He defeated crocodile!!
Bounty dont mean much but hear me out. Which YC had the lowest bounty? Ace his bounty was 550 mil but i think he became yc because of potential he had and the position was open.
So who is next? Sweet commander snack he is 600 mil. Now what was crocodile's bounty after being striped off his WL title? Definitely not 1.950 bil cause he probably earned it later. But even half of that would give him yc level.
Most former WL after being striped off their title had bounties in 1 bil except for maybe jinbe.
So a former wl after being striped has yc level bounty. That means if crocodile was striped his title in alabaska he could have been 450 mil like jinbe or 1.656 bil like boa hank
Bounty dont mean much but hear me out. Which YC had the lowest bounty? Ace his bounty was 550 mil but i think he became yc because of potential he had and the position was open.
So who is next? Sweet commander snack he is 600 mil. Now what was crocodile's bounty after being striped off his WL title? Definitely not 1.950 bil cause he probably earned it later. But even half of that would give him yc level.
Most former WL after being striped off their title had bounties in 1 bil except for maybe jinbe.
So a former wl after being striped has yc level bounty. That means if crocodile was striped his title in alabaska he could have been 450 mil like jinbe or 1.656 bil like boa hank