General & Others Did Oda retcon the classes of Devil fruits?

Is it a retcon?

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This forum is retarded.
Let's wait for the official translations. Or did anyone analyse the source material wording for this?
I don't think this is a retcon. There can be two on top.
For high tiers, where haki is so strong that many devil powers are useless, it goes:
Mythical zoan -> zoan -> logia -> paramecia

I think zoans have an advantage for high tiers, because they enhance physical abilities whereas paramecia and logia may just be worthless any good haki. Mythical zoan is essential zoan + paramecia.

For low tiers it goes Logia -mythical zoan - paramecia - zoan because you cant beat logia without haki
This is just an opinion of a 13 year old girl, just like it was an opinion that dude and Laki that Logia are the strongest Devil Fruits.

Laki: ...I'll stop Wiper!!
Just wait here!!
I'll take Aisa's bag along with me!!
{Kamakiri was so strong...!! And now his spirit is broken...!!!
The "Goro Goro Fruit"...!!! The most powerful kind of Devil Fruit, the "Logia" (Nature) family, and Ener's one of them!!!}

Oda does not want to establish clear hierarchy, but to me, it seems like Logia are strongest on average, which does not make them inherently superior to Mythical Zoans and even a few Paramecias.

Let's wait for the official translations. Or did anyone analyse the source material wording for this?
I don't think this is a retcon. There can be two on top.
Three different translations already stated the same thing, doubt they are all wrong.
I think awakening is the answer. In my opinion when some devil fruits awaken, they have the ability to actually change classes. Look at Katakuri's devil fruit. It's classified as a special paramecia, but it functions like a Logia. I think someone like Mr. 3s devil fruit would do the same thing if he awakened it. Instead of just producing wax, he will be able to actually become wax.

I made a theory along time ago on OJ, that Logias can become Zoans, Zoans become Paramecias and Paramecias become Logia. It was more in depth, but you get the gist of it.
Did he retcon the classes or is it a mistake?

Tbh considering how they still haven't been able to decipher the logia,it doesn't make sense. Not too many chapters have passed since Vegapunk told us that.

Unless somehow in the series timeline in the past they thought Mythical zoans are the strongest because they are the rarest. It doesn't make sense how he is flip flopping.

Did Oda decide to change his tune because he is going to introduce more and more enemies with Mythicals? It certainly seem that way .

He opened the can of worms with the mythical of Luffy,so he thought he will have more freedom in the powers of Mythical Zoans .
In comparison there aren't a lot of powers to explore in Logia.
Doffy's cheer boys was trying to cheer up enent, nothing less, just to make it BIGger.
But I remember that myphical zoan was hyped in Marinford as rarest fruit.
But Myphical Zoan is still zoan, so when you compare any Zoan to any Logia fruit it's obvious that Logia will be better.
it has always been mythical zoans > logias

kizaru stated mythical zoans are rarer than logia types at marineford
u also have fleet admiral sengoku who should be > admirals ( logia trio ) have a mythical zoan

now we have kaido ( the guy known as strongest creature ) and luffy ( the mc ) be mythical zoans too
the most important guy is luffy here
oda wont make his golden boy not have the best type of devil fruit
nika df has insane portrayal over magu magu or any other logia fruit

now we can see that even people at the top of the world possess mythical zoans and NOT LOGIA

mythical zoans simply have better portrayal than logias
the deeper we are going into the story (the higher we are climbing the powerscaling ladder )
the more we bump into mythical zoan users
logia also has really good portrayal of being one of the strongest devil fruit types but mythical zoan is simply the STRONGEST

Sasaki Kojirō

Oda was criticizing Gege for wanting to see a protagonist more loved by the author... This demonstrates Oda's nature towards Luffy, so him retelling and saying that the mythical Zoan is the most powerful class doesn't sound surprising at all, he just wants to exalt Luffy and Kaidou and possibly Imu.
Oda was criticizing Gege for wanting to see a protagonist more loved by the author... This demonstrates Oda's nature towards Luffy, so him retelling and saying that the mythical Zoan is the most powerful class doesn't sound surprising at all, he just wants to exalt Luffy and Kaidou and possibly Imu.
Have you ever made a comment that wasn't an attempt (whether direct or indirect) to wank Kaido?