let them have a talk. You will find out that baby A is happy and rich and Baby B sad a poor. In fact, while there is a chance that Baby A will have rejected his meritocratic education and found a way to do without the social aids you gave them, you will find out that Baby B will most likely be a billionnaire lover.

The point is : Social services are not here to baby sits you, they are here because they are your human rights. This is not something to transform you into a assisted loser, they are here because without that you will not manage to rise because you will not being able to do Sh*t against the power of capitalism.

Say goodbye to your willpower. Against capitalism, its useless. Its time to accept the help of others.