Powers & Abilities Diable Jambe Works More Like a Devil Fruit

A quick difference between Sanji and all other fire users....


Flames surround his arm as they're an after-effect of G2/Haki/streching

Has fire come from a technique. His flames could very well be an imagery thing like flower petals and other such things swordsman do


Sets herself alight with a lighter

I won't go into depth all flame users. But as you can see....they all create flames in different ways. Whether it be a technique, a weapon after-effect, or just plainly setting yourself alight. They always have ways to esxplain them. Then you have Sanji.....

Who bursts into flames at whim

And no DJ is not due to friction. Sanji has only spun once in his life. Friction was never ever stated by Oda or was ever in the manga.

And no suprise here but Sanji's flames look the most like how a DF users flames would look.

As you can see, the flames are clearly coming out of his body, and not surrounding it like these fake flame users. His flames come out exactly how the Mera Fruit users do....

And it's clear as day why Sanji is like this:

- Sanji's father worked with the esteemed DF expert Vegapunk
- Vegapunk could extract the Lineage Factor of DFs
- Sanji's Lineage Factor was messed around with when he was a fetus ( Sora's Drug/Judge's Modifications).

other hints
D: Do all Devil Fruit have that swirly pattern on them?

O: That's right. It's what distinguishes them from other fruit. Sometimes I wonder if Sanji himself is a Devil Fruit.

I really don't like it when people compare Sanji's flames to other flame users. His flames aren't tricks he does. It's highly likely to be a fully fledged DF ability.
Yh his flames comes from his body just like his brothers/sister power, I'll bet his lineage factor still isnt bloom yet boof his mother drug it's most likely suppress,
I take the dub here. Queen knows that Sanji dont have the Mera fruit and he can see that his ability isnt like any fake fire user. Thats why he thought he was Lunarian or a Cyborg straight away lol:gokulaugh:
I take the dub here. Queen knows that Sanji dont have the Mera fruit and he can see that his ability isnt like any fake fire user. Thats why he thought he was Lunarian or a Cyborg straight away lol:gokulaugh:
Unironically sanji has alot of parallels with a mera user as well... Ace.

-Both got dad issues

-generate flames

-Sacrifice themselves for luffy and their foster fathers

-have foster fathers and bowed to them

- Sanji gets a Slamander Coverpage wearing hats resembling that of ace's does.. and salamander is lore for a fire breathing creature (BC lol)

google search:
The salamander represents immortality, rebirth, passion, and the ability to withstand flames.

-And recently we have both Shokugeki no Sanji and Ace Novels coming out together at the 100 volumes landmark..

-Funnily we had Fire vs Smoke all over again in Stampede (Sanji vs Smoker)
Why would Judge give him fire powers when he was supposed to be Stealth Black the perfect infiltrator ? Also, Ichiji already had the fire/laser powers covered.
Whoever said Judge gave him DJ
Post automatically merged:

Unironically sanji has alot of parallels with a mera user as well... Ace.

-Both got dad issues

-generate flames

-Sacrifice themselves for luffy and their foster fathers

-have foster fathers and bowed to them

- Sanji gets a Slamander Coverpage wearing hats resembling that of ace's does.. and salamander is lore for a fire breathing creature (BC lol)

google search:
The salamander represents immortality, rebirth, passion, and the ability to withstand flames.

-And recently we have both Shokugeki no Sanji and Ace Novels coming out together at the 100 volumes landmark..

-Funnily we had Fire vs Smoke all over again in Stampede (Sanji vs Smoker)
Werent you in the DJ = Friction club:sus:
Well fire is still fire, Sanji getting his flames from his body doesnt mean he has the strongest flames.

Sanji has fire, while Red Hawk creates it by the speed, so the attack iself with no fire is very fast and strong, add the fire and it is much stronger.